
Doctors remind: 3 types of "cancer" are not fatal, not terminal, and curable!

author:Dr. Xiaoting

On an ordinary afternoon, Aunt Zhang sat on a bench in the hospital, clutching the test report in her hand. A few hours ago, she was agonizing over what to do for dinner, but now she was distracted by the word "cancer."

Cancer, in the hearts of many people, is like an insurmountable chasm, once diagnosed, it means despair.

However, the doctor gave her an unexpected comfort: "Aunt Zhang, you must know that some cancers are not invincible, such as thyroid cancer and breast cancer, and they have a very high cure rate when detected early. ”

This sentence is like a ray of sunshine, penetrating the haze in Aunt Zhang's heart.

Doctors remind: 3 types of "cancer" are not fatal, not terminal, and curable!

1. Thyroid cancer: why is it called "lazy cancer"

When it comes to thyroid cancer, many doctors will describe it as "lazy cancer". Why? The reason for this is that thyroid cancer grows as slowly as a lazy guy and spreads at a much less rapid pace than other cancers.

This property gives patients and doctors more time to cope and treat.

According to statistics, the five-year survival rate of thyroid cancer is as high as more than 90%, and if it is a cancer confined to the thyroid gland, this number can reach almost 100%.

Doctors remind: 3 types of "cancer" are not fatal, not terminal, and curable!

This means that the vast majority of thyroid cancer patients are able to regain a healthy life through surgery, iodine-131 treatment and other methods.

However, this does not mean that thyroid cancer should be taken lightly. Early detection remains key. Because it's "lazy", it's easy to overlook it in the early stages, and by the time it's discovered, you've probably missed the best time for treatment.

Therefore, regular medical check-ups, especially for people with a family history, are very necessary.

Doctors remind: 3 types of "cancer" are not fatal, not terminal, and curable!

2. Breast cancer: the importance of early detection

When it comes to breast cancer, many female friends may feel scared. Indeed, breast cancer has always been the "number one public enemy" that threatens women's health.

However, with the advancement of medical technology, breast cancer is no longer an invincible monster. The key is "early detection".

The five-year survival rate for early-stage breast cancer can reach more than 90%. This data is enough to show that early detection and treatment are essential to improve the survival rate of breast cancer patients.

Early-stage breast cancer can usually be surgically removed, combined with radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy and other methods, which greatly improves the cure rate.

Doctors remind: 3 types of "cancer" are not fatal, not terminal, and curable!

So, how can early detection be achieved? Regular breast exams are key. It is very necessary, whether it is a self-examination or an examination through a professional medical institution. In addition, women with a family history of breast cancer should be more vigilant and have regular and more detailed examinations.

In the treatment of these two types of cancer, we can see that early detection and aggressive treatment are the key factors to improve the cure rate.

And the basis of all this is the correct understanding of cancer and the importance of health. Cancer is no longer an insurmountable chasm, the key lies in how we face it.

Doctors remind: 3 types of "cancer" are not fatal, not terminal, and curable!

3. Testicular cancer: a hope for young men

Testicular cancer is not a high incidence of cancer in men, but it mainly affects young men, especially those between the ages of 20 and 39.

Nevertheless, the results of testicular cancer treatment are quite encouraging. According to medical research data, the cure rate for early-stage testicular cancer is more than 95%, and for pure seminoma, a specific type of testicular cancer, the cure rate is even close to 100%.

Such a high cure rate is due to a number of factors. First, testicular cancer is more sensitive to chemotherapy and radiation than other types of cancer.

Doctors remind: 3 types of "cancer" are not fatal, not terminal, and curable!

Secondly, modern medicine has developed a well-established treatment strategy for testicular cancer, including surgical removal of the tumor, adjuvant radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

In addition, the monitoring technology of modern medicine has also made it possible to detect testicular cancer early, and early detection is the key to improving the cure rate.

However, this does not mean that testicular cancer can be taken lightly. Early diagnosis and treatment remain key to improving survival.

