
The host Chen Chen, who is not used to being a star, married her little husband in a low-key manner and gave birth to a daughter at the age of 41

author:Abu talks about the world

1. 41-year-old Chen Chen and her husband Yu Di jointly gave birth to a lovely baby and lived a loving and harmonious life. Whenever night fell, Chen Chen would gently push open the door of his daughter's warm bedroom and quietly look at the sleeping little angel, his face full of satisfaction.

This woman, who has entered the middle stage of her life, has gone through a brilliant career and many tests in her love life, and finally ushered in the happy family she dreamed of.

At this warm moment, her husband Yu Di also walked into his daughter's room, surrounded his dear wife affectionately, and sighed: You have really paid too much, from the arduous journey of giving birth to your daughter, to carefully caring for her at every stage of her growth, I have deeply felt your greatness as a mother.

The host Chen Chen, who is not used to being a star, married her little husband in a low-key manner and gave birth to a daughter at the age of 41

After listening to her husband's words, Chen Chen leaned warmly in his arms, nodded gently, and her eyes exuded endless happiness Indeed, she and her husband Yu Di spent the wind and rain hand in hand, their love journey was full of thorns, but now the laughter of this family of three has become their greatest reward.

2. Looking back on the past years

Born in the beautiful city of Hangzhou, Chen Chen is naturally beautiful, talented, and has outstanding English skills.

The host Chen Chen, who is not used to being a star, married her little husband in a low-key manner and gave birth to a daughter at the age of 41

Chen Chen was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in May 1979 and grew up on the shore of the beautiful West Lake. She was born beautiful and talented, and she showed exceptional talent from an early age. At the age of four, she shone on the kindergarten stage, stunning with her beauty, intelligence, and fluency in spoken English.

Chen Chen's family attached great importance to her education, so she was able to study English at a school Chinese other schools in Hangzhou from an early age. In junior high school, Chen Chen began to receive rigorous English training, and then successfully entered Shanghai Foreign Chinese University.

She was not born in a professional class, and originally planned to work as a white-collar worker in a foreign company, but she unexpectedly became a high-profile host.

The host Chen Chen, who is not used to being a star, married her little husband in a low-key manner and gave birth to a daughter at the age of 41

In her college career, Chen Chen never imagined that she would get involved in the entertainment industry, her dream is simple and unpretentious, just hoping to successfully enter a foreign company after graduation and become an ordinary and diligent white-collar employee.

Fate opened a new chapter for her.

In his junior year, the energetic Chen Chen was recognized by the Shanghai Haha Children's Channel and became the host of the children's program "Little Dragon Club". Her playful and lively image combined with pure spoken English quickly won the love of the audience, especially the teenagers.

The host Chen Chen, who is not used to being a star, married her little husband in a low-key manner and gave birth to a daughter at the age of 41

She has hosted many different types of programs, known as the "ever-changing host", and her career is thriving.

After countless trials and tempering, Chen Chen successfully signed a contract with Dragon TV on the occasion of his graduate graduation, announcing that a new chapter in his career has begun! With her profound hosting skills and colorful personality, she is able to control almost all kinds of different forms of programs, covering a variety of topics from entertainment information to talent competitions.

The audience affectionately praised her as "the first sister of Dragon TV", and she deserved it! .

The host Chen Chen, who is not used to being a star, married her little husband in a low-key manner and gave birth to a daughter at the age of 41

Although there are occasional "downtime" situations, her sincere and frank personality can always bring people a warm feeling like spring. Whether it is the wonderful performance in the entertainment information programs "Entertainment Online" and "Entertainment Star World", or in the singing reality show "My Type My Show" and the talent show "Come on! Good Boy" and the dance competition program "Dance Forest Conference" and other diversified programs are at ease, which fully proves that her reputation as a "versatile host" is not in vain.

3. The fate of acquaintance, acquaintance and love:

Husband Yu Di is a talented vocal teacher and a powerful male singer, and the two unabashedly show their deep affection for each other in the show.

The host Chen Chen, who is not used to being a star, married her little husband in a low-key manner and gave birth to a daughter at the age of 41

Compared with Chen Chen's active and bright, her husband Yu Di is more low-key and introverted. This vocal talent who graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and received a master's degree with honors is not only a senior vocal teacher in the performance department of the Shanghai Theater Academy, but also a high-profile and powerful male singer.

After years of unremitting efforts and persistent pursuit, it was not until 2018 that Yu Di became familiar to the audience after participating in Hunan Satellite TV's original vocal competition program "Sound into the Heart Season 1".

And it was during the recording of this show that the sweet love affair between the two was finally made public.

The host Chen Chen, who is not used to being a star, married her little husband in a low-key manner and gave birth to a daughter at the age of 41

The recording theme of that issue happened to be "Singing Love Songs for My Sweetheart", and Yu Di sang the classic love song "Soft Voice" affectionately, dedicated to Chen Chen in the audience. As a return, Chen Chen also rarely sent warm applause and cheers to his beloved at the scene, overflowing with love and happiness in everyone's hearts, and everything was captured by the camera to the fullest.

