
Shortened by 67 minutes! New technology improves the finishing completion time of 3D printed mechanical parts

author:Yangtze River Delta G60 Laser Alliance

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据悉,北卡罗来纳州立大学的研究人员展示了一种技术,该技术可以使用3D打印技术制造金属机械零件的人员在精加工过程中对制造的零件进行自动化质量控制。 相关研究成果以“Automatic feature-based inspection and qualification for additively manufactured parts with critical tolerances”为题发表在《International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management》上。

Shortened by 67 minutes! New technology improves the finishing completion time of 3D printed mechanical parts

Researchers at North Carolina State University have demonstrated a technology that can use 3D printing technology to automate quality control of manufactured parts during the finishing process by people who make metal mechanical parts. This technology allows users to identify potential defects without having to remove parts from the manufacturing equipment, increasing productivity.

Shortened by 67 minutes! New technology improves the finishing completion time of 3D printed mechanical parts

One of the reasons people are drawn to 3D printing and other additive manufacturing technologies is that they allow users to quickly replace critical machine parts that would otherwise be difficult to manufacture outside the factory, according to Brandon McConnell. He is the co-corresponding author of the paper on this work.

Shortened by 67 minutes! New technology improves the finishing completion time of 3D printed mechanical parts

Figure: Example of a 3D printed part mounted on a computer numerical control machine after finishing; The touch probe is being prepared for automated measurements, automated quality control of 3D printed parts during finishing. Source: North Carolina State University

After the metal machinery parts are printed, they also need to be additionally finished and measured to ensure that the parts meet critical tolerances. In other words, every aspect of the part must be the right size. Currently, this requires the part to be removed from the relevant manufacturing equipment, measured, and then put back into the manufacturing equipment for appropriate adjustments.

This can be repeated and time-consuming. The study's work on this part of the study has accelerated this process.

Specifically, the researchers integrated 3D printing, automated machining, laser scanning, and touch-sensing measurement technologies with related software to create a fundamentally automated system for the production of metal mechanical parts that meet critical tolerances.

How it works: When an end user needs a specific part, they open a software file that includes the measurements of the desired part. The 3D printer uses the file to print out parts, including metal support structures. The printed part is then mounted into the finishing machine using a support structure.

At this point, the laser scans the mounted part to determine its dimensions. The software program then utilizes these dimensions and the critical tolerances required to guide the finishing equipment to effectively sand away any irregularities on the part.

During this process, the finishing equipment controls the orientation of the printed part so that it can be measured by a touch robot probe, ensuring that the dimensions of the part are within the necessary parameters.

Shortened by 67 minutes! New technology improves the finishing completion time of 3D printed mechanical parts

Pictured: Students work at North Carolina State University's Additive Manufacturing and Logistics Center (CAMAL). Image credit: North Carolina State University

To test the performance of the new method, the researchers used traditional 3D printing and finishing techniques to manufacture a machine part, and then used their new process to manufacture the same part.

Experiments have proved that using traditional technology, parts can be completed in 200 minutes; With the new technology in this study, the same part can be completed in 133 minutes. Depending on the situation, it is very important to save 67 minutes. In most professional fields, time is money. For example, in an emergency, this can be the difference between life and death.

The researchers noted that the focus of the work was on printing and machining machine parts that included round or cylindrical bodies such as pistons. However, this method can also be applied to machine parts with other characteristics.

All of the hardware used in this technology is commercially available, and the necessary software is clearly outlined in the paper, so the researchers feel that this new approach can be adopted and put into use almost immediately. As additive manufacturing applications grow, 3D printing will improve efficiency across a range of industries.

Paper Links:

Christopher J. Kelly et al, Automatic feature-based inspection and qualification for additively manufactured parts with critical tolerances, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (2024). DOI: 10.1504/IJMTM.2024.138337

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