laitimes commentator: Historic achievements have been made in comprehensively deepening reform in the new era

author:Seeking truth

  "Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has broken through the shackles of ideology and concepts with unprecedented determination and strength, broken through the barriers of solidified interests, resolutely eliminated the shortcomings of various systems and mechanisms, actively responded to the risks and challenges brought about by changes in the external environment, and started a magnificent reform process."

  "The series of innovative theories we have put forward, the series of major measures we have taken, and the series of major breakthroughs we have made are all revolutionary, and have created a new situation in which the cause of the party and the country has been promoted to achieve historic achievements and historic changes through reform and opening up."

  In General Secretary Xi Jinping's important article "Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening-up, Continuously Injecting Strong Impetus into Chinese-style Modernization" recently published by Qiushi magazine, the general secretary reviewed and summarized the reform work since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and made incisive discussions.

  In November 2013, the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held, and the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reform" was adopted. In October 2014, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was held, and the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Advancing the Rule of Law was adopted, which formed a sister chapter to the decision adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. In February 2018, the Third Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was convened to adopt the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Deepening the Reform of the Party and State Institutions and the Plan for Deepening the Reform of the Party and State Institutions. In October 2019, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was held, and the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Several Major Issues Concerning Upholding and Improving the System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Promoting the Modernization of the National Governance System and Governance Capacity was adopted. In February 2023, the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was held, making important arrangements for continuing to deepen the reform of the Party and state institutions......

  Promote the reform of the market system, the reform of macroeconomic governance, and the reform of the new system of high-level open economy, etc., and continue to deepen the reform of the economic system; Promote the reform of the Party and state institutions, deepen the reform of the national supervision system, develop whole-process people's democracy, etc., and steadily advance the reform of the political system; Implement the responsibility system for ideological work, improve the urban and rural public cultural service system, etc., and reform the cultural system is solid and effective; Improve the public employment service system, improve the social security system covering the whole people, etc., and comprehensively promote the reform of the social system; A series of innovative systems, such as the environmental protection inspection system, the river and lake chief system, and the national park protection system, have been launched in a timely manner, and the reform of the ecological civilization system has been accelerated......

  In the new era, unprecedented reform measures have continuously promoted the comprehensive deepening of reform to advance in breadth and depth, the socialist system with Chinese characteristics has become more mature and formalized, the modernization level of the national governance system and governance capacity has been continuously improved, the cause of the Party and the country has radiated new vitality, and Chinese-style modernization has shown bright prospects.

  This is a profound change in the way organizations are organized. In the process of comprehensively deepening reform, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has taken charge of the overall situation and coordinated all parties. General Secretary Xi Jinping personally took command of the expedition, discussed major matters, grasped major events, and sought the overall situation, leading the whole party, the whole army and the people of the whole country to strive for breakthroughs and overcome difficulties; The Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform was transformed into a committee, as a strong center for comprehensively deepening reform, planning top-level design, and gathering reform forces; All regions and departments have built a centralized and unified reform leadership system, a pragmatic and efficient reform decision-making mechanism, an overall coordination mechanism linked from top to bottom, and a strong and orderly supervision and implementation mechanism from top to bottom, so as to effectively ensure the leadership and authority of the Party Central Committee in comprehensively deepening reform. Under the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, we have comprehensively deepened the reform from laying the foundation and erecting pillars and beams, to comprehensively advancing and accumulating momentum, and then to system integration, coordination and efficiency, and systematically solving institutional obstacles, institutional obstructions, and policy innovation problems in all fields and aspects.

  This is a profound change in the state system and governance system. "Reform and opening up in the new era has many new connotations and characteristics, one of which is that the weight of system construction is heavier." In the process of planning reform, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has always highlighted the main line of system building, constantly improved the institutional framework, built a solid foundation, improved the basic system, and innovated important systems. The party's leadership system, the people's mastery system, the socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics, the socialist administrative system with Chinese characteristics, the people's livelihood security system for urban and rural areas, and the social governance system of co-construction, co-governance and sharing...... The basic institutional framework in various fields has been basically established, the institutional system with complete systems, scientific norms and effective operation has gradually taken shape, and the governance efficiency of the "Chinese system" has become more and more prominent.

  This is a profound change with broad participation of the people. Reform is meaningful only when it is for the sake of the people; Only by relying on the people for reform can reform be motivated. The construction of a safe China, the construction of a rural medical and health system, the promotion of pollution prevention and control, the "toilet revolution", garbage classification, clean heating, ...... A small matter related to the people's livelihood has been included in the agenda of the meeting of the Central Leading Group for Deep Reform and the Central Committee for Deep Reform, and has become the focus and focus of reform again and again. The reform of the household registration system has enabled 140 million rural migrants to settle in cities and towns; strengthened mutual assistance in funds, and made overall plans nationwide to ensure that pensions are paid in full and on time; strengthened the basic guarantee, and the reform of the real estate system has solved the housing problem for more than 140 million people in need; reduced the burden on low- and middle-income groups, benefiting 250 million people through the reform of personal income tax; deepened the reform of the medical and health system, and guided the focus of medical and health work to shift downward and resources to sink; deepen the reform and innovation of education and teaching, and promote the balanced development of compulsory education and the integration of urban and rural areas...... The people's sense of gain, happiness and security has been continuously enhanced.

  This is a profound change in which the door of opening is opening wider and wider. The inland areas have changed from "defenders" to "forwards", the coastal areas have opened up and developed to a higher level, and the Chinese market has become more closely linked with the world market. Belt and Road cooperation extends from Eurasia to Africa and Latin America, and more than 150 countries and more than 30 international organizations have signed cooperation documents on the Belt and Road Initiative. Since 2017, the mainland has maintained its position as the largest country in goods trade for seven consecutive years, and its international export market share will be 14.2% in 2023, maintaining the world's largest market for 15 consecutive years. China is already a major trading partner of more than 140 countries and regions, and a major source of investment for more and more countries.

  Since the beginning of the new era, the reform promoted by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has been all-round, in-depth and fundamental, and the achievements have been historic, revolutionary and groundbreaking. Looking at the whole world, no country or political party can have such political courage and historical responsibility, dare to make bold moves, turn inward, and revolutionize itself, and no country or political party can promote such a large-scale, large-scale, and large-scale reform in such a short period of time.

  Practice has fully proved that the historic achievements of comprehensively deepening reform and opening up in the new era lie fundamentally in the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping as the core of the CPC Central Committee and the core of the whole party, and in the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. To continue to push forward the reform on the new journey, we must deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve the "two safeguards", and unswervingly adhere to and strengthen the party's overall leadership.

  (Editor: Zhang Shuhong)


Author: commentator

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