
She is "China's No. 1 beauty", married twice without children, and now she is more and more charming at the age of 72

author:Free and easy willow leaf TQ

In the tide of the times, the light of female artists is becoming more and more bright, especially with the help of talent shows and online platforms. However, when we look at this prosperous appearance, it is not difficult to find that there are not many beauties who can really touch people's hearts and make people unforgettable. Compared to the classic images of the eighties and nineties, we always seem to feel that something is missing.

She is "China's No. 1 beauty", married twice without children, and now she is more and more charming at the age of 72

When it comes to classics, I have to mention the characters in "Journey to the West", especially the king of the daughter country who is peerless. Her image, like a fairy from an ancient painting, is not only beautiful, but also exudes a unique charm. Behind this is the director Yang Jie's discernment, and the actor Zhu Lin's passionate interpretation.

She is "China's No. 1 beauty", married twice without children, and now she is more and more charming at the age of 72

Zhu Lin, a girl born in Beijing to an intellectual family, showed a love and talent for art from an early age. She not only achieved excellent results in her studies, but also actively participated in the school's literary and artistic activities, and gradually emerged on the stage. After graduating from high school, she joined the art troupe and started her own artistic path.

She is "China's No. 1 beauty", married twice without children, and now she is more and more charming at the age of 72

However, life is always full of uncertainties. The institutional reform of the art troupe made Zhu Lin face a career choice. At the suggestion of her mother, she chose to study medicine and became a medical student. But her artistic dreams were not extinguished. By chance, she participated in the filming of the movie "Traitor", won the recognition of the audience with her outstanding performance, and also opened the door to her acting career.

She is "China's No. 1 beauty", married twice without children, and now she is more and more charming at the age of 72

In 1982, Zhu Lin ushered in an important turning point in her life. She was invited to play the role of the king of the daughter country in "Journey to the West". This role requires not only beauty and temperament, but also deep acting skills and inner emotions. With her talent and hard work, Zhu Lin successfully portrayed this character to life and became a classic image in the hearts of the audience.

She is "China's No. 1 beauty", married twice without children, and now she is more and more charming at the age of 72

With the popularity of "Journey to the West", Zhu Lin's acting career has also reached its peak. She not only showed excellent acting skills and charm in the play, but also won the love and respect of the audience outside the play. Her success is not accidental, but the result of her constant efforts and pursuits.

She is "China's No. 1 beauty", married twice without children, and now she is more and more charming at the age of 72

However, Zhu Lin was not satisfied with this. She continues to challenge herself to experiment with different types of roles and works. Her acting style is diverse and in-depth, and she can easily control the role in both costume dramas and modern dramas. Her talent and hard work have been recognized and praised by the industry.

In addition to her career success, Zhu Lin also focuses on balance and happiness in her personal life. She has experienced the failure of her marriage, but she has not given up on the pursuit of love. She firmly believes that her happiness needs to be created and fought for by herself. In her second marriage, she found true happiness and support, which also allowed her to strike a balance between her career and personal life.

Zhu Lin's story tells us that no matter what kind of difficulties and challenges we face, we must stick to our dreams and pursuits, constantly challenge ourselves and surpass ourselves. She used her efforts and talents to write a legendary story that belongs to women, and also set an example for us to learn from and admire.

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