Therefore, doctors recommend that young men should learn to self-examine and seek medical attention as soon as they notice abnormalities such as lumps or persistent pain. With such self-monitoring and timely medical intervention, it is entirely possible that testicular cancer can be defeated.

Doctors remind: 3 types of "cancer" are not fatal, not terminal, and curable!

4. Advances in cancer treatment: a comprehensive application of multiple approaches

In the field of cancer treatment, significant progress has been made in recent years, especially in improving patient survival and quality of life. Modern medicine no longer relies on a single treatment, but rather a comprehensive treatment strategy with multiple means to achieve the best treatment results.

Surgery is the most straightforward method of cancer treatment and aims to remove the cancer tissue and reduce the burden on the tumor. Radiation therapy uses high-energy radiation to destroy the DNA of cancer cells, preventing them from dividing and growing.

Chemotherapy uses drugs to intervene in the growth cycle of cancer cells, disrupting their ability to reproduce. In addition, emerging treatments, such as targeted therapy and immunotherapy, provide more precise targets for specific molecular or immune properties of cancer cells.

Doctors remind: 3 types of "cancer" are not fatal, not terminal, and curable!

The advantage of targeted therapy is its ability to target specific mutations or abnormally expressed proteins in cancer cells, thereby inhibiting tumor growth while minimizing the impact on normal cells.

Immunotherapy, on the other hand, is a method that uses a patient's own immune system to identify and attack cancer cells, and this treatment can sometimes lead to long-term control or even cure cancer.

These advancements in treatments have not only improved treatment outcomes, but also significantly reduced side effects, allowing patients to maintain a better quality of life while receiving treatment.

Doctors remind: 3 types of "cancer" are not fatal, not terminal, and curable!

Of course, each treatment has its indications and limitations, and doctors will develop a personalized treatment plan based on the specific situation of the patient.

With the help of these treatments, some cancers that were once thought to be terminal diseases now have more hope. Patients will not only be able to expect a longer survival time, but may even recover completely.

These advances are proof that our ability to fight cancer is growing as science evolves.

Doctors remind: 3 types of "cancer" are not fatal, not terminal, and curable!

5. The importance of regular medical check-ups: prevention is better than cure

In the battle against cancer, prevention and early detection are undoubtedly the most effective weapons. Regular check-ups can help people detect cancer when it's still in its early stages, which can greatly improve the success rate of treatment. For many types of cancer, early detection is almost the same as cure.

For example, breast and cervical cancer can be detected when asymptomatic through regular screening, and with appropriate treatment, the survival rate of patients is extremely high.

Therefore, medical experts strongly recommend that especially high-risk groups, such as those with a family genetic history, follow the doctor's advice for regular special medical check-ups.

Doctors remind: 3 types of "cancer" are not fatal, not terminal, and curable!

In addition to special screening, a comprehensive physical examination should not be neglected. A comprehensive physical exam can detect a variety of underlying health problems, including but not limited to cancer.

Through blood tests, imaging tests, etc., the doctor can assess a person's overall health and make recommendations for improvement or guidance for further tests.

Another important aspect of regular check-ups is that they can help people build health awareness and focus on their lifestyle and eating habits, so that they can adopt a healthier lifestyle and reduce the risk of cancer.

Doctors remind: 3 types of "cancer" are not fatal, not terminal, and curable!


In the battle against cancer, advances in medicine have undoubtedly brought hope and light. However, in addition to relying on advanced treatment techniques, the patient's mindset, lifestyle, and social and family support are equally important.

Cancer is no longer an insurmountable chasm, but a challenge that requires a comprehensive response and a positive response.

Through regular check-ups to detect diseases, scientific treatments, a positive attitude towards life and adequate psychological support, cancer patients have every reason to believe that victory will ultimately be theirs.

In this long-term battle against cancer, everyone can be the guardian of their own health, and every day is full of hope.

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