
She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

author:Shu Shu talks about life

1. Explore the ups and downs of the art behind well-known movie stars

Xu Di, a very talented and powerful actor, has won the love of countless audiences with her superb acting skills. She has successfully performed countless touching mother roles in many film and television masterpieces, especially the love-hate image of the old lady in Shanghai, which is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and unforgettable.

However, what few people know is that behind the dazzling aura of this mother's professional household, there is a journey full of twists and turns in the art of chasing dreams. From an opera apprentice, to later devoting herself to the film and television industry, and finally to emerging in the film and television industry, Xu Di's artistic path can be said to have gone through ups and downs and vicissitudes.

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

When she was only 16 years old, Xu Di, a Beijing girl from an ordinary family, was forced to embark on an unexpected path of opera due to her family's poverty. During the years in the opera school, in addition to diligent and unremitting basic skills training every day, she also met Yu Jianwei, who will be closely linked to her destiny.

The initial misunderstanding and friction made her deeply prejudiced against Yu Jianwei, but fate seemed to play tricks, gradually bringing them closer to each other and becoming close friends, and together they wrote a touching chapter of life in the years to come.

This short beginning has just become the prelude to Xu Di's ups and downs in her future life. From opera to film and television, from unknown to famous, Xu Di has written a legendary story of her own with her perseverance and hard work.

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

And the one who accompanied her through all these hardships and hardships was her husband Yu Jianwei, who shared her hardships and hardships.

Second, the careful depiction of the blueprint of the art sea

At the age of 16, Xu Di stepped into the door of Beijing Opera School and began her artistic journey. There, she met for the first time the Yu Jianwei, who would be closely linked to her fate.

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

Although the first acquaintance was not pleasant and cast a shadow over their relationship, Xu Di's prejudice against Yu Jianwei gradually dissipated over time.

In the days of opera school, Xu Di has made hard efforts beyond ordinary people's imagination. She has been honing her basic skills almost all the time, and after a year of hard work, she finally achieved a qualitative leap.

At the same time, the emotional bond between her and Yu Jianwei is also quietly growing.

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

Time flies, and fate skillfully intersects their life paths again. At the end of their studies, they were placed in the same troupe to play important roles, and the close working environment only deepened the emotional bond between them.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, 1981, they entered the sacred hall of marriage hand in hand in a simple and warm atmosphere, and opened a new chapter of married life.

Although the living conditions during the newlywed period were relatively difficult, Xu Di and Yu Jianwei never complained about it. With her outstanding talent and diligent study spirit, Xu Di quickly rose to prominence in the troupe and won many honors such as the "Plum Blossom Award".

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

In particular, it is worth mentioning that the opera "Dragon Whisker Valley" starring her made her famous and her career climbed to the peak.

However, just as her career was booming, an unexpected surprise quietly came - Xu Di was pregnant for the first time.

The brave wins the big turn! At this time, what is in front of Xu Di is a difficult choice between career and family. After careful consideration, she resolutely chose the latter, deciding to leave the workplace for a while and devote herself to family life.

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

This decision is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Xu Di, who has always been career-oriented.

However, just as she was about to say goodbye to the workplace completely, life opened another door full of infinite possibilities for her. A director named Liu Wentian saw Xu Di's unlimited potential at a glance and resolutely invited her to devote herself to the film and television industry.

Faced with this brand-new field, Xu Di once felt at a loss and had no future.

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

However, her husband, Yu Jianwei, stood firmly by her side and gave her endless support and encouragement. With her husband's help, Xu Di finally unloaded all her psychological baggage and bravely met new challenges.

Yu Jianwei's support is undoubtedly wise and correct. Under the encouragement of her husband, Xu Di gradually adapted and fell in love with the acting career. She began to actively devote herself to the filming of film and television dramas, and accumulated rich practical experience in the film and television industry, laying a solid foundation for shining in this field in the future.

In this long journey, Yu Jianwei has always been Xu Di's most solid backing. In order to fully support his wife's career development, he did not hesitate to give up his job and was willing to become a full-time "family cook".

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

Whether it is a scorching summer or a cold winter, as long as Xu Di enters the set, Yu Jianwei will silently wait behind the camera, and her wordless support has become her biggest source of motivation and confidence.

Whenever the crew's catering could not satisfy Xu Di's picky taste, he would always go into the kitchen without hesitation and cook delicious dishes for his wife.

Every time he embarks on the road home, Yu Jianwei always takes the initiative to take responsibility for driving to ensure a safe and comfortable journey. In various activities, although he just sat quietly in the audience, his support was everywhere, like an invisible force, supporting Xu Di to move forward bravely.

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

Despite countless sweat and hard work, Yu Jianwei has always been low-key and introverted, never showing off. For forty years, he has never received any form of remuneration, but he has no complaints about it and has always wholeheartedly supported his wife's acting career.

Fourth, at the peak of his career

After years of hard work and painstaking accumulation, Xu Di finally made a name for herself in the film and television industry in 2018 with her superb acting skills and won widespread attention. That year, she starred in the family ethics drama "The First Half of My Life", which caused a sensational response across the country.

