
How many people's childhood memories of this "pirated" disc are the game?

author:Xiaoxin mobile game club

Hello, brothers, wow! I'm Xiao Xin who only tells the truth. Before writing this article, Xiao Xin will throw out a question to everyone: May I ask you, what kind of equipment did you use to play video games for the first time in your gaming career?

Of course, people of different ages will have different answers. A small number of hardcore enthusiasts may say that it is an Atari home host, and those who are the same age as Xiaoxin may say that they are Xiaobawang or MD. Further on, a group of younger gamers caught up with arcade or early PCs.

How many people's childhood memories of this "pirated" disc are the game?

But for many domestic players, there is a device that seems unlikely to become a game console, which was once all the rage in the domestic market, which is the first love game VCD of many players. Even if you haven't seen it before, I'm afraid you can get a general idea of what it looks like just from the literal meaning. That's right, it's a VCD that can play games.

How many people's childhood memories of this "pirated" disc are the game?

Compared with the Xiaobawang learning machine specially designed for children, buying a VCD that can play discs is a more rational consumption for ordinary families in the 90s. Of course, adults don't take the game function as the opening title seriously when they buy it, but for children who are desperate for new things, this is a boon in its entirety, a portal to a new world. So, even though it's been almost 20 years, I first encountered a video game. That scene is still vivid.

How many people's childhood memories of this "pirated" disc are the game?

It was an ordinary summer evening, and my father happily moved home a long-coveted VCD. connected to the TV and set up the position, Xiao Xin thought that he could finally see Jackie Chan fighting on his TV. Dad took out a yellow disc from a drawer and put it in the machine. Immediately, a naked man swayed up and down in front of the TV, and his father was sitting in front of the TV, holding an indescribable strange object, as if he was manipulating something. The images and sounds fascinated me. Well, after many years, the man I knew who was originally naked, was the legendary e-sports Kato Taka - Naruto Takahashi (FC game Adventure Island). And that yellow disc is the Chinese game 300 with three big characters on the book and not for sale.

How many people's childhood memories of this "pirated" disc are the game?

So, today we will talk about some interesting things about this Chinese game 300. This is an issue I've wanted to do for a long time, and there's a lot of stuff to say. But first, let's recall what the Chinese game 300 looks like: turn on the disc player, put in the disc, the happy color is reflected on the immature face, one page is tired of playing, the next page, no more, the next page. Flipping through the pictures one after another, this satisfaction is incomparable, not only the blessing of feelings, but also the design of this menu page since I was a child. Moreover, the characters in the background picture are also very beautiful.

How many people's childhood memories of this "pirated" disc are the game?

So where do these characters come from? Does it have anything to do with the content of the game? Don't say it, this is indeed a serious question that Xiao Xin once thought about when he was a child. If there is a problem, it must be solved! Besides, with today's means, it is not difficult to solve this problem.

Let's say the most common first page: a group of small animals sitting in a golden car, and then a picture of a joyful atmosphere of a car outing. This image is not actually from a film or television work, but from the 1999 rhythm game "Happy Samba" released by Sega on both DC and arcade. Limited by the rarity of DC consoles in China, as well as the pure Latin style music characteristics, this game must not be played by many people in China. But abroad, it's not much better. It's just that many years later, when someone posted the video of this game on a video website, it instantly caused 100,000 or even millions of views. Not many of them have ever played the game, but just watching the video and listening to the music is enough to make them. Even, there are many people who want to see the reset of this game on NS, so you can imagine how good this must be.

How many people's childhood memories of this "pirated" disc are the game?

Happy Samba

Of course, these are all digressions. The only key thing that can be extracted from the above information is that the production of the disc "Chinese Game 300" will certainly not be earlier than 1999. And the new Tianli VCD, that is 96 years has been advertising. So this disc should have been made for the sinking market.

How many people's childhood memories of this "pirated" disc are the game?

Next, Xiaoxin will talk to you about a big problem in this "Chinese Game 300": the pot of translating the name has caused many friends to find the same game in the original childhood to this day. Translation, whether in Japanese or English, is strikingly similar in terms of translation. Next, I will talk about the mistranslations in "Chinese Game 300": the second "Sinbad" on the third page is actually called "Super Arabic" in the original. The "Firefighter" on the fifth page of the picture above was originally called "Firefighting Heroes", originally called "Frontline Operations", but here it is called "Frontline", originally called "Shippo 2" but here it is translated as "Shippo 2" and so on. There are too many mistranslated names, and those who want to play can go to the Internet to find an explanation.

How many people's childhood memories of this "pirated" disc are the game?

In fact, there are many repeated games in "Chinese Game 300", and this article is just a brief introduction to the game memories of many post-80s and even post-90s brothers. I remember a buddy in the comment area said so affectionately: "My family's economic conditions are very poor, when I was a child, I thought it was the happiest thing to be able to play 300 game discs, and it was even happier to have two intact handles, the meaning of this small disc is not just those good and bad games, there are innocent and simple dreams in my childhood, as if I closed my eyes, I returned to the countryside, sweating and sitting in front of the TV and fiddling with the handle, surrounded by the smell of grandpa's tobacco, and the sporadic cries of chickens and ducks downstairs, Best friend sitting next to me...... These make up all my childhood memories and make up a part of me, and these memories are to the point where I cry when I think about it".

How many people's childhood memories of this "pirated" disc are the game?

As an old game lover, whenever someone mentions a certain game, Xiao Xin will always subconsciously say which company made this game. It's the same with this 300-in-1.,Although I know it's pirated.,But Xiao Xin just really wants to know who stuffed these good and bad games into the same disc and affected my childhood.,Go to the major forums to find it.,As a result, something unexpected happened to Xiao Xin!

How many people's childhood memories of this "pirated" disc are the game?

When I searched on foreign websites, I found that this disc actually has a pure English version, that is, the English game 300! And it looks as if it's more like the original! The games are all in the American version, and almost all of them are standard American translations. Scrolling down to the comment section, I was even more shocked!

How many people's childhood memories of this "pirated" disc are the game?

What shocked Xiaoxin was not that there were many people in the comment area, but the language in the comment area: Spanish, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Arabic and many more people from all over the world who communicate in English! They are all moved by the same picture and the same childhood. A few of these replies poked Xiao Xin in the heart, and he said, "Hey, brother." As someone living in a low-income group, the games I played on DVD are some of my fondest memories! ”

How many people's childhood memories of this "pirated" disc are the game?

God, what a wonderful time it was!

The simple expression also made me really realize the commonalities of these players. Yes, almost all of these players are from the third world, including Xiaoxin. In Xiao Xin's opinion, this is a particularly wonderful and warm feeling. It also made Xiao Xin realize that in various locations under the same blue sky, there are completely different stories happening every day.

How many people's childhood memories of this "pirated" disc are the game?

While players with sufficient conditions are frustrated that the PS is too slow to read and DC can't buy the goods, there are still many players in different countries who are cheering for a pirated VCD-300. At that time, we weren't upset that we couldn't play the latest games. Because as players, we enjoy the same kind of happiness. That's enough!

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