
After summer, women should eat more of this soup, nourish blood and qi, and have comprehensive nutrition, don't know how to eat!

author:Xiaoliang health kitchen

It has officially entered the middle of summer, summer has passed more than half a month, the hot mode is about to arrive, because the temperature is about to rise to more than 30 degrees Celsius, we will always sweat a lot during the day, the loss of nutrients is very fast, if you do not eat on time, the body is particularly weak, women often have anemia. Women are very important members of the family, they are under a lot of pressure every day, they must be kind to themselves, remember not to always work overtime and stay up late, they should pay attention to supplements, breakfast and dinner must not be missing, and they can't skip meals for the sake of looking good. Many people have anemia, you can try this health soup for breakfast - sweet potato glutinous rice small rice balls and white fungus soup, the method is not difficult, and it is particularly sweet and delicious to drink. Anemia is most afraid of eating "it", cook a pot every day, comprehensive nutrition, nourish blood and qi, and enhance resistance.

After summer, women should eat more of this soup, nourish blood and qi, and have comprehensive nutrition, don't know how to eat!

【Sweet potato glutinous rice small rice balls white fungus soup making skills】

After summer, women should eat more of this soup, nourish blood and qi, and have comprehensive nutrition, don't know how to eat!

Ingredients preparation: buy 2 fresh sweet potatoes (sweet potato is a common ingredient, many places are also called sweet potato roots, many people used to be a staple food, now it is generally eaten as a supplementary food, the taste is slightly sweet, the dietary fiber content is high, the taste is soft and glutinous, it can provide a lot of nutrients for the human body, play the purpose of filling hunger, and will not worry about gaining weight), about 30 grams of white fungus crushed, 120 grams of glutinous rice flour (glutinous rice balls are also called small rice balls, which are made of glutinous rice flour, not big, soft and glutinous to eat, You can also buy the finished rice balls directly), a few red dates, a little wolfberry, two pieces of brown sugar or rock sugar, a little cold water and purified water, and others.

After summer, women should eat more of this soup, nourish blood and qi, and have comprehensive nutrition, don't know how to eat!

Correct Steps:

After summer, women should eat more of this soup, nourish blood and qi, and have comprehensive nutrition, don't know how to eat!

1: Prepare sweet potatoes, glutinous rice flour, white fungus crushed and other ingredients in advance, pour the glutinous rice flour into a bowl first, add a little water, stir with chopsticks, knead it repeatedly with your hands, knead it into a dough until the surface is smooth, knead it into some small rice balls, and set it aside for later use.

2: Wash the jujube and remove the pit, rinse the surface dust of the wolfberry with running water, soak the white fungus in cold water to remove the surface dust and control the moisture.

3: Wash the outer skin of a few sweet potatoes, remove the outer skin with a planer, cut it into small cubes of the same size, prepare glutinous rice balls and other ingredients, and start making this sweet potato glutinous rice balls and white fungus soup.

After summer, women should eat more of this soup, nourish blood and qi, and have comprehensive nutrition, don't know how to eat!

4: Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add glutinous rice balls, cook until all float, remove and soak in cold water, so that the taste of glutinous rice balls is better.

After summer, women should eat more of this soup, nourish blood and qi, and have comprehensive nutrition, don't know how to eat!

5) Add crushed white fungus, red dates and purified water to the pot, cover and simmer for 40 minutes, stirring quickly with a spoon to bring out the gum of white fungus.

After summer, women should eat more of this soup, nourish blood and qi, and have comprehensive nutrition, don't know how to eat!
After summer, women should eat more of this soup, nourish blood and qi, and have comprehensive nutrition, don't know how to eat!

6: Add some sweet potato chunks, continue to cook for 10 to 15 minutes, wait until the sweet potato chunks are cooked, add the cooked glutinous rice balls, add brown sugar or rock sugar.

After summer, women should eat more of this soup, nourish blood and qi, and have comprehensive nutrition, don't know how to eat!
After summer, women should eat more of this soup, nourish blood and qi, and have comprehensive nutrition, don't know how to eat!

7: Finally, put in some wolfberries, remember not to cook for too long, turn off the heat and serve, this sweet potato glutinous rice ball white fungus soup is made, you can taste it for breakfast, so that you can work more cleanly during the day, and your feminine complexion is getting better and better.

After summer, women should eat more of this soup, nourish blood and qi, and have comprehensive nutrition, don't know how to eat!

Sweet potato glutinous rice small rice balls white fungus soup is a good blood tonic breakfast, healthier than noodles and buns, which uses white fungus, sweet potatoes and glutinous rice small rice balls, it is very thick to drink, soft and glutinous, good for the stomach and intestines, and can also improve anemia, so that women are radiant and more ruddy.

After summer, women should eat more of this soup, nourish blood and qi, and have comprehensive nutrition, don't know how to eat!

Netizens, have you mastered the skills of making this sweet potato glutinous rice ball white fungus soup? (The pictures in the article are all from the Internet)

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