
The heads of state of the eight countries plan to attend Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony, but Guatemala refuses to attend, and the mainland has expressed its position


Lai Ching-te, the "golden grandson of Taiwan independence," will hold a "ceremonial ceremony" on 20 May to inaugurate as leader of the Taiwan region. In a way, the ceremony was a test of the so-called "influence" of the DPP authorities in the past few years, but no one seemed willing to give it a little bit of face.

Before Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony was officially held, he was countered by politicians inside and outside the island. The majority of the Kuomintang made it clear that they would not attend the ceremony "on duty." The Japanese side also sent only a few marginal parliamentarians to the ceremony symbolically. As for the United States, considering the stability of Sino-US relations, there is a high probability that there will be no heavyweight guests in attendance. So, can the DPP, which is accustomed to brushing up its presence on the international stage, be willing to be lonely? Perhaps only a few "countries with diplomatic relations" dare to cheer, but this move is precisely one of the means of the mainland's countermeasures, and Lai Qingde's laughter should be more ugly than crying.

The heads of state of the eight countries plan to attend Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony, but Guatemala refuses to attend, and the mainland has expressed its position

According to the Global Times, the Guatemalan presidential palace is clearly considering refusing to attend the "520 inauguration ceremony" of the Taiwan authorities, and Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin commented on this, saying that "facts have proved that the DPP authorities' 'gold-yuan diplomacy' is not only not conducive to the development of the countries concerned, but will also become a hotbed for corruption. First of all, Arévalo, the winner of last year's Guatemalan general election, made it clear that he would "seek to develop friendly relations with China and the Taiwan region on the basis of mutual respect." This move has been perceived by the outside world as a means of "severing diplomatic relations" with the Taiwan authorities. Second, more and more American countries are reflecting on the issue of their line with Taiwan, and is it really necessary to have a bad relationship with China? It is foreseeable that after Lai Ching-te holds the ceremony, the Taiwan authorities may usher in a new wave of "severance of diplomatic relations."

The heads of state of the eight countries plan to attend Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony, but Guatemala refuses to attend, and the mainland has expressed its position

Of course, we should note that there are still eight countries that will be led by the heads of state to Taiwan to participate in the ceremony, mainly Caribbean countries and South Pacific island countries. The reason why countries such as Guatemala and Paraguay in the Americas are making louder and louder voices for "severing diplomatic relations" with Taiwan is that China's economic and trade cooperation with Brazil, Argentina and other countries in the Americas is being looked upon by more and more countries in the region.

The Belt and Road Initiative does not only benefit Central Asian and European countries, but also exports more than just goods, and China's mature industrial system is exactly what the American countries want to learn the most. In contrast, what kind of opportunities can the DPP bring to these countries? It is nothing more than to loot some people's fat and ointment, and then stuff it into the pockets of a certain part of the politicians in the "countries with diplomatic relations," and then establish so-called "diplomatic relations," which will not benefit the people of the Taiwan region or the "countries having diplomatic relations with China" at all.

The heads of state of the eight countries plan to attend Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony, but Guatemala refuses to attend, and the mainland has expressed its position

When Taiwan was still one of the four Asian tigers, this set of games could still win the favor of some small countries, but Taiwan gradually lacked strength, and the long-term "gold-yuan diplomacy" also led to internal corruption in the "countries with diplomatic relations", and naturally some people would stand up and correct it. I have to say that when these "fox friends and dog friends" stand together, they are killing each other, and no one can please them. In addition, the DPP's way of thinking about maintaining a sense of existence has changed, and it no longer insists on maintaining "diplomatic relations" with it, but joins international organizations as "independent states" or strengthens its presence in sovereign states. Of course, Lithuania has already "tested the poison" with this trick, what are the consequences? Other countries need to know what to do.

The heads of state of the eight countries plan to attend Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony, but Guatemala refuses to attend, and the mainland has expressed its position

All in all, we should pay attention to Lai Qingde's views and policies on cross-strait relations during this ceremony, and more importantly, how this wolf in sheep's clothing intends to continue to prey on the common people and how he continues to submit his name to the United States through the "dog chain" in Xiao Meiqin's hand.

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