
China is the only country in the world that treats diseases and saves lives as a business! Why is there such public opinion?

author:Little Red Orange 1218 commented on the article

Ouch, have you heard?

Someone on the Internet even said that "China is the only country in the world that regards curing diseases and saving lives as a business".

As soon as these words came out, they really caused an uproar and made people scratch their heads.

This is as if our doctors and hospitals in China use patients as tools to make money.

China is the only country in the world that treats diseases and saves lives as a business! Why is there such public opinion?

To be honest, this is something to think about.

But then again, what industry doesn't have a few rat droppings?

It's like a pot of good porridge, inevitably mixed with a few mouse droppings, does it mean that this pot of porridge smells of mouse droppings?

Speaking of which, it is true that some hospitals and some doctors do whatever it takes to make money.

What kind of overtreatment, indiscriminate charging, this kind of thing is not nothing.

But you say this is a true portrayal of the entire Chinese healthcare system?

What a mistake!

China is the only country in the world that treats diseases and saves lives as a business! Why is there such public opinion?

We have to admit that there are some unsatisfactory aspects of the medical system, but we can't kill everyone with one shot.

Look at the medical staff who are fighting on the front line day and night, they are doing their best for the lives and health of patients.

If nothing else, let's talk about this new crown epidemic.

Our Chinese medical staff are at the forefront of the work, working day and night, why?

Isn't it just to save people's lives?

With such a spirit, can you say that they treat healing and saving people as a business?

Besides, which country's healthcare system is perfect?

United States?


They don't have the problem of over-treatment and indiscriminate charges?

I'm afraid not.

Therefore, we have to look at this issue objectively, and we can't completely deny our medical system because of individual phenomena.

Of course, if there is a problem, it has to be fixed, right?

Our government has also been working hard to improve the medical environment and strengthen supervision so that those who do not have a place to hide.

At the same time, it is also constantly improving the quality and professional ethics of medical staff so that they can better serve patients.

China is the only country in the world that treats diseases and saves lives as a business! Why is there such public opinion?

Therefore, you must look at the problem comprehensively, and you can't follow the coaxing just because of a sentence on the Internet.

We've got to have our own judgment, right?

Hey, speaking of which, something suddenly came to mind.

Some time ago, my relative's child got sick and went to the hospital to see a doctor.

The doctor was really responsible, explained the condition in detail, and gave a lot of practical advice.

Moreover, the charges are also clear, and there are no hidden consumptions.

Having said that, medical treatment really depends on the conscience and ethics of medical staff.

If you look at the doctors who really think about their patients, they put the interests of their patients first and serve them wholeheartedly.

Such doctors, we have to respect them well and give them a thumbs up!

And those doctors who only care about making money and don't care about the lives of patients, we also have to keep our eyes open and don't let them be blinded.

China is the only country in the world that treats diseases and saves lives as a business! Why is there such public opinion?

Let's be honest, what industry doesn't have a few scum?

However, we can't completely deny the entire industry because of these scum.

You look at the workers at the construction sites, who have worked hard to build high-rise buildings and have made a huge contribution to the development of the city.

Can you say that all construction sites are unreliable because of a few workers who cut corners?

In the same way, our healthcare system is made up of thousands of medical professionals.

They work hard every day for the health of their patients.

We have to see their dedication and hard work!

Of course, improving the medical environment and improving the quality of medical staff is a long-term process that requires the joint efforts of the government, medical institutions, medical staff and patients.

The government needs to strengthen supervision and investment to make medical resources more evenly distributed; Medical institutions must strengthen their own construction and management level and improve service quality; Medical staff must continuously improve their professional skills and professional ethics to better serve patients; Patients also need to look at medical issues rationally and support the work of medical staff.

Only in this way can we work together to build a better medical system, so that everyone can enjoy high-quality and efficient medical services.

Going back to the previous topic, it is said on the Internet that "China is the only country in the world that regards curing diseases and saving lives as a business."

This is really laughable!

If that's the case, wouldn't the whole world be the same?

Which country doesn't have a healthcare industry?

What country doesn't keep hospitals running by treating the sick and saving lives?

Therefore, we have to look at this problem rationally, and we can't completely deny our medical system because of individual phenomena.

If you want me to say, there is still a lot to praise about our medical system!

China is the only country in the world that treats diseases and saves lives as a business! Why is there such public opinion?

For example, many hospitals have launched online consultation services, so that patients can consult doctors at home and get professional advice and treatment plans.

Wouldn't that make it much easier for patients?

Also, now the medical insurance policy is becoming more and more perfect, so that more people can afford to get sick and take medicine.

Isn't this the progress of our healthcare system?

So, don't keep staring at those negative news, you have to look at the positive achievements of our medical system!

I want to be fair: "China's healthcare system, while not perfect, is not without merit. ”

Hey, having said so much, in fact, I want everyone to understand a truth: you have to look at the problem comprehensively, and you can't blind it.

There are bad things about China's medical system, but there are also things that are commendable.

We have to look at it objectively, and we can't deny it all because of individual phenomena.

At the same time, it is also necessary to support the efforts of the government and medical staff to jointly promote the reform and development of the medical system.

In this way, we can enjoy better medical services and live a healthier and happier life.

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