
When the Maritime Fair meets the International Museum Day, two "001" pieces from the National Museum collection witness the integration and development of the two sides of the strait

author:New Fujian
When the Maritime Fair meets the International Museum Day, two "001" pieces from the National Museum collection witness the integration and development of the two sides of the strait

In February 2013, Taiwanese businessman Huang Yijian (right) donated the approval certificate for the establishment of the "Fujian and Taiwan Bank" enterprises that had been kept for nearly 30 years to the National Museum. (File photo)

The 18th is International Museum Day. In Beijing, the National Museum on the east side of Tiananmen Square is full of tourists, who come from all over the world to trace the ancient history and civilization of China.

The 18th is also the day when the Cross-Strait Economic and Trade Fair is held. In Fuzhou, compatriots from both sides of the Taiwan Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center gathered, and they gathered consensus to jointly promote the construction of a cross-strait integrated development demonstration zone.

The two places are more than 1,800 kilometers apart, and their people and affairs seem to be unrelated, but they are connected by two hinges -- one is the approval certificate for the establishment of the "Fujian and Taiwan Bank" enterprise donated by Taiwan compatriot Huang Yijian, "Foreign Economic and Trade Resources Review Zi [1986] No. 001", marking the establishment of the first foreign-funded enterprise independently invested and operated by Taiwan businessmen in the mainland and settled in Fuzhou; The other is the "Taipei County Government Profit-making Enterprise Registration Certificate" donated by Fuzhou enterprise Newland Technology Group, which is the first "registration certificate" issued to mainland enterprises in Taiwan after the Taiwan authorities opened up mainland enterprises to invest in Taiwan in 2009, and it is also a "001".

The two "001" are now in the collection of the National Museum, and the trajectory goes back and forth, clearly drawing a complete "circle" between the straits, which is the story of cross-strait economic and trade exchanges from "breaking the ice" to blending, the story of Fuzhou, the story of Fujian and Taiwan, and the story of the Chinese nation.

Perhaps at night when no one is around, they will snuggle up together, and they will often "talk" about the past, present and future of the two sides of the strait.

Go both ways

On the 16th, the cross-strait exchange and sharing meeting was held at the Straits International Convention and Exhibition Center. Standing on the side of the stage, Huang Yijian couldn't help himself and couldn't hold back his tears. The scene performance on stage restored the scene when he obtained the mainland business license numbered "001". Immersed in it, his mind returned to the winter of 1984.

That year, Huang Yijian quit his job in Japan and went to Beijing to visit his younger brother Huang Ayuan, the first Taiwanese host to appear in the Spring Festival Gala. Subsequently, the two set off from the capital and traveled all the way south to admire the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, and at the same time to investigate the possibility of investment in the mainland.

When the train stopped at Fuzhou Station, Huang Yijian found a long-lost sense of intimacy. "Fuzhou's climate, customs, and food are very close to Taiwan's, and I was deeply attracted to it at that time." Not only that, but the provincial and municipal leaders warmly received the brothers. Knowing that Huang Yijian was interested in investing in the mainland, the staff of Fuzhou City also tried their best to help him choose a site, and departments at all levels also gave him great support. "This kind of warm service to Taiwan businessmen has made me deeply feel the sincerity and open-mindedness of Fuzhou." Huang Yijian therefore decided to invest in Rong!

Wishes are good, but it is not easy to achieve. At that time, there was no precedent for Taiwanese investment, and it was necessary to report it level by level, and the procedures were cumbersome, so Huang Yijian fell into a long wait. Under the vigorous promotion of relevant departments at all levels of provinces and cities, finally in 1986, Fujian and Taiwan Bank was approved and successfully opened. To this day, when Huang Yijian talks about the scene when he heard the good news, he will be so excited that he raises his hands and clenches his fists. "This license not only represents my efforts and sweat, but also represents Fuzhou's recognition and support for Taiwanese businessmen!" In this way, on 817 North Road in Fuzhou, there is an additional "Fujian and Taiwan" shopping mall that mainly deals in clothing.

Huang Yijian revealed that the meaning of the name of the Fujian and Taiwan Bank is that it hopes that Fujian and Taiwan can trade freely. However, for more than 20 years after that, cross-strait economic and trade relations were limited to one-way investment by Taiwan businessmen to the mainland. Until the beginning of this century, a banyan enterprise went to Taiwan to invest, completed a stroke from west to east, and drew a complete "circle" between the straits.

