
People with bad kidneys can't eat winter melon? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, don't be greedy with 3 kinds of food!

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"Have you ever heard that you can't let people with bad kidneys eat winter melon?" Zhou Jie sat in the outpatient room of the hospital, his face full of puzzlement and curiosity. Zhou Jie is an ordinary bank clerk, usually under great pressure at work, and his physical condition is often neglected.

Recently, at a casual party, when a friend mentioned kidney health, he mentioned that people with bad kidneys should not eat winter melon. This was strange to him, as he had never heard of such an idea before.

People with bad kidneys can't eat winter melon? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, don't be greedy with 3 kinds of food!

In order to figure out this question, he came to the hospital and found Professor Li, an experienced internist.

As soon as Zhou Jie asked the question, Professor Li smiled and waved his hand and began to explain: "Actually, this statement is a misunderstanding in most cases. Winter melon itself does not have a direct negative impact on patients with kidney disease, but is a low-potassium and low-sodium food, which is very helpful for controlling body water. But you have to be careful not to overdo any food, including winter melon. ”

People with bad kidneys can't eat winter melon? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, don't be greedy with 3 kinds of food!

Professor Lee continued, "Regarding kidney health, I would like to draw attention to three foods that should not be consumed in excess. The first is foods that are high in sodium, such as salty pickles and salted meats, which can increase the workload of the kidneys and may accelerate the decline of kidney function.

This is especially detrimental for people who already have kidney problems, as the kidneys need to work harder to deal with the sodium balance in the body, which can lead to deterioration of kidney health in the long run.

People with bad kidneys can't eat winter melon? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, don't be greedy with 3 kinds of food!

This is followed by high-phosphorus foods, such as drinks and fast food containing additives, which can affect the calcium and phosphorus balance in the body, which can aggravate kidney disease. Finally, there are high-protein foods, especially red meat, where excessive protein consumption can increase the metabolic burden on the kidneys. ”

Zhou Jie listened very carefully and gradually understood the importance of this medical knowledge. Professor Li went on to mention a case, "There was a patient who not only failed to effectively control his kidney disease because of long-term consumption of high-protein foods, but aggravated his condition. His kidney function deteriorated significantly and he eventually had to undergo kidney dialysis. ”

People with bad kidneys can't eat winter melon? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, don't be greedy with 3 kinds of food!

In the course of the conversation, Professor Li not only used specific cases, but also used many approachable metaphors, so that Zhou Jie had a deeper understanding of the maintenance of kidney health.

He understands that protecting the kidneys is not just about listening to some rumors that have no scientific basis, but starting from daily diet and living habits, and treating one's diet and health scientifically. As the conversation deepened, Zhou Jie's confusion was answered, and he thanked Professor Li for his patient explanation, and decided to go back and adjust his eating habits and try to avoid foods that were not friendly to the kidneys.

People with bad kidneys can't eat winter melon? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, don't be greedy with 3 kinds of food!

Just as he was about to leave, Professor Li added: "Remember, any advice on health needs to be considered in the context of the individual's actual situation, and everyone's physique and condition are different, and what is suitable for others may not be suitable for you." ”

Zhou Jie nodded in understanding, feeling that he had gained a lot. After he returned home, he began to pay more attention to his diet, reducing his intake of foods high in sodium and phosphorus, and also trying to reduce the proportion of red meat and increase vegetables and fruits. He also started regular check-ups to monitor his kidney function to make sure everything was on track.

People with bad kidneys can't eat winter melon? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, don't be greedy with 3 kinds of food!

As time passed, Zhou Jie's lifestyle improved a lot, and his physical examination results showed that his kidney function remained stable or even improved.

Professor Li's words had a great impact on him, and he remembered the doctor's advice: maintaining a balanced diet, moderate exercise, and avoiding bad habits in daily life are the foundation for maintaining health. It is these seemingly simple but persistent practices that have helped him gradually improve his physical condition.

People with bad kidneys can't eat winter melon? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, don't be greedy with 3 kinds of food!

Zhou Jie gradually realized that a healthy lifestyle is not something that can be achieved overnight, but a continuous effort and improvement. He also realizes that scientific medical advice is invaluable and can guide the right direction in the midst of misconceptions and invalid information.

His experience has given him a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of health. Now, Zhou Jie not only pays attention to physical health, but also begins to pay attention to mental health and emotional management, in order to achieve an all-round health state.

People with bad kidneys can't eat winter melon? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, don't be greedy with 3 kinds of food!

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People with bad kidneys can't eat winter melon? Doctor: If you want to have healthy kidneys, don't be greedy with 3 kinds of food!

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