
The price of gold reached 740 yuan/gram, and the price of gold stores set a new record, and the price of gold jewellery rose by 12 yuan overnight

author:Kung Fu wow wow cub
The price of gold reached 740 yuan/gram, and the price of gold stores set a new record, and the price of gold jewellery rose by 12 yuan overnight

Text/Yide Chuangwen

Editor/Kung Fu Wow Wow Cub


The retail price of domestic brand gold rose by 12 yuan per gram overnight, and the price of silver also soared to an 11-year high


The video comes from Qilu Evening News Sure Video

On the morning of May 18, the retail price of domestic brand gold rose by up to 12 yuan per gram overnight, and the listing price of many gold stores once again set a new record.

The price of gold reached 740 yuan/gram, and the price of gold stores set a new record, and the price of gold jewellery rose by 12 yuan overnight

Originated from the Internet

Now the gold price of Chow Sang Sang has risen to 740 yuan/gram, and the listing price of Chow Tai Fook, Mancaron, Chao Hongji and other brands has also reached a new high of 739 yuan/gram.

The price of gold reached 740 yuan/gram, and the price of gold stores set a new record, and the price of gold jewellery rose by 12 yuan overnight

Originated from the Internet

On the evening of the 17th, international gold futures and spot prices strengthened, and silver performed more strongly. According to the data, the COMEX silver futures price rose 6.36% in a single day to $31.775 per ounce, hitting an 11-year high.

The price of gold reached 740 yuan/gram, and the price of gold stores set a new record, and the price of gold jewellery rose by 12 yuan overnight

Originated from the Internet

The spot price of silver in London also rose to $31.49 an ounce, a one-day increase of 6.60%.

Seeing this topic, a wave of heated discussions was set off on social platforms, and many netizens left their opinions.

Do you remember, the early stage of the mysterious recovery was also the rise in the price of gold

The price of gold reached 740 yuan/gram, and the price of gold stores set a new record, and the price of gold jewellery rose by 12 yuan overnight

If you don't understand, what does the rise in gold price mean?

The price of gold reached 740 yuan/gram, and the price of gold stores set a new record, and the price of gold jewellery rose by 12 yuan overnight

Netizen: When the war comes, the RMB is useless, and gold will always be hard currency

At this time, those who are willing to buy you gold are true love

The price of gold reached 740 yuan/gram, and the price of gold stores set a new record, and the price of gold jewellery rose by 12 yuan overnight

If you want to buy 5 gold for an engagement, you can do it

The price of gold reached 740 yuan/gram, and the price of gold stores set a new record, and the price of gold jewellery rose by 12 yuan overnight

Netizen: Buy gold bars, play jewelry, gold bars are cheaper, play jewelry, and public funds are cheaper

The price of gold exploded and a gold necklace was lost

The price of gold reached 740 yuan/gram, and the price of gold stores set a new record, and the price of gold jewellery rose by 12 yuan overnight

Wow wow cub view

Recently, I saw the news that the retail price of domestic brand gold skyrocketed overnight on May 18, which is really emotional.

Gold rose by up to 12 yuan per gram, and the listing price of Zhou Shengsheng reached 740 yuan/gram, followed by Chow Tai Fook, Mancaron, and Chao Hongji, with a new high of 739 yuan/gram.

It's really big news, and netizens have also exploded on social media, discussing the reasons for this price increase and the future trend.

Behind the surge in gold prices, it is inseparable from the changes in the international market. On the evening of the 17th, international gold futures and spot prices both strengthened, especially the performance of silver was more eye-catching.

COMEX silver futures rose 6.36% in a single day to $31.775 an ounce, hitting an 11-year high; The spot price of silver in London also rose to $31.49 an ounce, up 6.60% in a single day.

The strong performance of the international market directly led to the rise in domestic gold and silver prices. When I saw this news, my first reaction was whether it was time to sell the gold in hand.

Anyone who invests in gold knows that gold, as a safe-haven asset, usually moves higher in times of international tensions and high inflation expectations.

With such a high price now, it is indeed a good opportunity to monetize. However, on second thought, the value preservation attribute of gold is also difficult to replace by other investment varieties, and it is likely to continue to rise in the future.

This makes people wonder, should they sell and lock in profits, or continue to hold and wait for a higher price?

There are many factors behind this rally in gold and silver prices. In the international market, the recent global economic and political instability and rising inflation expectations are important reasons for the rise in gold prices.

Coupled with the strong performance of the international gold price, it directly drove the domestic market to follow up. This also allows us to see that the wind and grass in the international market will have a huge impact on the domestic market.

However, there are also many people who have raised a practical problem: the price of gold is so high, for ordinary consumers, it may reduce the willingness to buy jewelry.

After all, the price of gold jewelry has exceeded many people's psychological expectations. In the past, I thought it was a good investment to buy a gold ring or necklace, but now the price is so high, it may not be able to appreciate after buying it.

Speaking of which, I have to mention silver. Silver has been a stronger performer than gold, with prices hitting an 11-year high. The 6.60% increase in a single day is really amazing.

Silver is also a great option for people who like to invest in precious metals. Although the price fluctuates greatly, it is also quite powerful to rise.

The price of gold and silver has skyrocketed this time, which is really eye-catching. For investors, this is an opportunity to watch; For consumers, it may be necessary to carefully consider whether to buy gold jewelry at this time.

In any case, the international market factors behind this price increase deserve our further attention and consideration.

The future of the market is uncertain, and investing in precious metals requires careful decision-making. It is important to see the value preservation function of gold and silver, but also to take into account the volatility of the market.

I hope that everyone can make rational judgments when investing, do not blindly follow the trend, and make the most suitable choice for themselves.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market. I hope that every investor can make some gains in this wave of market, but don't forget to diversify your investment and avoid risks. I wish you all a smooth investment and a lot of money!

#金价达740元/gram Prices set new records in stores#


Editor's note: The comments of netizens in the article reflect the diverse voices and opinions of society, but do not represent the position of this article

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The price of gold reached 740 yuan/gram, and the price of gold stores set a new record, and the price of gold jewellery rose by 12 yuan overnight