
Renting a "street electricity" shared charging treasure He said that he was charged an additional 2 cents for "care service fees"?

author:Jiangxi city scene

Source: Urban Live Original

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Recently, Nanchang consumer Xiao Dai called the 24-hour news hotline 0791-88316800 of "City Scene" to report that when he returned the shared charging treasure payment, he was asked to pay a "care service fee".

What exactly is the "Care Service Fee"? What did you care about? And what did it serve?

Xiao Dai said that on the afternoon of May 8, he scanned the code at a store on the side of Laofushan Road in Xihu District, Nanchang City, and rented a "street electricity" shared power bank, with a billing rule of 3 yuan per hour. More than 40 minutes later, when he returned the power bank near a complex in Qingshanhu District, he found that the payment had an extra 0.2 yuan in "care service fee".

Renting a "street electricity" shared charging treasure He said that he was charged an additional 2 cents for "care service fees"?
Consumer Xiao Dai: I only wanted to pay 3 yuan for normal use, and then it forced me to pay 3.2 yuan, I originally rented a "street electricity" power bank, and also rented a "Meituan" power bank, as well as a "monster" power bank, this situation did not occur, and I will not be asked to pay other fees.

The reporter saw on Xiao Dai's order details page that the cost detail column did not specify the "care service fee".

Reporter: In the process of renting a power bank, have you chosen or purchased this additional service?
Consumer Xiao Dai: I don't have it, I don't need it, I don't have a choice. I didn't check it either, and I'm also confused now, what kind of money is this 2 cents? What exactly is the care service fee?

"Street Electricity" customer service: The overtime care service is independently selected by the user

Consumer: I didn't tick it

With doubts, the reporter dialed the 400 customer service number of Shenzhen Street Electric Technology Co., Ltd., and the staff explained that it was the latest service launched by the company in March this year.

Shenzhen Street Electric Technology Co., Ltd. 400 customer service: You have purchased an overtime care service, your order has ended, the overtime care service has taken effect, sorry that it cannot be canceled. This overtime care service is to avoid some users from renting the power bank for a long time, and then resulting in higher costs for the order, and then hereby launched a service, and then if you don't check it, it will not be generated out of thin air.
Reporter: That is to say, it is not checked by default in your system, but by the user, does that mean?
Shenzhen Street Electric Technology Co., Ltd. 400 customer service: Yes, yes.

For the customer service's statement, consumer Xiao Dai did not agree, he was very sure that when renting the power bank, he did not take the initiative to check any additional items.

Consumer Xiao Dai: I think it's a bit unfair to me, I don't understand the consumption, although 2 cents is not much, but for example, if I consume 2 cents alone, 10,000 people will consume 2,000, and it will add up to a lot.
Renting a "street electricity" shared charging treasure He said that he was charged an additional 2 cents for "care service fees"?

Reporter scans the code to test the "street electricity" on the spot

The overtime care service is selected by default

Consumer Xiao Dai said that renting a power bank was charged an additional "care service fee". The customer service of the "street electricity" shared charging treasure said that the cost was incurred when the user independently checked this service; But Xiao Dai insisted that he definitely did not take the initiative to check any additional paid items. So how exactly does this expense come about? In order to restore the ins and outs of the matter, the reporter decided to go to the location where Xiaodai rented the "street electricity" shared charging treasure to further understand the situation and do a test on the spot.

Renting a "street electricity" shared charging treasure He said that he was charged an additional 2 cents for "care service fees"?

According to the order information provided by Xiao Dai, the reporter found the store where he rented the power bank. Subsequently, the reporter used his mobile phone to scan the code to rent a power bank, and recorded the whole process, the results showed that the overtime care service is checked by the system by default.

"City Scene" reporter: We just rented the same place where consumers rented the power bank, and also scanned the "street electricity" power bank, and we now found that the overtime care service of more than 24 hours to deduct 5 yuan is checked by default. It's not like the customer service said, consumers should take the initiative to check it themselves to choose. If the consumer does not pay attention in the process of scanning the code and does not find that the overtime care service has been checked by default and has not been canceled, then the overtime care service fee of 0.2 yuan will be paid at the end of the final order.
Renting a "street electricity" shared charging treasure He said that he was charged an additional 2 cents for "care service fees"?

The mobile phone interface shows that after the user pays the overtime care service fee of 0.2 yuan, 5 yuan can be deducted for more than 24 hours. Regarding this situation, the owner of this store said that the "street store" shared charging treasure has been placed in his store for three or four years, but it is the first time he has heard of such a "care service fee".

Store owner: It's the first time I've heard of 2 cents more.
Reporter: You don't even know? Do you charge the care service fee or do you charge it by street electricity?
Shopkeeper: The street electricity was collected, and he didn't tell us, I didn't know, but the street electricity has been placed here.
Reporter: You don't know that an extra 2 cents is equivalent to an inexplicable increase in the price of 2 cents, is that true?
Shopkeeper: That's kind of that.

The "Not Guaranteed" option is relatively hidden

Consumers speak out: infringe on the right to make their own choices

So, is it an exception or a common phenomenon for shared charging treasure to charge overtime care service fees? The reporter then visited a number of shared charging treasure rental points in Nanchang City, and found that other brands of shared charging treasures such as "Meituan", "Sodian", "Monster" and other brands are charged by the hour. The reporter also noticed that this overtime care service will charge 0.2 yuan, 0.8 yuan, 0.5 yuan, 0.3 yuan according to the overtime time, and when the consumer has been sliding the interface to the end, there will be an unprotected option, which is relatively hidden from the charging option.

Renting a "street electricity" shared charging treasure He said that he was charged an additional 2 cents for "care service fees"?
Consumer Xiao Dai: I think it violates my right to make my own choice, and also violates my right to know, under normal circumstances, I can choose to tick myself, and I choose whether I need this kind of service, instead of saying that if I don't choose, the system will directly tick by default.
Reporter: Why do you think you probably didn't notice at the time and ticked the 2 cents fee?
Consumer Xiao Dai: Because I used to rent a charging treasure every time I didn't, generally when I rented a charging treasure, the mobile phone battery was running out, so I quickly rented a charging treasure for emergency use, I couldn't see it so carefully, and I wouldn't pay attention to what was on it, and then their words were also very small, and I couldn't see it clearly.
Renting a "street electricity" shared charging treasure He said that he was charged an additional 2 cents for "care service fees"?

Subsequently, the reporter reflected this situation to the customer service of the street power sharing power bank.

Shenzhen Street Electric Technology Co., Ltd. 400 customer service: Considering your rental experience, here is a special application for a refund of 0.2 yuan, and the fee will be refunded in the original way within 0-5 working days.
Reporter: Although this money is not much, we think that we should spend it clearly.

China Consumers Association: Operators should not set the default checkbox

Infringing on consumers' right to make their own choices

According to the "Top 10 Typical Judicial Cases of National Consumer Rights Protection" released by the China Consumers Association, it is mentioned that business operators should not set a default checkbox method that infringes on consumers' right to make their own choices.

Renting a "street electricity" shared charging treasure He said that he was charged an additional 2 cents for "care service fees"?
Renting a "street electricity" shared charging treasure He said that he was charged an additional 2 cents for "care service fees"?
Renting a "street electricity" shared charging treasure He said that he was charged an additional 2 cents for "care service fees"?

So, whether Shenzhen Street Electric Technology Co., Ltd. will rectify this default check service, the reporter of "City Scene" will continue to pay attention.

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