
"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

author:Chat a little bit
"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

Recently, the high-profile costume drama "Celebrating More Than Years 2" was launched, and it was in the limelight for a while, and even surpassed "Singer 2024" in terms of discussion, but at the same time, the level of the series was also controversial.

Audiences have pointed out problems such as incoherent plots and uneven acting skills of actors, but the most eye-catching is the heated discussion caused by the goofs shots.

In this drama, goofs have become a must-have highlight in almost every episode.

Among them, Chen Daoming, who plays Emperor Qing, became the focus because of a running shot.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

When Emperor Qing was emotionally chasing Fan Xian, he was wearing a pair of modern sneakers, which made people feel disobedient.

Netizens complained one after another, but some people expressed their understanding and joked that this may be a special gift from Ye Qingmei to Emperor Qing.

Looking back on Chen Daoming, Chen Daoming is worthy of being a legend in the Chinese film and television industry, and his acting skills and contributions have been recognized and affirmed.

Recently, he has won a series of awards, including winning the Golden Yanghua Award at the international film festival he participated in, and being selected as the National Outstanding TV Actor for the Centenary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

These honors are not only a recognition of him personally, but also an affirmation of China's film and television industry.

Netizens expressed congratulatory remarks on Chen Daoming's award.

A netizen wrote excitedly: Mr. Chen Daoming is a banner of Chinese film and television, and his award is well deserved! Another netizen said: I was very excited to see his award-winning news, his acting skills are really incomparable!

These comments fully demonstrate the reverence and praise of netizens for Chen Daoming.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

The reason why Chen Daoming was able to win these awards is entirely because of his solid acting skills and deep understanding of the role.

A netizen commented: Chen Daoming can show his unique charm in every role, and his performance is impressive! Another netizen also said: After watching his performance, I admire his acting skills even more, his performance is really vivid!

These comments fully expressed netizens' recognition and appreciation of Chen Daoming's excellent acting skills.

These honors have also attracted much attention to Chen Daoming's film and television works.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

A netizen said: Chen Daoming's works are all necessary for me to chase dramas, and every time he appears, people are looking forward to it! Another netizen also wrote: Chen Daoming's film and television works can always bring different viewing experiences to the audience, and his performance is really wonderful! These comments fully show the love and support of netizens for Chen Daoming's works.

To sum up, Chen Daoming's awards are a full affirmation of his excellent acting skills and contributions over the years.

His acting talent and deep understanding of the role have made him a banner in the Chinese film and television industry, and he is loved and respected by the audience.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

We look forward to seeing him continue to bring us more wonderful performances in the future!

The production mistakes in the play are frequently exposed, and they have become a topic of conversation among the audience of "Celebrating More Than Years 2".

The automatic door was pointed out to have been pulled open with a rope, which became the laughing stock of everyone after dinner.

In this regard, netizens expressed their surprise: The design of this door is too thoughtless, and the rope is fully exposed!

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

What's going on? This door is obviously 'automatic' lonely! Someone humorously joked: No wonder no one wants to use the door in the court drama recently, they all climb out of the window directly.

The sometimes absent tattoos of the second prince played by Liu Duanduan have aroused heated discussions among netizens.

A netizen commented: Is this the second prince's tattoo of 'coming and going without a trace'? It seems that the crew needs to hire a professional tattoo artist to 'take charge'.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

Another netizen humorously pointed out: If I were a staff member, I would definitely be tempted to ask, is the tattoo of the second prince 'expiration date' or 'seasonal' disappearing?

In addition to the goofs in the play, the mistakes in the stills and trailers also attracted the attention of the audience.

Some netizens pointed out the appearance of the electric tower in the stills: It seems that there was also a need for electricity in ancient times, and the ancients really lived more 'fashionable'! As for the special effect mistake of the steps in the trailer, an audience member joked: Is this the special effects team trying to be funny? Accidentally exposed the stuffing!

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

Some people couldn't help but joke: I think the director may be digging easter eggs for the audience, after all, the 'surreal' style is also quite creative.

The audience has different attitudes towards these production mistakes.

Some people think that these mistakes spoil the look and feel of the show, while others see it as adding some unexpected fun to the story.

However, the vast majority of viewers hope that the crew can be more attentive to the production to avoid similar flaws.

One netizen concluded: Although these mistakes sometimes bring us joy, after all, this is an excellent series, and we still want to see more elaborate production.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

Netizens reacted differently to these mistakes.

Some people bluntly say that actors are not dedicated enough, thinking that this is a blasphemy against professionalism.

A netizen wrote: The actors have received so much salary, at least the integrity of the character image should be guaranteed! Others, on the other hand, are tolerant of Mr. Chen, arguing that older artists may also make mistakes for various reasons.

Some netizens joked: The old drama bones are busy dodging knives, how can they care about what shoes they are wearing.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

However, most people still have difficulty tolerating the goofs in the play.

They believe that even if the number is relatively small, once it appears, it is like a glaring scar that is impossible to ignore.

One viewer commented: Goofs are like a 'flaw' in the show, and once they appear, they are hard to let go.

Others lamented: Although the goofs in costume dramas sometimes increase the audience's laughter, if this becomes the norm, it will lose the audience's trust in the series.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

Goofs in costume dramas may be acceptable to a certain extent, but once it affects the coherence of the plot and the audience's perception, it is an issue that the producer must attach great importance to.

A netizen wrote with deep feelings: Every detail is part of shaping the image of the series, and if these mistakes occur frequently, it not only affects the quality of the series, but also hurts our love for the series.

To sum up, the audience expects the producers to take this as a warning, improve their control of details, and create more perfect works.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

In general, although "Celebrating More Than Years 2" achieved a lot of success in the early days of broadcasting, the flaws in the production quality have become an embarrassment that is difficult to hide.

The audience also expressed their opinions on these issues.

Some viewers were outspoken in their criticism of the crew's shoddy production.

A netizen wrote: I can't watch it anymore after watching a few episodes, this kind of shoddy drama is simply a waste of the audience's time and feelings.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

Another viewer said: I think the current costume dramas are becoming more and more unpleasant, what is the crew doing?

However, there are also some viewers who expressed their understanding of the crew and called for more support and encouragement.

A netizen commented: Although there are some problems with the series, we can't completely deny the crew's efforts and dedication.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

Another audience member also said: Maybe the crew encountered some difficulties in the production process, and we should be more tolerant and understanding.

To sum up, although "Celebrating More Than Years 2" achieved some success in the early days of broadcasting, the flaws in the production have become a problem that is difficult to ignore.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a lot of goofs, sneakers, tattoos, and boutique dramas are shoddy?

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