
"Xiaoman eats three whites, and he doesn't come back when he gets sick for a year", which three whites do you refer to? Conform to the solar terms, don't know how to eat

author:Three-point moment

As the calendar turns to May, we have officially entered the solar term full of ancient wisdom. Xiaoman marks the beginning of the harvest period in early summer, when the grain is gradually full but not yet ripe. During this season, in addition to agricultural activities, traditional customs are also rich and colorful, with a special focus on food therapy and health.

"Xiaoman eats three whites, and he doesn't come back when he gets sick for a year", which three whites do you refer to? Conform to the solar terms, don't know how to eat

On this day, in addition to paying attention to food and nourishment, there are also some areas where there are specific customs and activities, such as worshipping the god of the land and praying for a good harvest. Families prepare seasonal food and cook it in traditional ways, such as stir-frying freshly picked vegetables or making soups, to celebrate the gifts of nature and the changing of the seasons.

"Xiaoman eats three whites, and he doesn't come back when he gets sick for a year", which three whites do you refer to? Conform to the solar terms, don't know how to eat

"Xiaoman eats three whites, and he can't get sick for a year", this sentence has been passed down to this day, and the meaning behind it is far-reaching and practical. These three ingredients are believed to have significant effects in traditional Chinese medicine to clear away heat and detoxify, promote dampness and reduce swelling. In the early summer, these ingredients can help us expel moisture from the body and enhance the function of the digestive system, so as to enhance physical fitness and prevent diseases.

lotus seed

"Xiaoman eats three whites, and he doesn't come back when he gets sick for a year", which three whites do you refer to? Conform to the solar terms, don't know how to eat

Lotus seeds are not just a delicious ingredient, they also have high medicinal properties. In traditional Chinese medicine, lotus seeds are believed to nourish the mind and calm the nerves, and are especially suitable for improving sleep quality and reducing anxiety. In addition, lotus seeds are rich in protein and a variety of minerals, which can effectively enhance the body's resistance.

Recommended method: lotus seed and lily porridge

"Xiaoman eats three whites, and he doesn't come back when he gets sick for a year", which three whites do you refer to? Conform to the solar terms, don't know how to eat

Ingredients: lotus seeds, dried lilies, rice, water.

Soak lotus seeds and dried lilies for two hours in advance.

After washing the rice, put it in a pot with the soaked lotus seeds and lilies.

Add an appropriate amount of water, simmer until the porridge is thick, and add an appropriate amount of sugar according to personal taste.

Mo Bai

"Xiaoman eats three whites, and he doesn't come back when he gets sick for a year", which three whites do you refer to? Conform to the solar terms, don't know how to eat

The taste of the white water is crisp and tender, and the taste is sweet, which is a good product to cool off in summer. It is rich in fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, help digestion, and have a certain relieving effect on the common loss of appetite in summer.

Recommended method: Stir-fried shrimp with white sauce

"Xiaoman eats three whites, and he doesn't come back when he gets sick for a year", which three whites do you refer to? Conform to the solar terms, don't know how to eat

Ingredients: Coconut white, shrimp, ginger slices, minced garlic.

Peel and cut the white callus into sections, wash the shrimp and set aside.

Heat the pan with cold oil and stir-fry the ginger slices and minced garlic until fragrant.

Add the shrimp and stir-fry quickly until it changes color, then add the white water and continue to stir-fry.

Add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, stir-fry quickly and then remove from the pan.

Horseshoe (water chestnut)

"Xiaoman eats three whites, and he doesn't come back when he gets sick for a year", which three whites do you refer to? Conform to the solar terms, don't know how to eat

Water chestnut, also known as water chestnut, is a very popular ingredient in summer. It has a sweet and cool taste, has a good effect of clearing heat and dampness, and can also promote metabolism and enhance body vitality.

Recommended method: Stir-fried pork slices with water chestnuts

"Xiaoman eats three whites, and he doesn't come back when he gets sick for a year", which three whites do you refer to? Conform to the solar terms, don't know how to eat

Ingredients: water chestnut, lean pork, green pepper, salt, light soy sauce.

Peel and slice the water chestnut, slice the lean pork and marinate it with a little light soy sauce.

Heat the oil in a pan and stir-fry the meat slices quickly until they change color.

Add the water chestnut and green pepper slices and stir-fry quickly.

Add an appropriate amount of salt and stir-fry quickly.

"Xiaoman eats three whites, and he doesn't come back when he gets sick for a year", which three whites do you refer to? Conform to the solar terms, don't know how to eat

With the arrival of the Xiaoman solar term, we not only ushered in the change of seasons, but also ushered in the best time to adjust our diet and conform to nature. Today, we explored the meaning behind the traditional wisdom that "Xiaoman eats the three whites", that is, by eating the "three whites" of white radish, cabbage and garlic to strengthen the body's resistance and regulate the internal environment.

These three simple yet highly effective ingredients are not only rich in essential nutrients, but also have a variety of health benefits such as improving digestion and clearing away heat and detoxification, making them perfect for the small season. They help us remove moisture and heat toxins from our bodies, so as to prepare for the upcoming hot summer, ensuring good health and keeping away from diseases.