
Can't patients with coronary heart disease eat pork liver? Reminder: These 3 foods are less touched, and your heart may thank you!

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"Dr. Zou, I heard that patients with coronary heart disease can't eat pork liver, is this true?" Qi Ming sat in the small consultation room of the community hospital, looking anxiously at the doctor in front of him.

Dr. Zou raised his head, smiled and adjusted his glasses, looking at the middle-aged postman who had just been diagnosed with coronary heart disease, he knew that this would be a long conversation. "Mr. Qi, there are indeed many misunderstandings about diet. Not only pork liver, but also several other foods should be noted. ”

Can't patients with coronary heart disease eat pork liver? Reminder: These 3 foods are less touched, and your heart may thank you!

Qi Ming is a courier, although he seems to be very active, his eating habits have not been very healthy, and he likes to eat high-fat and high-cholesterol foods. He was recently diagnosed with coronary heart disease during a physical examination, which forced him to face changes in his life.

Dr. Zou began his explanation, "Although pork liver is rich in iron and vitamins, it is also high in cholesterol, which is not good for the heart. People with coronary heart disease should avoid foods with high cholesterol. Dr. Zou went on to mention three other foods: shrimp, crab and animal offal.

Can't patients with coronary heart disease eat pork liver? Reminder: These 3 foods are less touched, and your heart may thank you!

"This is followed by shrimp and crab, which many people like to eat because they are rich in protein and trace elements. But they're also a great source of cholesterol, and for people with pre-existing cardiovascular disease, eating too much can increase the risk of heart disease. ”

As for animal offal, Dr. Zou elaborated that it contains a lot of purines and saturated fats, which are extremely bad for the health of the heart and blood vessels. "This type of food can increase the burden on the heart, and it is best avoided by people with heart disease."

Can't patients with coronary heart disease eat pork liver? Reminder: These 3 foods are less touched, and your heart may thank you!

Dr. Zou also made a special mention of a former patient's story to reinforce his point. This patient did not pay attention to his diet and often ate high-cholesterol foods, which led to the aggravation of his condition and finally had to undergo a thoracotomy operation.

"He, like many people, ignored the doctor's advice and continued to enjoy what he called 'good food'. As a result, his heart could barely bear it. Dr. Zou sighed, hoping that through these real examples, Qi Ming could truly realize the seriousness of the problem.

Can't patients with coronary heart disease eat pork liver? Reminder: These 3 foods are less touched, and your heart may thank you!

Dr. Zou also singled out the need to control salt intake. He explains that too much salt can cause high blood pressure and increase the risk of heart disease. He stressed that reducing the use of salt can help keep blood pressure stable and reduce the burden on the heart. He said to Qi Ming seriously, hoping that he could understand this.

Qi Ming thought of his family, who also had similar eating habits, which made him feel the weight of responsibility. "Dr. Zou, how should I adjust my diet? Do you have any specific suggestions? Qi Ming asked eagerly.

Can't patients with coronary heart disease eat pork liver? Reminder: These 3 foods are less touched, and your heart may thank you!

"Moderate intake of fish is also beneficial, especially deep-sea fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and mackerel. Not only can these help lower cholesterol but also reduce the risk of heart attack. Dr. Zou continued to explain, and every sentence was full of warmth and care.

In the end, Dr. Zou gave Qi Ming a small task: "Try to record your daily diet to see what is done according to the new dietary guidelines and what needs to be improved." That way we can discuss your progress in detail the next time we meet. ”

Can't patients with coronary heart disease eat pork liver? Reminder: These 3 foods are less touched, and your heart may thank you!

Qi Ming held the dietary guide, thanked Dr. Zou for his advice and help, and secretly vowed to implement this plan well. When he walked out of the consultation room, although he was a little nervous, he was more looking forward to a healthy life in the future.

With Qi Ming leaving, Dr. Zou sat back in his office chair, knowing that his work was much more than that, and that there were more patients in need of help like Qi Ming waiting for him.

Can't patients with coronary heart disease eat pork liver? Reminder: These 3 foods are less touched, and your heart may thank you!

Why are even foods rich in important nutrients not recommended for people with certain diseases? Each food has its own unique nutritional value and possible risks, especially for patients with chronic diseases, the right dietary choices are related to the control and progression of the disease.

For people with heart disease, even nutrient-dense foods such as pork liver and seafood can be a potential threat to the diet due to their high cholesterol properties.

Can't patients with coronary heart disease eat pork liver? Reminder: These 3 foods are less touched, and your heart may thank you!

Proper dietary management should take into account both the balance of nutrition and the special needs of the disease, which requires weighing the benefits and risks of each type of food under the guidance of a doctor.

What do you think about coronary heart disease? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Can't patients with coronary heart disease eat pork liver? Reminder: These 3 foods are less touched, and your heart may thank you!

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