In 2008, when the financial crisis spread around the world, New World decided to invest in Taiwan in the hope of turning the crisis into an opportunity. In 2009, with the approval of the Ministry of Commerce, Taiwan Newland Co., Ltd. was inaugurated in Taipei, making Newland the first mainland enterprise to invest in Taiwan, opening the prelude to two-way investment across the Taiwan Strait.

"There are three reasons for investing in Taiwan: first, Taiwan's industrial strength is strong and the management level is relatively high; Second, Taiwan's ownership and protection of intellectual property rights are at the forefront of the world; Third, Taiwan's internationalization channels are relatively mature. Wang Jing, president of Newland Technology Group, said.

Liang Zhiqiang, then vice president of the Fujian Provincial Federation of Taiwan Compatriots, said in an interview that the landing and flowering of the new mainland in Taiwan is a true portrayal of the increasingly close cross-strait relations, and is also the beginning of cross-strait economic and trade exchanges in a real sense.

In 2013, the two "001s" that witnessed the deepening of cross-strait relations from the beginning to the deepening entered the National Museum, enriching the collection of cross-strait relations in the National Museum.

When the Maritime Fair meets the International Museum Day, two "001" pieces from the National Museum collection witness the integration and development of the two sides of the strait

Taipei County Government For-Profit Business Registration Certificate Collection Certificate. (Photo provided by the interviewee)

You're non, I'm non

After breaking the ice, how will "001" integrate into cross-strait development?

Let's take a look at the Fujian and Taiwan lines first-

With its innovative model and high-quality positioning, the Fujian Taiwan Bank, which was successfully opened, became an instant hit in Fuzhou City, and the scenery was unlimited for a while. "We have introduced foreign business models, set up open counters, and do not close at noon, forming differentiated operations. At that time, Fuzhou people wanted to go abroad, get married, or have other important occasions, they would come to Fujian and Taiwan to buy high-quality clothing. Huang Yijian revealed that the once-prosperous Fujian and Taiwan banks also invested in the construction of garment factories, with an annual turnover of more than 100 million yuan.

At the same time, the fall of Fujian and Taiwan has also stimulated the development of the commercial and trade industry on 817 North Road. The surrounding civil and engineering dilapidated houses have been renovated in patches, and clothing stores have sprung up. Soon after, the main street, which runs from north to south, became a bustling clothing shopping street in the city.

The news of the success of the Fujian-Taiwan Bank in Fuzhou spread far and wide, and many of Huang Yijian's Taiwan friends had to learn from them when they came to Fuzhou to visit. "How about investing in Fuzhou?" Whenever faced with such a question, his answer is very simple: "You can come with confidence!" ”

Why? In his view, first, the compatriots on both sides of the strait have the same roots, the same culture, and the same species, and it is not difficult to integrate into Fuzhou; Second, Fuzhou has obvious geographical advantages, has a built port, and is adjacent to the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta, with convenient exports; Third, the relevant government departments have a strong sense of service, emphasizing "do it immediately", and the business environment is good...... Many friends were moved by Huang Yijian's words, cooperated with him to invest in the establishment of a garment factory, and later opened a sweater factory to Shanghai.

When Taiwan businessmen come to invest in the mainland, they value the demographic dividend, the vast market, and the considerate service, while the new mainland goes to Taiwan to pay more attention to complementing each other's advantages.

As early as before going to Taiwan, Newland has been struggling to tackle the two-dimensional code decoding technology, and in 2005, it successfully developed a two-dimensional code reading module with independent intellectual property rights. In order to make the reading device smaller in size, lower in power consumption, more convenient to use, and improve the speed and accuracy of reading, Newland decided to develop its own chips and invest in Taiwan, because Taiwanese companies are better at industrialization, and cooperation with Taiwan enterprises can allow Newland to focus on core technology research and development.

In 2009, Taiwan Newland Co., Ltd. was inaugurated in Taipei and reached a strategic cooperation with Taiwan's United Microelectronics Co., Ltd. The following year, Newland released the world's first QR code decoding chip, achieving an important breakthrough in QR code recognition technology - the decoding speed is more than 10 times higher than that of software decoding, and the comprehensive reading rate is greatly improved.

"The birth of the world's first two-dimensional code decoding chip is a successful model of cross-strait high-tech cooperation." The person in charge of Taiwan Union Power said with deep feelings.

The "stuck neck" technology was cracked, and the new continent was immediately intercepted by foreign counterparts. In 2011, Honeywell of the United States filed a claim to Newland that its products were suspected of infringing the invention patent of "barcode reader with global electronic shutter control" of its subsidiary, Majie Company, and demanded huge patent license fees.

