
Initiate! China's 5G cross-network roaming is coming

author:Ma'anshan release

In the digital age, nothing is more important than connectivity. Poor signal will reduce the network experience.

Here's the good news! On May 17, at the 2024 World Telecommunication and Information Society Day Conference held in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Radio and Television jointly announced the launch of 5G cross-network roaming commercial promotion, so that remote areas can enjoy 5G "without being left behind".

What is 5G cross-network roaming?

In layman's terms, it means not changing the card or number, when the operator we use does not have 5G network coverage, the mobile phone can be automatically switched and use the 5G network of other operators.

In some remote areas and rural areas, the base station is not so densely laid, and there will be insufficient coverage and weak signal. 5G cross-network roaming is of great significance to accelerate 5G network coverage, especially to improve the network coverage level in remote areas and rural areas.

Initiate! China's 5G cross-network roaming is coming

It is unusual for more than 800 million 5G users to enjoy high-speed mobile communication networks.

The first is "a game of chess". The realization of 5G cross-network roaming relies on network sharing, and pays attention to the cooperation between operators and the industry chain. The mainland is a vast country, and it is impossible to rely on a single person to build base stations or operate and maintain networks.

Under the overall guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Radio and Television continue to promote the co-construction and sharing of networks. Only by forming a joint force can the four "big guys" continuously reduce construction costs, improve efficiency, optimize services, and allow users to enjoy more convenience.

Secondly, there must be technological breakthroughs. For example, "5G core network roaming" requires operators not only to deploy independent 5G mobile core networks, but also to achieve interoperability between networks and complete cross-network mobility management and security management.

In the absence of international precedents and available standards, the four operators worked together with the upstream and downstream of the industry chain to innovate and formulate 5G cross-network roaming technology solutions, and successively completed laboratory tests, field tests, and live network pilots.

In May last year, 5G cross-network roaming was trial-commercialized in Xinjiang, verifying the feasibility of commercial use. Next, the relevant provinces will formulate specific promotion plans to accelerate the promotion and implementation.

No matter which operator you are "roaming" to, you must have a certain scale of base station coverage. To achieve 5G cross-network roaming, it also depends on a complete network foundation as support.

Over the years, the mainland has adhered to the principle of being moderately ahead of its time and has continued to accelerate the construction of network infrastructure. As of the first quarter of this year, a total of 3.647 million 5G base stations have been built, providing a solid foundation for accelerating 5G network coverage and cross-network roaming.

For a large country with a population of more than 1.4 billion, every step is not easy to build and use the network well.

Today, the scale of 1.092 billion Internet users, the digital economy of more than 50 trillion yuan, and a large number of innovations such as artificial intelligence and industrial Internet are all supported by persistently accelerating the development of the network.

The special action of "signal upgrading" has been launched to promote 5G cross-network roaming, and the mobile communication network is making a breakthrough to "faster" and "wider". People expect that the network will be smoother, bring more convenience to life, and create more possibilities for economic development.

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Source: Xinhua News Agency

Editor: Yu Xuan Proofreader: Zhang Huiling

Review: Chen Minjuan Review: Wang Xiaoming
Initiate! China's 5G cross-network roaming is coming

Initiate! China's 5G cross-network roaming is coming


Initiate! China's 5G cross-network roaming is coming

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