
Career tie-break, 70-4! Conley proudly broke the spell Malone teased Murray for practicing hard like he hadn't eaten for two days

Career tie-break, 70-4! Conley proudly broke the spell Malone teased Murray for practicing hard like he hadn't eaten for two days

Rowe said the NBA

2024-05-19 06:52Posted in Fujian Sports Creators

On May 19, Beijing time, both the Nuggets and the Timberwolves arranged team training to prepare for tomorrow's tiebreaker. Conley's career tiebreaker is 70-4, and he says it's time to break the spell, and Huazi responded with a laugh at reporters. On the Nuggets side, Murray, who was not in good shape in the series, practiced frantically, and coach Malone ridiculed him for showing hunger, like not eating for two days.

Career tie-break, 70-4! Conley proudly broke the spell Malone teased Murray for practicing hard like he hadn't eaten for two days

Timberwolves veteran Conley returned to the G6 line, contributing 13 points, 4 rebounds and 5 assists, shooting 5-of-9 and 3-of-6 from three-point range, helping the Timberwolves beat the Nuggets by 45 points and dragged the series into a tiebreaker. However, in the seven-game tiebreaker of his career, Conley has yet to win. Four tie-breaks, three with the Grizzlies and one with the Jazz, Conley lost.

Career tie-break, 70-4! Conley proudly broke the spell Malone teased Murray for practicing hard like he hadn't eaten for two days

In 2011, Conley lost to the Thunder in a seven-steal, and he had 18 points, 5 rebounds and 6 assists, shooting 7-of-19 from the field; In 2012, Conley lost to the Clippers in a steal, and he had 7 points, 2 rebounds and 5 assists, shooting 2-of-13; In 2014, Conley lost to the Thunder again in the tiebreaker, and he scored 20 points, 5 rebounds and 9 assists, shooting 8-of-14, which was also Conley's best personal tie-break. In 2020, Conley lost to the Nuggets in a steal of seven, and he had 8 points, 4 rebounds and 7 assists on 2-of-13 shooting.

A reporter informed Edwards of Conley's 0-4 tie-break performance and asked him if he wanted to help Conley win the first tie-break. Edwards looked at the reporter with a confused look on his face and responded, "I'm going to win this game for myself!" This serious response also amused the reporters at the scene.

Career tie-break, 70-4! Conley proudly broke the spell Malone teased Murray for practicing hard like he hadn't eaten for two days
Career tie-break, 70-4! Conley proudly broke the spell Malone teased Murray for practicing hard like he hadn't eaten for two days

Edwards, who has never participated in a tie-break in his career, has expressed his belief that tomorrow's tie-break will be one of the best tie-breaks of all time. The reporter at the front said that after today's practice, Edwards also practiced the interior defense.

Career tie-break, 70-4! Conley proudly broke the spell Malone teased Murray for practicing hard like he hadn't eaten for two days

The Nuggets are also training hard to prepare for the war. Murray averaged 15.7 points, 4.3 rebounds and 4.7 assists per game in the first six games of this series, shooting only 38.2% from the field and 33.3% from three-point range. Coach Malone teased Murray's training performance, saying he looked hungry like he hadn't eaten for two days.

Career tie-break, 70-4! Conley proudly broke the spell Malone teased Murray for practicing hard like he hadn't eaten for two days
Career tie-break, 70-4! Conley proudly broke the spell Malone teased Murray for practicing hard like he hadn't eaten for two days

Michael Porter Jr. didn't play well either, averaging 11.3 points and 5.2 rebounds per game in this series, shooting 39.7% from the field and 35.3% from three-point range. He said he would try to play aggressively and look for shots.

The Nuggets vs Timberwolves tie-break battle will start at 8 a.m. Beijing time on May 20, and everyone is more optimistic about which side will win? Feel free to leave a message to express your opinions.

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  • Career tie-break, 70-4! Conley proudly broke the spell Malone teased Murray for practicing hard like he hadn't eaten for two days
  • Career tie-break, 70-4! Conley proudly broke the spell Malone teased Murray for practicing hard like he hadn't eaten for two days
  • Career tie-break, 70-4! Conley proudly broke the spell Malone teased Murray for practicing hard like he hadn't eaten for two days
  • Career tie-break, 70-4! Conley proudly broke the spell Malone teased Murray for practicing hard like he hadn't eaten for two days
  • Career tie-break, 70-4! Conley proudly broke the spell Malone teased Murray for practicing hard like he hadn't eaten for two days
  • Career tie-break, 70-4! Conley proudly broke the spell Malone teased Murray for practicing hard like he hadn't eaten for two days
  • Career tie-break, 70-4! Conley proudly broke the spell Malone teased Murray for practicing hard like he hadn't eaten for two days

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