
I couldn't laugh anymore, and the woman turned out Swarovski and said that she regretted not buying gold, but I died laughing in the comment area

author:Kung Fu wow wow cub
I couldn't laugh anymore, and the woman turned out Swarovski and said that she regretted not buying gold, but I died laughing in the comment area

Text/Yide Chuangwen

Editor/Kung Fu Wow Wow Cub


Pandora, Swarovski used to be a dream machine for young girls, and now light luxury jewelry seems to have fallen out of favor overnight


The video is from Poster News

On May 18, according to the Qianjiang Evening News, Miss Li, a white-collar worker in Hangzhou, showed off a large number of her Swarovski and Pandora accessories, saying that these once-popular luxury brands have now fallen out of favor.

I couldn't laugh anymore, and the woman turned out Swarovski and said that she regretted not buying gold, but I died laughing in the comment area

Originated from the Internet

She said that her collection includes limited panda models and the heart of the ocean, which was popular back then, but now these artificial crystals have no value at all, and no one wants to recycle them.

I couldn't laugh anymore, and the woman turned out Swarovski and said that she regretted not buying gold, but I died laughing in the comment area

Originated from the Internet

Miss Li sighed, it was really "the tears of the times", and said that if she bought a gold crown back then, it would be worth a lot now. She also said that she hadn't bought these brands for many years, and what used to be popular is no longer popular.

I couldn't laugh anymore, and the woman turned out Swarovski and said that she regretted not buying gold, but I died laughing in the comment area

Originated from the Internet

In fact, not only Miss Li, but many people have found that the stores of these light luxury jewelry brands are crowded.

Everyone in the comment area actively spoke, each with their own choices, and it seems that everyone has their own opinions and reasons.

The 5,000-year-old Pandora doesn't say that others think it was bought in a binary store

I couldn't laugh anymore, and the woman turned out Swarovski and said that she regretted not buying gold, but I died laughing in the comment area

Swarovski's swan necklace, ladies and gentlemen, is now embroidered into a pile of scrap iron

I couldn't laugh anymore, and the woman turned out Swarovski and said that she regretted not buying gold, but I died laughing in the comment area

Netizen: I only have gold, I can't look down on platinum and diamonds, even if it's expensive, let alone these

If she had bought a Swarovski telescope, she might have been able to sell it at a higher price now, but unfortunately she didn't understand

I couldn't laugh anymore, and the woman turned out Swarovski and said that she regretted not buying gold, but I died laughing in the comment area

I've always felt that these two brands are very dirty, especially the Swarovski swan necklace that exploded

I couldn't laugh anymore, and the woman turned out Swarovski and said that she regretted not buying gold, but I died laughing in the comment area

Netizen: Plus one, especially Pandora, so I don't want others to send me at that time

Some people remember the 800 a popular hairdressing clip

I couldn't laugh anymore, and the woman turned out Swarovski and said that she regretted not buying gold, but I died laughing in the comment area

Swarovski and Pandora, once luxury giants, relied on high-end counter experience and various marketing methods to maintain the image of "high-end jewelry", but now as consumers pay more attention to cost performance and product quality, these brands have gradually lost their halo.

Wow wow cub view

She said that these once-popular affordable luxury brands have now fallen out of favor, put them in a pile at home, and no one wants to recycle them. I also regretted that I didn't buy a gold crown at that time, saying that gold is worth more now, which is simply "the tears of the times".

This passage actually reflects the voices of many people. Once upon a time, these luxury jewelry brands were every young girl's dream, but now they have come to an end.

In fact, when it comes to affordable luxury brands, Swarovski and Pandora were once all the rage in China, relying on the high-end counter experience and endless marketing methods, successfully attracting a large number of young women.

I remember back then, anyone who didn't have a Swarovski crystal or a Pandora's bracelet in their hands was simply embarrassed to go out and party with their girlfriends.

Unfortunately, the good times were short-lived, and as time went on, everyone's enthusiasm for these brands gradually cooled. Looking at it now, those "treasures" that were bought at a high price back then were really "ugly and expensive and still not worth it".

On the one hand, this reflects a change in consumers' consumption attitudes. Today's consumers pay more and more attention to cost performance and product quality, and no longer blindly pursue brand effect.

Younger generations, in particular, are more willing to spend money on things that have real value and retain their value for a long time, such as traditional jewelry such as gold and diamonds, rather than artificial crystals that look sparkling but have no real value.

On the other hand, it is also related to the marketing strategy of the brand itself. Swarovski and Pandora once relied on wave after wave of marketing campaigns to package themselves as synonymous with "high-end jewelry".

But in fact, their products do not have too high technical content and value retention. As consumers become aware of this, they will no longer buy it.

I remember that back then, Swarovski captured the hearts of many girls with shining artificial crystals. Every time I go shopping and see its counter, I can't help but stop and admire it, and even empty my wallet to buy one or two.

Pandora's magic box is the same, with a dazzling array of small charms, which makes people love it, and always wants to buy a few more to make a unique bracelet. However, now that I think about it, those impulsive purchases at the beginning were really a bit "not worth it".

Some time ago, I sorted out my things, and I also found some Swarovski jewelry that I bought back then, which have long lost their original brilliance. Those little crystals that I used to be proud of now look like a pile of glass shards with no real value.

I wanted to recycle it for some money, but I found that no one wanted to accept it. In contrast, the gold jewelry that my friend bought back then not only retains its value, but also becomes more valuable with the rise in gold prices. This contrast is really a little sour in my heart.

Of course, the consumer goods market is like this, with the ebb and flow of some companies, and the joy of a few and the sorrow of others. After the craze of the year has passed, a new trend will arise again.

We can't blame brands for falling out of favor, after all, they have brought us a lot of good memories in the past. It's just that, as consumers, we also need to learn something from this.

Buying things still depends on the cost performance and actual value, and you can't blindly pursue the brand effect. Like nowadays a lot of people are starting to buy gold, diamonds, etc., as a store of value, instead of things that look shiny but have no real value.

This can not only satisfy our consumption desires, but also ensure the preservation and appreciation of assets.

Don't get carried away by the fads of the moment, it's important to consume responsibly. It's like when we went after Swarovski and Pandora, only to find out that they weren't worth that much.

Now, in the face of an endless stream of emerging brands and products, we should keep a clear head and rationally judge their actual value, rather than blindly following the trend.

Learn to enjoy the joy of consumption, but don't let it become a burden. Buying things is to make yourself happy, but if you spend more money than you can afford to pursue brands and trends, it will be more than worth the loss.

After all, there are many beautiful things in life that are worth pursuing and enjoying.

I hope that while enjoying the fun of consumption, you can also remain rational and choose those things that are truly valuable and can bring long-term happiness. After all, life is not only about the glamorous on the surface, but also about the fulfillment and satisfaction of the heart.



Editor's note: The comments of netizens in the article reflect the diverse voices and opinions of society, but do not represent the position of this article

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I couldn't laugh anymore, and the woman turned out Swarovski and said that she regretted not buying gold, but I died laughing in the comment area

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