After 8 years, Newland finally won the battle with Honeywell for the core patent of barcode technology, and also learned a lesson from it. At the same time as chip research and development, Newland has joined hands with Taiwan's well-known intellectual property consulting company, Taiwan Expo Technology Group, to carry out the global layout of intellectual property patents, and put forward 120 patent applications around the two-dimensional code decoding chip, so that the chip is no longer afraid of any infringement attack.

Today, Newland has successfully radiated to the world through Taiwan and achieved an international development route. "In addition, we have two additional gains from investing in Taiwan: first, we have introduced Taiwan's advanced concept of intellectual property management; Second, it has built a stable channel for the introduction of talents, and many Taiwan compatriots have joined the enterprise. The relevant person in charge of the new continent said.

Today, the world's first QR code decoding chip is embedded in a crystal trophy and stands firmly in the center of the first exhibition area of the New World Enterprise Exhibition Hall. Both the location and the way it is displayed remind visitors of the special status of this chip the size of a fingernail in the New World.

When the Maritime Fair meets the International Museum Day, two "001" pieces from the National Museum collection witness the integration and development of the two sides of the strait

Certificate of approval for the establishment of "Fujian and Taiwan Bank" enterprises. (Photo provided by the interviewee)

It doesn't matter if you or I don't

40 years ago, Huang Yijian crossed the sea to Banyan and needed to pass through Hong Kong, which took a day. Nowadays, the direct flight from Taipei to Fuzhou takes only one and a half hours. Increasing transportation has also accelerated the pace of his new business plan. "In the past, we have accumulated the resources of many manufacturers by operating Fujian and Taiwan stores. Now that the e-commerce platform is developing very well, I plan to integrate resources and build an e-commerce platform to sell domestic high-quality products to the European market. ”

What's even more exciting is that Huang Yijian's plan to bring together young people from both sides of the strait and integrate into the development of the digital age. This time, he was invited to Rong to participate in the Maritime Trade Fair, and he took advantage of the gap to communicate with his business partner Zhang Yu about the specific implementation of this plan in the next stage. Huang Yijian said that through this cooperation, he saw the fighting spirit of the young people in the mainland. Zhang Yu also said that he could learn the pioneering spirit from Taiwanese businessmen like Huang Yijian. "I think this is a very good combination, and we will also learn from the successful entrepreneurial experience of young people on both sides of the strait when forming a team in the future, and make our characteristics."

The story of compatriots on both sides of the strait moving forward hand in hand not only occurs in Huang Yijian's imagination, but also exists in the process of innovation and development in the new continent.

The year after the establishment of Taiwan Newland Co., Ltd., Newland's Fuzhou headquarters ushered in its first Taiwanese employee, Zhang Junyi. Because of his compound professional background in the Department of Physics of Tsinghua University in Hsinchu and the Institute of Intellectual Property Studies of National Chengchi University, Zhang Junyi is highly regarded in New World. At the same time, as the leader of the company's information recognition engine team, he devoted himself to research and development, obtained dozens of patents named after himself, and has now become the manager of Fujian Newland Automatic Identification Technology Co., Ltd., and has also been awarded the honorary citizen of Fuzhou City in 2014 and the model worker of Fuzhou City in 2019.

Today, not only Huang Yijian, but also Taiwanese compatriots living in Rong enjoy convenient mobile payment. Showing the payment QR code of WeChat or Alipay, the cashier can complete the payment with a scanner with a scanner - behind this ordinary move is the QR code decoding chip of cross-strait cooperation. In 2023, with the continuous iterative upgrading of QR code technology, Newland Payment Company will top the global POS market, and its shipments will jump from the third in the world to the first in the world.

At the same time, focusing on the governance pain points of the government, industry, enterprises and society, Newland provides full-scenario digital solutions from hardware, software, business operations to data operations, and has presided over or participated in the formulation of national standards and industry standards for the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence for many times, and is the only enterprise in the country that has mastered the core technology of QR code reading, with more than 600 national valid patents, 9 foreign valid patents, more than 1,000 software copyrights, and more than 490 patents under application.

"Facing the future, we embrace the concept of 'scientific and technological innovation for the benefit of mankind', focus on the two national innovation pilots of digital yuan and digital identity, seize the development opportunities of digital Fujian, and aspire to become a pioneering and innovative enterprise in the construction of China's 'digital citizen' and the application of digital yuan scenarios." The relevant person in charge of the New Continent Group said.

Source: Fuzhou News Network