In 2018, Chen Chen publicly announced his relationship with Yu Di, and always cherishes every moment full of rituals and pays attention to the romance in life.

In fact, as early as the end of 2018, the news about the love between the two had quietly spread in the circle. However, the low-key couple never made a big deal out of their love life in front of the media.

The host Chen Chen, who is not used to being a star, married her little husband in a low-key manner and gave birth to a daughter at the age of 41

On the contrary, they are more inclined to convey their innermost emotions to each other through some small details and small surprises full of rituals: whether it is a birthday, Valentine's Day or a special day such as Qixi Festival, they will always carefully select gifts and create a romantic and warm atmosphere for each other.

In this way, in every minute and second that both parties care for and cherish the most, the two hearts gradually get closer together, and jointly compose a gripping love chapter!

Fourth, after Chen Chen emerged in the workplace, he always maintained a low-key and calm attitude to the outside world, and rarely shared his private life publicly.

The host Chen Chen, who is not used to being a star, married her little husband in a low-key manner and gave birth to a daughter at the age of 41

Whether it is his career or personal life, Chen Chen has always adhered to that low-key and steady quality. She has never flaunted her private life excessively in public, and has always faced the attention of the outside world in a calm and quiet way.

"No matter how successful you are, you can't forget your original intention." This is the life creed that Chen Chen often remembers in his heart. From obscurity to today's success, she understands the importance of keeping a low profile and humility.

In her school days, even if she was occasionally recognized and surrounded by fans, she still maintained a humble and friendly attitude and never showed off herself. As for the label "star", she even thinks that it does not fully match her personality.

The host Chen Chen, who is not used to being a star, married her little husband in a low-key manner and gave birth to a daughter at the age of 41

"In the past, present and future, I will not change my true colors because of whether I am 'famous' or not." Chen Chen said firmly. She firmly believes that the quality of the environment does not matter, the key is whether she can stick to her inner principles.

It is precisely because of this openness and restraint that she is able to navigate and deal with various environments with ease.

Even after having children after marriage, Chen Chen still adheres to the principle of being a low-key person. She rarely shows her family life in front of the camera, only occasionally shares some heartwarming moments in her circle of friends, and more often, she devotes herself to the development of her career.

The host Chen Chen, who is not used to being a star, married her little husband in a low-key manner and gave birth to a daughter at the age of 41

When asked if she would slow down her career in order to take care of her family, she smiled and replied, "My love for my work has never faded, and I will continue to give it my all." "

Fifth, the quality of diligence and studiousness

During her postgraduate degree, she studied and worked at the same time, demonstrating excellent time management skills.

The host Chen Chen, who is not used to being a star, married her little husband in a low-key manner and gave birth to a daughter at the age of 41

Recalling that time when he was studying for a graduate degree, Chen Chen is full of pride. At that time, she was like a machine that never stopped, arranging most of the time in an orderly manner, not allowing her mind to stagnate for a moment.

During the daytime on campus, we saw her serious and focused in class; At night, she turned into an anchor in front of the screen, showing her talent and charm, lighting up the night sky with wonderful TV programs.

In her spare time, she devotes herself to the heavy training of the host lines, and spends every minute and quarter of an hour efficiently improving herself in the face of other people's concerned inquiries - "Are you too tired and too hardworking?" Chen Chen resolutely retorted: "As long as I know exactly what I am pursuing, then time will never seem scarce."

The host Chen Chen, who is not used to being a star, married her little husband in a low-key manner and gave birth to a daughter at the age of 41

She has a unique and efficient set of strategies when it comes to time management. Since elementary school, she has learned how to allocate her energy wisely and organize her studies, work and life in an orderly manner.

It is precisely because of this rigorous attitude that she can easily cope with the dual challenges of her studies and career, and after becoming a host, she has never delayed her studies due to work.

Later, she climbed to the top and enrolled in the EMBA program of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, and her learning never stopped.

The host Chen Chen, who is not used to being a star, married her little husband in a low-key manner and gave birth to a daughter at the age of 41

Even after the initial success of his career, Chen Chen maintained an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She persevered in her studies, and even pursued an EMBA degree from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, and her pursuit of knowledge was as passionate as a hungry tiger pounced on its prey.

"The accumulation of student life will have a profound impact on a person's entire life." This is Chen Chen's firm belief in life. Therefore, no matter when and where she is, she always maintains the spirit of diligence and hard work, and never allows herself to be slack.

When asked if she would slow down her career, she always smiled and responded: "My passion is still burning." Her tenacity and perseverance have impressed the people around her, and Chen Chen has always been the one who never gives up and never stops on the road of life with a bumper career and family.

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