
In summer, the spleen and stomach need more yang energy, and it is recommended to eat 4 more foods to help you replenish the spleen and yang

author:Yanzi has a healthy new life

In summer, there is a saying in Chinese medicine that "summer changes in response to the spleen", which means that "wetness" is the main qi of summer, and it corresponds to the spleen of the human body. Traditional Chinese medicine theories believe that dampness is yin and evil, which is easy to deplete the body's yang energy, especially the spleen yang.

In summer, the temperature is high, people feel very hot, easy to sweat, in this season, the pores of the human body are in a state of opening, yang energy will also float to the surface of the body, correspondingly, the yang energy in the internal organs is reduced.

Another point that should not be ignored is that people are greedy for cold and cold food in summer, which leads to deficiency of internal organs and damages the health of the spleen and yang. So, in the summer, the spleen and stomach need more yang energy.

In summer, the spleen and stomach need more yang energy, and it is recommended to eat 4 more foods to help you replenish the spleen and yang

It is recommended to eat the following 4 foods in summer to help you replenish your spleen and yang:

1. Corn

In the summer, sweet corn is available in large quantities, and everyone can eat more fresh corn during this season. Corn is a multigrain that is rich in dietary fiber, which can help improve the function of the spleen and stomach.

However, many people can't cook fresh corn when they buy it, so I'll share it with you today. When you buy fresh corn at home, remove the outer husk, leave two layers, and wash the corn with water. Put water in the pot, put the corn in the pot, cover the lid and boil over high heat, add 3 grams of alkaline noodles to it, cook over medium heat for 15 minutes, turn off the heat and wait for 5 minutes before removing the corn.

The corn cooked in this way is soft, tender and sweet, and the natural fragrance and sweet taste make people have an endless aftertaste.

In summer, the spleen and stomach need more yang energy, and it is recommended to eat 4 more foods to help you replenish the spleen and yang

2. Lychee

There is a very hot fruit in summer, and that is lychee. Lychee is warm and sweet, which can have the effect of warming and replenishing the spleen and yang. In the Qing Dynasty's medical book "Yuzhu Medicinal Solution", there was such a record: lychee can warm the spleen essence and warm the liver and blood.

However, folk sayings are also empirical, such as "one lychee with three fires", which reminds everyone that lychees should not be eaten more at a time, because lychees are heavy and yang, and if the temperature is too much, it will make up for the "fire". Therefore, everyone can eat 3 or 5 pills a day, and you must not be greedy for more than one time.

There is also a small trick that may also help everyone: take an appropriate amount of lychee with the skin and soak it in salt water for a while, use a towel to absorb the water, put it in the refrigerator, and eat it again the next day, and the "fire" in the lychee will be greatly reduced.

In summer, the spleen and stomach need more yang energy, and it is recommended to eat 4 more foods to help you replenish the spleen and yang

3. Ginger

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that ginger is a yellow food, and yellow belongs to the soil into the spleen and stomach, so eating some ginger in moderation can strengthen the spleen and stomach and help digestion. As the saying goes, "If you don't eat well, add some ginger". When a person feels that the meal is not fragrant, or the appetite is reduced, you can eat a few slices of ginger, which can help improve appetite and increase the amount of food, which is the truth.

Ginger is warm and spicy, has the effect of dissipating cold and sweating, and can also help the body to dredge the ventilator. If it rains and suffers from wind chill, you can quickly drink a bowl of hot brown sugar ginger soup after returning home, you can feel a hot flow to the whole body, sweat slightly, help discharge wind chill, and prevent colds.

In summer, the spleen and stomach need more yang energy, and it is recommended to eat 4 more foods to help you replenish the spleen and yang

The spicy taste of ginger stimulates the taste buds and is a very good ingredient for strengthening the spleen and appetizing and replenishing the spleen and yang in summer. There is a saying among the people that "men can't go without ginger for 100 days". Some people don't like to eat ginger in life, even if they add it to dishes, they don't want to eat it, it is recommended that such people can try sweet and sour ginger.

Vinegar also has the effect of appetizing and invigorating blood, and brown sugar is a warm ingredient that can replenish yang energy to the human body. Sweet and sour pickled ginger tastes sweet and sour, which may be acceptable to more people.

Its method is also very simple, prepare half a catty of ginger, wash it and cut it into thin slices, put it in a glass bottle, add rice vinegar to the ginger, add an appropriate amount of brown sugar and stir evenly, cover the lid and seal it and soak it for about three days before eating.

In summer, the spleen and stomach need more yang energy, and it is recommended to eat 4 more foods to help you replenish the spleen and yang

4. Tangerine peel

One tael of tangerine peel and one hundred taels of gold, it can be seen that people have a very high evaluation of the health value of tangerine peel. Tangerine peel is a typical representative of qi-regulating medicine, if there is a problem with the rise and fall of the qi machine in the body, tangerine peel can play a good conditioning effect.

For example, some people feel uncomfortable in their stomach and are prone to retching, which means that there is a problem with the rise and fall of stomach gas. The stomach gas was originally going down, but now it is going up, and symptoms of retching, stomach distention, and difficulty in defecation appear. At this time, soak some tangerine peel water to drink, regulate the rise and fall of the qi, and the symptoms can be improved.

In summer, the spleen and stomach need more yang energy, and it is recommended to eat 4 more foods to help you replenish the spleen and yang

What's more, tangerine peel smells fragrant, mild in medicinal properties, contains a lot of flavonoid compounds, after eating and drinking some tangerine peel water, not only will not stimulate other viscera, but also can strengthen the spleen and dissolve dampness, eliminate food and accumulation, can help you replenish the spleen and yang in summer.

Note: The picture comes from the Internet

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