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

In the play, Xu Di successfully portrayed a bitter and scarred Shanghai old lady Xue Zhenzhu, and interpreted this complex character that is both distressing and annoying, which is breathtaking.

The audience not only appreciated the charm of Xu Di's unique acting skills, but also was deeply moved by the vivid image she showed in the play. The popularity of this drama made Xu Di a high-profile "mother professional" star overnight, and the image of her Shanghai mother-in-law is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

However, what is surprising is that Xu Di in real life is diametrically opposed to her character image in the play. As a bold and straightforward Beijing girl, she has a cheerful and open-minded personality, which is in stark contrast to Xue Zhenzhu in the role.

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

When receiving this character, which is far from her own personality, Xu Di also felt confused and uneasy. She repeatedly asked herself: "How can I, a native of Beijing, manage the character of a Shanghai aunt?" However, as a professional actor, she knew the respect and awe for her role, and eventually conquered the audience with her superb acting skills.

She firmly said, "If you are limited to the environment you are familiar with, can you still be called a real actor?" It was the artistic enthusiasm of the united mind that allowed her to finally overcome the multi-dimensional character of the character Xue Zhenzhu, and the indelible visual experience imprinted on the audience.

When the friends half-jokingly praised: "Teacher Xu Di, you are simply a chameleon-like existence in the theater industry!" She also pondered for a moment and replied earnestly. As an outstanding actress, Xu Di is well versed in the boundaries between role and reality, and this huge contrast between drama and life is the best embodiment of her excellent acting skills.

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

Fifth, the solid backing behind it

When it comes to Xu Di's brilliant achievements in the field of film and television, people will naturally associate her perfect acting skills and insight into the depth of the role. However, throughout her forty-year artistic journey, there is a force that has always been with her as the strongest driver of her success.

That person is her husband Yu Jianwei.

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

In the past 40 years, Yu Jianwei has always worked silently, selflessly dedicated, and interpreted his deep affection for his wife with practical actions. In order to allow Xu Di to devote himself to his acting career, he resolutely decided to quit his job and was willing to become a full-time "househusband".

During this long time, he never received any salary, but he never complained in the slightest.

Whenever Xu Di encountered a creative bottleneck or a low point in her life, Yu Jianwei always gave her endless encouragement with his broad mind and in-depth understanding, and helped her overcome many difficulties with his love and support.

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

There was a time when Xu Di lost control of her emotions because of excessive career pressure, and she often got angry for no reason.

In the face of his wife's emotional outburst, Yu Jianwei never got angry, but was more considerate and tolerant. He is well aware of his wife's inner troubles, and uses his love to build a warm haven for her.

In this way, the emotional bond between them grew stronger with the passage of time. Yu Jianwei often introduces others with great pride: "This is my beloved old Yu." Today, their son has grown into a handsome young talent.

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

For Xu Di, her husband is undoubtedly her most solid spiritual support. His support not only gave her the courage and motivation to move forward and pursue her dreams, but also helped her regain her self-confidence in a moment of confusion.

For Yu Jianwei, the glory and happiness of his wife is his greatest pride and satisfaction.

Time flies, forty years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the couple has already walked through the wind and rain hand in hand, leaving countless good memories. Looking back, their love journey is like a moving movie script, from the heartbeat of the first meeting, to the deep friendship after getting to know each other, and then to all the ups and downs of life with each other now, all of which are touching and admirable.

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

Just like Yu Jianwei's selfless dedication and uncomplaining dedication, Xu Di can shine in the film and television industry and achieve today's brilliant achievements. In the past 40 years, Yu Jianwei resolutely gave up his career and was willing to become a full-time househusband, devoting himself to his wife's career, giving endless support and encouragement.

Whether it is a scorching summer or a harsh winter, as long as Xu Di is busy on the set, Yu Jianwei will silently guard the camera and cheer her on. When night fell, he would always drive his tired wife home to make her feel the warmth of home.

Xu Di is also deeply grateful, thanking her husband for his unwavering support and infinite tolerance for her career. She proudly introduced to everyone: "This is my dear old Yu. For Yu Jianwei, his wife's success and happiness are his greatest glory and satisfaction.

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

He once said frankly: "It's not enough to be a househusband in this life, I will continue to love her in the next life." This simple and unpretentious sentence deeply shows his unswerving loyalty to love.

In this loving couple, we have witnessed the most beautiful appearance of true love - not hesitating to lend a hand when the other person needs help the most, giving understanding and support to each other in the journey of chasing their dreams, and striving to transform love into a powerful motivation.

Forty years of ups and downs, they have used practical actions to interpret what it means to love each other and be considerate of each other. Let's ask, if it weren't for Yu Jianwei's help, how could Xu Di stick to it so far? They support each other, grow together, and compose this plain and eternal love poem together.

She has played a supporting role for 30 years, and her husband is willing to return to the family if he is rich, and he still wants to love her in the next life

In this age of materialism and spiritual deprivation, their stories are like a clear spring, bringing strength and warmth to people, prompting us to re-examine the true meaning of love and marriage.

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