
I can't laugh anymore, Wu Yanzu's first Douyin is to shout Wu Yanzu everywhere, stop it

author:Iwai today
I can't laugh anymore, Wu Yanzu's first Douyin is to shout Wu Yanzu everywhere, stop it

Text/netizens commented on the headlines

Editing/writing online reviews


Stop it, 'Yanzu' everywhere, the real Wu Yanzu is here!

On May 17, the male god Wu Yanzu finally opened a personal account on Douyin and released his first video.

I can't laugh anymore, Wu Yanzu's first Douyin is to shout Wu Yanzu everywhere, stop it

In the video, he smiled at the camera, if you are all Wu Yanzu, then who am I,


Humorously shouted: 'Yanzu' everywhere, stop it! As soon as this video was released, it quickly sparked heated discussions, and received more than one million likes within three hours.

I can't laugh anymore, Wu Yanzu's first Douyin is to shout Wu Yanzu everywhere, stop it

Netizen comments

After Wu Yanzu's first Douyin video was released, the comment area of netizens exploded instantly, leaving funny and exclamatory messages:

Netizen: You are Wu Yanzu, so who am I?

I can't laugh anymore, Wu Yanzu's first Douyin is to shout Wu Yanzu everywhere, stop it

If Wu Yanzu chases me, what should I pay attention to

I can't laugh anymore, Wu Yanzu's first Douyin is to shout Wu Yanzu everywhere, stop it

Let me give you a suggestion, start a live broadcast, sit in front of the camera with this mask, don't say anything, and easily earn one million a year

I can't laugh anymore, Wu Yanzu's first Douyin is to shout Wu Yanzu everywhere, stop it

Netizen: I've seen me very friendly (the left is me)

I can't laugh anymore, Wu Yanzu's first Douyin is to shout Wu Yanzu everywhere, stop it
I can't laugh anymore, Wu Yanzu's first Douyin is to shout Wu Yanzu everywhere, stop it

Netizen: Otherwise, your name is Hong Kong Wu Yanzu, our well water does not interfere with river water

I can't laugh anymore, Wu Yanzu's first Douyin is to shout Wu Yanzu everywhere, stop it

Wu Yanzu at his peak, even I have to avoid the edge for the time being.

I can't laugh anymore, Wu Yanzu's first Douyin is to shout Wu Yanzu everywhere, stop it
I can't laugh anymore, Wu Yanzu's first Douyin is to shout Wu Yanzu everywhere, stop it

Netizen: Finally waited for Wu Yanzu himself to go online, fake Yanzu everywhere, your era is over!

Netizen: This 'stop it' is simply pregnant!

Netizen: "It turns out that Wu Yanzu can also open Douyin, it's so down-to-earth!"

Netizen: As soon as it was launched, it detonated the whole network, this is the charm of the male god!

The incident was analyzed and analyzed

In Wu Yanzu's video, he humorously imitates some popular memes on the Internet, calling out netizens who pretend to be his name in a relaxed tone. This self-deprecating and humorous way allows people to see a different side of him and shortens the distance with fans. After the video was released, his followers soared, and the comment section was filled with all kinds of funny and exclamatory messages.

Reflect and share

Through the release of the first video on Douyin, Wu Yanzu showed his humorous and people-friendly side, and successfully attracted the attention and heated discussions of the majority of netizens. For celebrities, how to maintain their brand image while maintaining good interaction with fans is an important topic.

"Stop it, the 'Yanzu' from all over the world, the real Wu Yanzu is here!" This humorous shout not only shows Wu Yanzu's sense of humor, but also shows us a sense of responsibility as a public figure. In this light-hearted way, he reminded everyone to be rational about the phenomenon of impersonation on the Internet, and further narrowed the distance with fans.

I hope that in the future, more celebrities will be able to maintain interaction with fans and show their true selves like Wu Yanzu, so that fans can feel the truth and cordiality of stars while chasing stars. In this way, not only can the exposure of the star be increased, but also more people can understand their real life and personality.

The content and pictures of the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate rational star chasing, no vulgar and other bad guidance.


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