
May 20 Xiaoman, "Xiaoman suffers three hardships, and does not suffer in summer", what does 3 hardships mean? Xiaoman must know how to eat

author:Three-point moment

The arrival of the Xiaoman solar term means that the pace of summer is steadily approaching, and nature is quietly beginning to show its full posture. In this season full of vitality, there is an old saying that often hangs on people's lips: "Xiaoman suffers three hardships, and summer does not suffer". This sounds a bit like the wisdom of the older generation, but it does hide the secret of health care! Today, let's savor the deep meaning behind this sentence and explore what these "three sufferings" are and how they can help us easily overcome the upcoming hot summer.

May 20 Xiaoman, "Xiaoman suffers three hardships, and does not suffer in summer", what does 3 hardships mean? Xiaoman must know how to eat

On this day, not only the custom of eating is talked about, but also many traditional activities related to agriculture. For example, farmers will use the weather on this day to predict future rainfall and crop growth, which is important for future agricultural activities. In addition, in many areas, there are customs such as picking medicinal herbs and making herbs.

May 20 Xiaoman, "Xiaoman suffers three hardships, and does not suffer in summer", what does 3 hardships mean? Xiaoman must know how to eat

As for eating the "three bitters", this is not only a simple choice of ingredients, but also a deep reflection on health. Bitter foods usually have the effect of clearing away heat and detoxifying and strengthening the function of internal organs, which is very suitable for consumption in gradually warmer weather. They help us regulate our physical condition and reduce the discomfort that summer can bring.

"Three Bitterness"

1. Mo Qi

May 20 Xiaoman, "Xiaoman suffers three hardships, and does not suffer in summer", what does 3 hardships mean? Xiaoman must know how to eat

Lettuce is sweet and cool, rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber, which helps to clear away heat and detoxify and promote digestion. Eating lettuce in early summer can help reduce dry mouth and other symptoms of irritation, making it ideal for the full season.

Recommended dish: Cold lettuce

May 20 Xiaoman, "Xiaoman suffers three hardships, and does not suffer in summer", what does 3 hardships mean? Xiaoman must know how to eat


Peel the lettuce and cut it into thin strips and soak it in cold water to make it crispy.

Prepare an appropriate amount of garlic paste, vinegar, soy sauce and sesame oil.

Drain the shredded lettuce, mix well with the seasoning, sprinkle with some chopped peanuts and enjoy this refreshing side dish.

2. Bitter chrysanthemum

May 20 Xiaoman, "Xiaoman suffers three hardships, and does not suffer in summer", what does 3 hardships mean? Xiaoman must know how to eat

Bitter chrysanthemum is a bitter vegetable, but its bitter ingredients have an obvious heat-clearing effect, which can clear the liver and eyes, and is especially suitable for resisting high temperatures in summer. In addition, bitter chrysanthemum is also rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

Recommended dish: Scrambled eggs with bitter chrysanthemum

May 20 Xiaoman, "Xiaoman suffers three hardships, and does not suffer in summer", what does 3 hardships mean? Xiaoman must know how to eat


Wash the bitter chrysanthemum and cut it into sections.

Once the eggs are beaten, add a pinch of salt.

Add oil to the pan, scramble the eggs until solidified, then add the bitter chrysanthemum and stir-fry a few times until the chrysanthemum leaves are slightly soft.

3. Bitter gourd

May 20 Xiaoman, "Xiaoman suffers three hardships, and does not suffer in summer", what does 3 hardships mean? Xiaoman must know how to eat

Bitter gourd is known as the "treasure of bitterness" because of its unique bitter taste and rich nutritional value. The bitter in bitter gourd has a good fire reduction and anti-inflammatory effect, which can help remove heat toxins from the body and reduce physical discomfort in summer.

Recommended dish: Stir-fried pork with bitter gourd

May 20 Xiaoman, "Xiaoman suffers three hardships, and does not suffer in summer", what does 3 hardships mean? Xiaoman must know how to eat


Cut the bitter gourd into thin slices, soak it in salted water and wash it to reduce the bitterness.

Pork is thinly sliced and marinated in soy sauce and starch.

Add oil to the pot, first stir-fry the pork until it changes color, then add the bitter gourd and stir-fry quickly, and finally add the appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence to taste.

May 20 Xiaoman, "Xiaoman suffers three hardships, and does not suffer in summer", what does 3 hardships mean? Xiaoman must know how to eat

With the arrival of the small full solar term, we are not only ushering in the heat of summer, but also have the opportunity to adjust our eating habits through conventional wisdom to make them more suitable for the upcoming warmer weather. By introducing lettuce, bitter chrysanthemum, and bitter gourd, we not only add freshness to the table, but also lay a solid foundation for our own health.

The choice of these bitter ingredients is not unreasonable, and each of them has unique health benefits, from clearing heat and detoxifying to improving digestion, which are essential dietary changes before the onset of summer. Practicing such a diet is not only a love for the body, but also a kind of inheritance of traditional culture.