
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?

author:Elegant white cloud fL
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?
The oldest people in the provinces of China, someone has finally sorted it out, how old is the oldest in your province?

On an ordinary weekend afternoon, I sat in front of my computer and stumbled upon a webpage about "the oldest people in China's provinces." The page is densely packed with the names, ages, and short descriptions of each province and its corresponding longest-lived person. I swiped my mouse curiously, looking for the name of my hometown.

"Found it!" I cried out excitedly, my eyes fixed on the column of "XX Province". It reads: "Grandma Li, 108 years old, is still in good spirits and insists on walking every day. ”

I couldn't help but fall into deep thought, Grandma Li? The name may seem familiar. My mind began to recall the stories I had heard in my hometown about the longevity of the elderly.

"You know what? There is a Grandma Li in our village, and she is a legend. "Uncle Wang, the neighbor, always likes to start his story like this.

"Oh? How is she legendary? I asked curiously.

"She, she has been a diligent person since she was a child, and she is well organized at home and outside. After marrying into our village, she worked hard with her husband to build a prosperous family. Later, her husband left, and she raised the children alone, and they all came out. When Uncle Wang talked about Grandma Li, his eyes were full of admiration.

"Is she still alive now?" I asked.

"Yes, not only are you alive, but you're alive and well! I insist on walking every day, cooking and washing my own clothes, and I don't lose to young people at all. Uncle Wang said with a smile.

When I think back to these past events, a warm current wells up in my heart. I decided that I wanted to visit the legendary Grandma Li in person.

Over the weekend, I stepped on the train back to my hometown. Along the way, I looked out the window at the scenery and my heart was full of anticipation. Finally, the train arrived at the station, and I couldn't wait to take a taxi to Grandma Li's house.

Walking into Grandma Li's house, a warm breath came to my face. I saw Grandma Li sitting in the courtyard basking in the sun, holding a thread-bound book in her hand, reading it with relish. I walked over softly and said hello: "Hello Grandma Li!" ”

Grandma Li raised her head and saw me, with a warm smile on her face: "Yo, isn't this Xiao Ming?" How did you come back when you were free? ”

"Yes, Grandma Li, I'm coming back to see you." I replied with a smile.

"Good boy, sit down." Grandma Li beckoned me to sit down and began to ask how I was doing. We talked speculatively, as if years had not changed our intimacy.

In the process of chatting, I learned some interesting things about Grandma Li's life. She told me that she insists on getting up early every day to exercise, and enjoys reading, listening to music, and raising flowers. She also told me that her greatest wish is that her family is healthy and safe, and that she can live a few more years to see how the world changes.

Listening to Grandma Li's words, I couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. Although she has experienced many ups and downs in her life, she has always maintained an optimistic attitude and love for life. This spirit makes me deeply admire and makes me cherish my life even more.

After saying goodbye to Grandma Li, I walked along the country road, and my heart was full of emotion. I think this is the charm of the years, which makes us cherish every moment of life more after experiencing the wind and rain, and also allows us to leave our own mark in the long river of years.

When I returned to the city, I told my friends and colleagues about my visit to Grandma Li. They were all touched by Grandma Li's story and said that they would cherish their lives more and strive to pursue their dreams.

In the process, I also gained a lot of insights not only about life, but also about the true meaning of life. I have learned that no matter where we are, no matter what we go through, we must maintain an optimistic attitude and love for life, so that we can leave our own wonderful stories in the long river of years like Grandma Li.

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