
The Sino-Russian joint statement updated its policy on Taiwan, and Pakistan Railway took the lead in supporting and showing deep friendship, and China gained solid backing under the Sino-US wrestling

author:Observer's Diary

The new changes in the Taiwan-related language of the Sino-Russian joint statement are gradually changing the weather vane of the international community, and the first country to respond positively is Pakistan.

This important statement not only reaffirms the firm stand of the two countries on the Taiwan issue, but also reflects the international community's universal recognition and support for the one-China principle.

According to a detailed report by, Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokesman Bo Louchi said in a firm and clear tone at the press conference that Pakistan has consistently pursued a one-China policy and has not wavered in its position that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China.

The Sino-Russian joint statement updated its policy on Taiwan, and Pakistan Railway took the lead in supporting and showing deep friendship, and China gained solid backing under the Sino-US wrestling

He stressed the authority of UN General Assembly resolution 2758, which not only affirmed the one-China principle, but also restored all the rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations and recognized the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legitimate representative of China to the United Nations.

This statement undoubtedly sends a clear and unmistakable signal to the world: Pakistan resolutely opposes any country's interference in other countries' internal affairs and strictly abides by UN resolutions. It is worth mentioning that the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan on UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 is actually speaking for China in a way that does not name names.

He clearly refuted the distorted interpretation of the resolution by some countries, especially those who seek to challenge the one-China principle and internationalize the Taiwan issue. This statement not only demonstrates Pakistan's respect for China's sovereignty, but also reflects Pakistan's firm position of upholding justice and fairness in international affairs.

The Sino-Russian joint statement updated its policy on Taiwan, and Pakistan Railway took the lead in supporting and showing deep friendship, and China gained solid backing under the Sino-US wrestling

We note that the phrase "Taiwan is an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China" appears for the first time in the Sino-Russian joint statement. This change not only reflects the consensus between China and Russia on the Taiwan issue, but also highlights the firm determination of both sides to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Looking back at history, we can find that both in March 2023 when Putin invited China to visit Russia and in February 2022 when China invited Putin to visit Russia, the joint statement was only expressed as "recognition of Taiwan as an inalienable part of China's territory".

Now, the expression "Taiwan is an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China" has undoubtedly become clearer and firmer, reflecting that the consensus between China and Russia on the Taiwan issue is constantly deepening and strengthening. At the same time, Pakistan has shown the same firm stance.

The Sino-Russian joint statement updated its policy on Taiwan, and Pakistan Railway took the lead in supporting and showing deep friendship, and China gained solid backing under the Sino-US wrestling

During Pakistani Prime Minister Kakar's visit to China in October 2023, the Taiwan part of the joint statement issued by the two sides remained consistent with the wording of the Sino-Russian joint statement. This not only reaffirms Pakistan's determination to firmly pursue the one-China principle, but also demonstrates Pakistan's firm support for Taiwan as an inalienable part of China's territory.

This statement by the Pakistani side has undoubtedly provided strong support for the positions of China and Russia, and has further consolidated the consensus of the international community on the one-China principle. From this point of view, the change in the Taiwan-related language of the Sino-Russian joint statement not only clears up the original ambiguous area, but also sets a clear benchmark for the international community.

As countries like Pakistan respond and take a stand, the international community will be unleashed in the future that will make it difficult for countries that seek to confuse themselves with vague political discourse.

The Sino-Russian joint statement updated its policy on Taiwan, and Pakistan Railway took the lead in supporting and showing deep friendship, and China gained solid backing under the Sino-US wrestling

This change will also have a far-reaching impact on the Taiwan authorities, and it will be able to imperceptibly dispel the international community's misunderstanding of the issue of China's reunification and create a more favorable external environment for the peaceful settlement of the Taiwan issue.

We also need to note the firmness of the Palestinian side in articulating its position on General Assembly resolution 2758. To a certain extent, this is also a challenge to those countries that have long distorted and interpreted the UN General Assembly resolution, claiming that the resolution does not reflect the consensus on the one-China principle, and using this to hype up the "theory that Taiwan's status is undecided".

This kind of distorted interpretation and hype is essentially an attempt to mislead international public opinion through false narratives and challenge the international community's one-China consensus. However, Pakistan's clear statement has undoubtedly given these countries a resounding slap in the face, and once again demonstrated the international community's universal recognition and support for the one-China principle.

The Sino-Russian joint statement updated its policy on Taiwan, and Pakistan Railway took the lead in supporting and showing deep friendship, and China gained solid backing under the Sino-US wrestling

To sum up, the changes in Taiwan-related language in the Sino-Russian joint statement and the positive response of Pakistan and other countries not only show that China has found an effective way to counter the United States and other countries in public opinion, but also indicate that more countries will declare that Taiwan is part of the People's Republic of China in the future.

When such a consensus is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, there will no longer be any constraints on the settlement of the Taiwan issue, and at the same time, the pressure on the external environment will be greatly reduced. In contrast to the strategy of the United States and other countries to internationalize the Taiwan issue, China is actively promoting the process of "de-internationalizing the Taiwan issue" and has achieved remarkable results.

In addition, we should also note that the issuance of the Sino-Russian joint statement and Pakistan's positive response are not only a clear statement on the Taiwan issue, but also a defense and maintenance of the norms governing international relations. In today's world, international relations are complex and the interests of countries are intertwined.

The Sino-Russian joint statement updated its policy on Taiwan, and Pakistan Railway took the lead in supporting and showing deep friendship, and China gained solid backing under the Sino-US wrestling

However, in any case, respecting national sovereignty and territorial integrity is the basic norm governing international relations and the bottom line that all countries must uphold. The Sino-Russian joint statement and Pakistan's response are sending a clear and unmistakable signal to the world that any attempt to infringe upon the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries will be jointly opposed and condemned by the international community.

Finally, we hope that more countries will join this group in the future to jointly defend the norms governing international relations and maintain world peace and stability. At the same time, we also hope that the Taiwan issue can be resolved peacefully and the complete reunification of the motherland can be realized.

In this process, the Sino-Russian joint statement and the positive response of Pakistan and other countries have undoubtedly provided us with valuable support and motivation.

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