
Follow Lao Mei? Canada is considering "hands-on" for our Chinese electric vehicles!

author:Cloth Theory
Follow Lao Mei? Canada is considering "hands-on" for our Chinese electric vehicles!

Canada has also begun to think about imposing tariffs on our Chinese electric vehicles. When Canada's Minister of Industry, Francis Philip Champani, appeared on television, he said it in a subtle but straightforward way: "You have to think about everything, you have to protect your own business and your workers!" "It seems that Canada wants to follow the big brother of the United States.

Follow Lao Mei? Canada is considering "hands-on" for our Chinese electric vehicles!

Flavio Volpe, the owner of auto parts in Canada, is also a cheerful person, and said directly: "The Americans blocked the door, so we can't open the small door here, so that Chinese goods can easily come in, right?" In and out of these words, there is a desire to guard their own territory.

Follow Lao Mei? Canada is considering "hands-on" for our Chinese electric vehicles!

and Brian Kingston, the head of the Canadian Automobile Manufacturers Association, who also followed suit on the Internet, saying that Canada has to be of the same mind as the United States, and China cannot be allowed to share a piece of the big cake of North American electric vehicles. He packed the ticket, Canada is by no means China's "back door" in North America, and his remarks sound like reassuring Americans and cheering up their own people.

The Canadian government has just roped in Japan's Asahi Kasei and Honda to build a large battery factory in Ontario. The meaning behind this is obvious, that is, I want to make some moves in my own home, so as not to let China's electric cars steal the limelight too much.

Follow Lao Mei? Canada is considering "hands-on" for our Chinese electric vehicles!

However, we also have to be objective that if Canada is really ruthless to our Chinese electric vehicles, the development of electric vehicles over there may have to make a few more detours. Volpe is worried that if the Canadian market allows Chinese goods to take advantage, won't its own electric vehicle industry have to drink the northwest wind?

As for China's attitude, it is naturally tough, saying that the US tariffs are unreasonable, and as for how to fight back, it depends on the follow-up. Some experts guess that China has the card of critical minerals in its hand, and if it is played, it can also make people sweat.

Follow Lao Mei? Canada is considering "hands-on" for our Chinese electric vehicles!
Follow Lao Mei? Canada is considering "hands-on" for our Chinese electric vehicles!
Follow Lao Mei? Canada is considering "hands-on" for our Chinese electric vehicles!

Looking at this circle, the matter of electric vehicles is not only as simple as the wheels turning, but also the competition between countries and the division of the future market map. What do you think about this, welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

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