
Five departments will carry out the 2024 new energy vehicle to the countryside activities, and the models will be announced

author:Jining News Network

Notice of the five departments on carrying out the activities of new energy vehicles going to the countryside in 2024

The Department of Industry and Information Technology Unicom Loading Letter [2024] No. 158

To the competent departments of industry and information technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the departments (bureaus and commissions) of agriculture and rural affairs (agriculture and animal husbandry), the competent departments of commerce and the competent departments of energy of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities specifically designated in the state plan:

In order to implement the relevant decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, accelerate the completion of the shortcomings in the consumption and use of new energy vehicles in rural areas, improve the level of green and safe travel for residents, and empower the construction of beautiful villages and rural revitalization, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce, and the National Energy Administration jointly organized the 2024 new energy vehicles to the countryside activities.

First, the theme of the event

Green, low-carbon, intelligent and safe – empowering a new life and enjoying new travel

2. Activity time

May-December 2024

3. Activity content

Select new energy vehicle models suitable for the rural market, good reputation and reliable quality (see the annex for the model catalog), carry out centralized exhibitions, test rides and test drives and other activities to enrich the consumer experience and provide diversified choices. Organize charging and swapping services, financial services such as new energy vehicle underwriting, claims, and credit, as well as after-sales services such as maintenance, to go to the countryside to make up for the shortcomings of the supporting environment in rural areas. Implement support policies such as car trade-in, county-level charging and swapping facilities to make up for shortcomings, and direct "real money" discounts to consumers.

Fourth, the way of organization

(1) The activity will further sink to the county level, select a number of typical county cities with a low proportion of new energy vehicles and large future market potential, and hold a number of special activities; With this as the center, it radiates the surrounding towns and towns, and carries out a number of characteristic activities in combination with the actual situation of the region to form a "1+N" activity layout.

(2) Encourage all new energy vehicle manufacturers, sales enterprises, financial institutions, charging and swapping facility enterprises, sales and after-sales service enterprises to actively participate, and formulate promotional plans in combination with support policies such as trade-in and county-level charging and swapping facilities to make up for shortcomings, and establish and improve the after-sales service system.

(3) The activity is carried out in a combination of "on-site + cloud". The "offline" activities are carried out through a combination of typical county-level special activities and characteristic activities in surrounding towns and villages. "Online" activities mainly include online exhibitions and sales, live broadcast interactions, etc., which are carried out through e-commerce and Internet platforms in conjunction with offline activities.

(4) The series of activities are entrusted to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers and the China Charging Alliance to take the lead in organizing and implementing, and the competent departments of industry and informatization, development and reform, agriculture and rural affairs, commerce and energy in various places will do a good job of cooperating.

5. Safeguard measures

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. Strengthen work coordination, and do a good job in the pilot implementation of car trade-in and county-level charging and battery swapping facilities to make up for shortcomings. Strengthen personnel and financial guarantees, mobilize enterprises and institutions to actively participate, and ensure that various activities achieve practical results. Resolutely implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and their implementation rules, and persist in running activities frugally.

(2) Do a good job of security guarantees. Strictly abide by local social security management regulations, do a good job of risk assessment in advance in pilot areas, formulate work plans and emergency plans for safety precautions, refine measures, assign responsibilities to people, and implement them in place. Strengthen safety protection and strictly prevent accidents.

(3) Pay attention to the guidance of public opinion. Relevant departments and localities should comprehensively use official websites, Weibo and WeChat, radio and television, new media short videos and other channels to carry out full-coverage publicity and guidance throughout the whole process of activities, increase the popularization of science for new energy vehicles, strengthen pre-event warm-up publicity, and create a good public opinion environment.


China Association of Automobile Manufacturers Jiang Jianna 18610271728

China Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Promotion Alliance Tong Zongqi 18614242868

Attachment: 2024 new energy vehicle model catalog in the countryside

General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission

General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

General Office of the Ministry of Commerce

Comprehensive Department of the National Energy Administration

May 15, 2024

Five departments will carry out the 2024 new energy vehicle to the countryside activities, and the models will be announced
Five departments will carry out the 2024 new energy vehicle to the countryside activities, and the models will be announced
Five departments will carry out the 2024 new energy vehicle to the countryside activities, and the models will be announced
Five departments will carry out the 2024 new energy vehicle to the countryside activities, and the models will be announced
Five departments will carry out the 2024 new energy vehicle to the countryside activities, and the models will be announced

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