
It's time to wake up to the dream of hegemony, the United States has suffered three major defeats in a row, and the Arab countries are united in their guns aimed at Israel

author:铁血 Outpost

In recent years, it is not difficult for us to find that in the reports of major media, the argument of the "decline of US hegemony" has surfaced more and more frequently. What kind of mystery is hidden behind this? As a matter of fact, the assertion of the decline of US hegemony is not groundless, but has a real point of support, as evidenced by the three unprecedented major failures that the United States has suffered recently. Let's take a look at what the situation is.

It's time to wake up to the dream of hegemony, the United States has suffered three major defeats in a row, and the Arab countries are united in their guns aimed at Israel

The first big failure was that the Pentagon had ordered the withdrawal of all U.S. combat troops from Niger, numbering about 1,000 troops. Instead, the Russian mercenary "Wagner" was stationed at the 101 air base in Niamey, the capital of Niger, apparently because Niger believes that the Russian army is more reliable than the US military. This is undoubtedly a major blow to the United States, but Biden is helpless about it, after all, the Nigerien military junta unceremoniously issued an expulsion order to the US military last month, and the Nigerien government has already "expelled" the French army.

It can be expected that this incident will certainly have a far-reaching impact on the status of the United States in Africa, and at the same time, it may also trigger a chain reaction, and it is not ruled out that other African countries may follow Niger's example and break away from the control of the US military.

It's time to wake up to the dream of hegemony, the United States has suffered three major defeats in a row, and the Arab countries are united in their guns aimed at Israel

The second is that the Arab countries have turned their guns on Israel. As everyone should know, Israel has three most important military objectives at hand, namely, the elimination of the Hamas armed forces, the finding of Sinwar and the complete integration of Gaza into Israel's territory. But Arab countries such as Egypt and Qatar have made it clear to the United States that it is impossible for Israel to run Gaza, and they are adamantly opposed to this. Hamas also said that the management of the Gaza Strip should be decided by the Palestinian people, and no external forces should interfere.

Iran has directly joined forces with the Houthis, Allah and other forces to challenge Israel with practical actions. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other countries are also putting pressure on Israel in an attempt to curb further military expansion. Faced with such a situation, the United States will inevitably have a headache, because the United States originally wanted to promote the establishment of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel and join forces with Arab countries to deal with Iran, but now all of them have failed.

It's time to wake up to the dream of hegemony, the United States has suffered three major defeats in a row, and the Arab countries are united in their guns aimed at Israel

Finally, the warnings, threats, and ultimatums of the United States do not work against Israel. Despite repeated attempts by US Secretaries of State Antony Blinken and Sullivan to persuade Israel, Netanyahu remained unmoved and insisted on launching military action until all his goals were achieved. This puts the United States in a dilemma: if it supports Israel, it will inevitably offend Arab countries and Iran; If you don't, you risk losing this important ally.

To sum up, the above situation is enough to prove that the decline of US hegemony is not groundless, but is supported by various signs of the real world. Against this background, the United States has dreamed of hegemony for so many years, and it is time to wake up and stop thinking about how to bully others and how to maintain its hegemonic position all day long. We must learn to live in peace with other countries and develop together, so that we can win the hearts and minds of the people and become truly strong. On the other hand, if the United States continues to be obsessed with it, it will only go narrower and darker on this road of digging its own grave, and it will really lose more than it gains.

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