
Can mindset really affect longevity? Why is that? Doctor: The better the mentality, the longer the person

author:Xiao Wang talks about sports

Mindset determines everything, and your mindset determines your lifespan


Can mindset really affect longevity? Why is that? Doctor: The better the mentality, the longer the person

In modern society, people pay more and more attention to health, and various health care methods emerge in an endless stream. Among the many health care methods, there is one method that many people overlook, and that is to adjust your mentality. In fact, the quality of the mentality is closely related to a person's health and longevity. A well-known American psychologist, Rosenzweig, once did a study on mentality and longevity, and he conducted in-depth interviews with 100 people over 90 years old, and finally came to the conclusion that a person's mentality determines his lifespan.

Can mindset really affect longevity? Why is that? Doctor: The better the mentality, the longer the person

Mindset and longevity: a psychologist's study

Can mindset really affect longevity? Why is that? Doctor: The better the mentality, the longer the person

Through interviews with 100 people over the age of 90, Rosenzweig found that the vast majority of these long-lived elderly people have a common characteristic, that is, they have always been very optimistic and positive. No matter what kind of difficulties and setbacks these long-lived elderly people encounter, they are able to face them with an optimistic attitude, and they will never be crushed by the troubles of life. Few of these long-lived elderly people have psychological problems such as depression and anxiety, and they are always able to maintain a peaceful state of mind in the face of adversity, which is one of the important reasons why they can live a long life.

Can mindset really affect longevity? Why is that? Doctor: The better the mentality, the longer the person

Through this study, Rosenzweig came to the conclusion that a person's state of mind determines his lifespan. An optimistic and cheerful person can often live longer than others, because an optimistic attitude can make people better cope with various challenges and difficulties in life, and only optimistic people can not be knocked down in adversity, so as to become stronger and braver.

Can mindset really affect longevity? Why is that? Doctor: The better the mentality, the longer the person

A positive mindset can help people cope better with stress and challenges

Can mindset really affect longevity? Why is that? Doctor: The better the mentality, the longer the person

In fact, the quality of the mentality will not only affect a person's lifespan, but also have a great impact on a person's physical and mental health. When a person's mindset is always negative, he can easily be troubled by various negative emotions, such as depression, anxiety, anger, etc. These negative emotions will cause great harm to people's physical and mental health, and being troubled by these negative emotions for a long time can easily cause people to suffer from various diseases, and will also accelerate the aging rate of the human body.

Can mindset really affect longevity? Why is that? Doctor: The better the mentality, the longer the person

And when a person's mentality has always been optimistic, he will face all kinds of challenges and difficulties in life with a positive attitude, he will not be troubled by all kinds of negative emotions, and he will not be easily crushed by the troubles in life. He will look at everything in life with a peaceful mind, and will also find joy in life from all kinds of setbacks and difficulties, such people can often have better physical and mental health, and will live longer than others.

Can mindset really affect longevity? Why is that? Doctor: The better the mentality, the longer the person

People with a good mindset are more likely to maintain a healthy lifestyle

Can mindset really affect longevity? Why is that? Doctor: The better the mentality, the longer the person

In addition to this, a person's mindset can also affect his lifestyle. When a person's mentality is always negative, it is easy for him to indulge in various bad habits, such as staying up late, smoking, drinking, overeating, etc. These bad habits will bring great harm to the body, and will also accelerate the aging rate of the body, thereby shortening one's lifespan.

Can mindset really affect longevity? Why is that? Doctor: The better the mentality, the longer the person

And when a person's mentality has always been optimistic, he will cherish his life more and pay more attention to his physical health. He will choose a variety of healthy lifestyles, such as a balanced diet, moderate exercise, and maintaining a good work and rest habits, which will make his body healthier and allow him to live longer.

Can mindset really affect longevity? Why is that? Doctor: The better the mentality, the longer the person

People with a good mindset are more likely to maintain healthy relationships

Can mindset really affect longevity? Why is that? Doctor: The better the mentality, the longer the person
Can mindset really affect longevity? Why is that? Doctor: The better the mentality, the longer the person

A person's mindset also affects how he gets along with others, and an optimistic and cheerful person is often able to have better interpersonal relationships. Because his optimistic attitude will bring a lot of positive energy to the people around him, and it will also make his friends and family more willing to communicate and communicate with him.

And a person who has always had a negative mentality often brings a lot of negative energy to the people around him, and his friends and family may choose to stay away from him, such a person can easily feel lonely and helpless, and it will also have a great impact on his physical and mental health.

Can mindset really affect longevity? Why is that? Doctor: The better the mentality, the longer the person


It can be seen that a person's mentality has a very important impact on his health and longevity, so we should learn to adjust our mentality, no matter what kind of difficulties and setbacks we encounter, we must face them with an optimistic attitude, believing that as long as we are strong enough, we will be able to overcome all difficulties in life.

At the same time, we should also learn to find happiness and fun from various things, not to let all kinds of negative emotions bother us for a long time, but also to learn to communicate and communicate with others, and release our emotions in time.

Only in this way can we have a healthy heart and a better life.