
In Wujin! There is a museum on the doorstep!

author:Wujin today
In Wujin! There is a museum on the doorstep!

This year, with the theme of "Walking in the same direction with teaching and research, walking with Wubo", Wujin Museum joined hands with Hutang Town Comprehensive Cultural Station, Wujin Youth Activity Center, Jiaze Town New Era Civilization Practice Institute and other social places to create a new model of "cultural relics 'go' out, guests are invited in", and delivered the "museum feast" to the citizens

In Wujin! There is a museum on the doorstep!
In Wujin! There is a museum on the doorstep!

"Courtesy Hutang Bridge" aesthetic life market

Go to the national tide intangible cultural heritage appointment

In Wujin! There is a museum on the doorstep!

The first "delicacy" of the linkage between the museum and the society is "Continuity and Prospect" - the 2024 Splendid Hutang Urban Aesthetic Education New Folk Art and Art Exhibition, which will last until May 26. Shan Yindi, the provincial representative inheritor of Changzhou random needlework, Zhang Qi, the municipal representative inheritor of the new generation of Liuqing bamboo carving, Zhang Yuyang, the representative inheritor of the district-level pottery carving, and Zhang Zhenyu, the district-level representative inheritor of Changzhou woodcut printing and painting New Year paintings...... Through the integration and innovation of "thought + art + cross-border", a number of intangible cultural heritage treasures of the lake and pond will be displayed to the public.

Zhou Hua, director of the Hutang Town Comprehensive Cultural Station, introduced that the event organically integrated immersive experience, scene-based performance, and on-site teaching. "It is hoped that the intangible cultural heritage production process will be presented in a three-dimensional way in a living way, so as to truly realize 'seeing people, seeing things, and seeing life', and turn traditional intangible cultural heritage into a national fashion that citizens love." Zhou Hua said.

In Wujin! There is a museum on the doorstep!
In Wujin! There is a museum on the doorstep!
In Wujin! There is a museum on the doorstep!
In Wujin! There is a museum on the doorstep!

In the Wujin Museum, the opening ceremony of the "5.18 International Museum Day" series of activities was full of people. With the evening breeze in early summer, the "Courtesy Hutang Bridge" aesthetic life market opened at the same time. From bamboo carvings to wood-block New Year paintings, from Mahang wood carvings to rice wine in the lake, from gorgeous lacquer fans to fingertip needle embroidery...... Citizens travel through time and space to enjoy the beauty of intangible cultural heritage.

Create a "second classroom" for walking

During the series of activities, Wujin Museum innovated the form of social education, created more than 10 characteristic social and educational activities, such as the "Longcheng Craftsmanship Rhyme" intangible cultural heritage series of activities and the "Everything is Small and Full, Beautiful at the Right Time" solar term art course, so that the exhibition hall can be "transformed" into a classroom, entertaining and learning, making cultural relics "live" and spreading culture.

"This explanation of cultural relics knowledge is eye-opening. Not only children like it, but also adults' curiosity is ignited. Last night, citizen Zhou Shuyang and his 8-year-old daughter celebrated the "Wonderful Night of the Museum" together, and made a beautiful brooch with modern environmental protection imitation Diancui technology.

In Wujin! There is a museum on the doorstep!

"Diancui craft is the perfect combination of traditional Chinese metal craft and feather craft, using kingfisher feathers as decoration, making the jewelry more dazzling......" In the social education area on the second floor of Wujin Museum, the teacher told the historical origin and development innovation of Diancui craft, leading everyone to taste the "blue" in the thousand-year-old history in the flow of time.

In Wujin! There is a museum on the doorstep!

On the morning of May 18th, Wujin Museum also joined hands with Wujin Youth Activity Center to bring the Wubo solar term art course of "Everything is small and full, and beauty is at the right time". Citizens use leaves and small flowers to dye the purest colors, feel the charm of traditional culture together, and witness the natural beauty of plant growth.

This time, Wubo also launched an online cultural relics guide column of "Children's Tales and Cultural Relics", allowing citizens to enjoy a cultural feast.

Draw a "broken circle" landscape

In recent years, Wujin Museum has always adhered to the "people" as the center, the "integration of culture and tourism" as the foothold, and the construction of "Wubo Education Curriculum" as the goal, actively exploring focus education, establishing partnerships with schools, communities, enterprises, social groups, etc., and carrying out an average of 200 educational activities every year, striving to make natural education cover citizens of all ages.

In Wujin! There is a museum on the doorstep!

Zou Lihua, director of Wujin Museum, introduced that in order to better serve the public and further enrich the connotation of museum education, Wujin Museum signed a co-construction agreement with Wujin District Disabled Persons' Federation, Hutang Town Comprehensive Cultural Station, Yancheng Community and Fengle Community, and will give full play to the important role of the museum in educating people with culture and culture, and build a "museum + community" community.

In Wujin! There is a museum on the doorstep!
In Wujin! There is a museum on the doorstep!

Recently, in the Yuncun Experimental School in Wujin District, the "Walking Museum" has attracted the attention of children. Everyone watched the replicas of cultural relics in the collection of the Wubo Museum, such as bronze, calligraphy and painting, jade, etc., and sensed the temperature of history at zero distance. It is understood that the "Walking Museum - Wujin Museum Cultural Tour" will successively enter the Hutang Town Comprehensive Cultural Station, Jiaze Town New Era Civilization Practice Institute, Yancheng Experimental Primary School and other places, through volunteer explanations, distribution of humanities and history popular science books, interactive experience, exchanges and other forms, so that cultural relics "jump" out of the showcase, "walk" into the life of citizens.

Reporter: He Xiaodan

Editor: He Tianlei

Review: Yao Hanlong, Ju Liaoyuan

Please indicate the source for reprinting: Wujin Today

(WeChat: wjrb2013)

Produced by the Propaganda Department of the Wujin District Committee of the Communist Party of China

Wujin District Rong Media Center operates

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