
"Xiaoman 3 don't eat, eat Xia An'an", tomorrow is Xiaoman, the traditional rules to know!

author:Three-point moment

Xiaoman, the name of this solar term sounds both the gifts of the seasons and the unfinished promises of nature, which means that the heat of summer is gradually rising, and all things are imperceptibly reaching a state of satisfaction. In the Chinese lunar calendar, Xiaoman falls around May 20 every year, marking the full development of summer's heat and vitality.

"Xiaoman 3 don't eat, eat Xia An'an", tomorrow is Xiaoman, the traditional rules to know!

Traditionally, Xiaoman is an important observation period for crop maturity, especially when wheat crops begin to fill with full grains, but are not yet ripe. Therefore, on this day, farmers pay attention to the growth state of their crops and adjust their farming activities to ensure the smooth progress of the final stage. For ordinary families, Xiaoman is also an important time to adjust their eating habits and prepare for midsummer.

"Xiaoman 3 don't eat, eat Xia An'an", tomorrow is Xiaoman, the traditional rules to know!

During this season, people begin to pay attention to dietary adjustments, aiming to reduce the body's dampness and heat and enhance the ability to adapt to summer. There is a saying that "Xiao Mansan does not eat", and these foods are believed to be easy to cause indigestion in the hot summer, increase the burden on the body, and even affect mood and sleep. Through the maintenance of these customs, Xiaoman is not only an agricultural solar term, but also a cultural inheritance, reminding us to live in harmony with nature, conform to the laws of nature, and choose food wisely to achieve a balance between body and mind.

Don't eat overnight dishes

"Xiaoman 3 don't eat, eat Xia An'an", tomorrow is Xiaoman, the traditional rules to know!

Overnight dishes, while convenient, may have begun the process of microbial multiplication, especially in the warm, humid environment of summer, where bacteria tend to grow quickly. Eating such a dish may cause indigestion or food poisoning. In addition, some nutrients such as vitamin C and some antioxidants in overnight dishes will be gradually lost during storage, reducing the nutritional value of the food. Therefore, on this day, people usually choose to eat freshly cooked food to ensure food safety and maximum nutrition.

Don't eat out-of-season fruits

"Xiaoman 3 don't eat, eat Xia An'an", tomorrow is Xiaoman, the traditional rules to know!

Eating seasonal foods has always been a way of health in traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese culture. Out-of-season fruits often rely on manual ripening and long-distance transportation to be marketed, which may not only affect their nutritional value and taste, but also increase the risk of pesticide residues. At the same time, seasonal food is more in line with the body's natural adaptation to environmental changes, helping to harmonize body functions and enhance resistance. Therefore, during the Xiaoman period, people tend to choose fruits that are in season for the best health benefits.

Don't eat cold food

"Xiaoman 3 don't eat, eat Xia An'an", tomorrow is Xiaoman, the traditional rules to know!

In late spring and early summer, the weather gradually gets hotter, and the body's digestive function begins to adapt to the high temperature environment, and cold food is easy to irritate the stomach and intestines, causing abdominal pain, diarrhea and other digestive diseases. In addition, cold food may also affect the harmony of the spleen and stomach, leading to a decline in body function. In order to protect the spleen and stomach and adapt to the warmer climate, avoid cold foods and choose warm foods for health and comfort.

"Xiaoman 3 don't eat, eat Xia An'an", tomorrow is Xiaoman, the traditional rules to know!

Traditional customs and activities to welcome the arrival of summer and also to ensure health and well-being throughout the year. Here are some of the common activities and customs of Xiaoman on the day:

Eat seasonal food: During the small man, people will choose to eat some seasonal foods, such as broad beans, green vegetables, etc., which are not only fresh and nutritious, but also meet the natural needs of the human body due to seasonal changes. In addition, people also avoid eating foods that are heavy and difficult to digest.

Health Conditioning: On this day, people in many places pay special attention to recuperating the body and preventing moisture. Because the temperature rises and the humidity increases during the Xiaoman period, people will eat some dampness-removing ingredients, such as winter melon, barley, etc., to help the body adapt to the humid summer environment.

"Xiaoman 3 don't eat, eat Xia An'an", tomorrow is Xiaoman, the traditional rules to know!

Farming activities: As a farming season, farmers will carry out farm work such as sowing seeds and fertilizing according to this time point to ensure that crops can grow at the most suitable time, indicating that the grain is beginning to ripen but is not yet fully ripe.

By choosing the right foods to adapt to the changing seasons during this solar term, we can not only improve our quality of life, but also reduce the risk of illness and ensure that we can stay active and healthy throughout the summer. Tomorrow, let us not forget the wisdom of our ancestors, choose our diet with our hearts, nourish our body with food, nourish our hearts with seasons, and promote the harmony and unity of our bodies and minds. This is not only a respect for tradition, but also a positive response to the concept of modern life and health.