
China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

author:Mouse entertainment
China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

Text: Mouse Entertainment

Edit: Mouse Entertainment


Hey guys! Today I would like to bring you a topic, that is, what should the future of our motherland be?

Don't worry, don't be in a hurry to come up with your high theory, let's talk about who these so-called "sober wise men" are and what is the use.

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

Without further ado, let's take a look down with me!

Who is the sober wise man?

Oh, don't worry, we have to figure out one thing, what are those so-called "sober wise men".

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

Well, don't think that they look like some mysterious people, in fact, they are those who have a particularly unique vision and see things very thoroughly.

They are not the kind of people who blindly tout, who will not be carried away by the momentary prosperity, but like eagles, their eyes scan every corner of the country sharply.

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

Listen, some people say that what we need is a group of "sober and wise men" who can see the problems and challenges of the country.

Don't mention to me those who only blindly boast, they only see a blue sky of the country, but they don't know how deep the bottom of the well is.

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

We can't be the kind of frog at the bottom of the well who only knows how to boast about ourselves, we have to have a little vision, we have to see the essence of the problem, and we can really make a valuable contribution.

Speaking of these "sober wise men", they are not the ones who sit there and chatter while drinking tea.

They are masters of independent thinking, not all politicians, the media, or rumors.

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

They are like a group of explorers, bravely exploring all corners of the country, discovering problems, analyzing problems, and then proposing solutions.

These wise men are definitely not the kind of people who can do it on the spur of the moment.

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

They have to be patient, they have to have perseverance.

It's like looking for a treasure, you have to dig deep and not be afraid of difficulties.

Imagine that you want to find a treasure buried in the ground, and you have to dig up from the surface, but the treasure will not be easily revealed.

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

You have to dig all the time, and sometimes you may encounter bumps in the road, or even boulders blocking your way.

But at this time, you can't give up, you have to persevere, brave the difficulties and dangers, and dig down little by little until you find that treasure.

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

It's like those wise men digging into problems.

The problem may seem simple, but it takes patience and perseverance to solve it.

Sometimes, they will be faced with difficult problems, and sometimes they may get stuck, but they are never discouraged and never give up.

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

They will continue to delve into the essence of the problem until they find a solution to the problem.

Like a treasure, the solution to a problem can be hidden in the depths of the problem.

Only by constantly digging and exploring can we find that real treasure, that is, the solution to the problem.

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

Don't think that these wise men are the ones who sit in ivory towers and brag.

They are closely connected to society and keep an eye on the country's dynamics.

They do not live for personal gain, but hope to be able to make a little contribution to the country and society, so that everyone can live a better life.

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

So, when we talk about "sober wise men", don't think of them as too mysterious, too distant.

They are all there for us, it could be your neighbors, co-workers, or even yourself.

As long as you have the heart to think and observe, you can also become the "sober wise man" with a unique discernment.

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

Why is it important to be a sober and wise man?

Hey, don't think that those "sober and wise men" are just decorations, they are the secret weapon of the country's development! Not only do they see the country's achievements and splendour, but they also gain insight into issues and challenges that have been overlooked.

By the way, I heard that once, a "sober wise man" made a special suggestion, which ended up helping the country avoid a catastrophe, literally saving the life of the whole country!

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

However, to become a true "sober and wise man", it is not enough to have vision.

They must dare to speak out and put forward constructive opinions and suggestions in order to truly contribute to the country's development.

You have to be a little bold, don't be afraid of offending people, in order to sail the country's ship more steadily and farther!

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

These "sober wise men" are definitely not the kind of people who like to hide in a corner alone.

They are closely connected with the times and are always paying attention to the dynamics of the country.

They are like the country's think tank, providing advice and wisdom support to the country all the time.

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

Imagine that the country is like a giant ship, sailing on a rough sea.

And these wise men are like think tanks on the ship, always keeping an eye on the changes in the wind and waves, and providing advice to the captain on sailing.

Whether it is economic risks, social unrest, or environmental challenges, they will stand up and give the most sensible guidance to the country.

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

In terms of economic development, these wise men may propose some innovative policies and measures to help the country cope with the challenges of the external environment and promote steady economic growth.

In terms of social stability, they may put forward some suggestions to promote harmonious coexistence, resolve social contradictions, and maintain the stability of the country.

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

And when it comes to environmental protection, they may call for more environmentally friendly policies to conserve natural resources and leave a better environment for future generations.

These wise men do not act for personal gain, their goal is for the well-being of the country, for the people.

Sometimes, those "sober and wise men" may offend people because their advice may not be welcome.

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

But they don't compromise to please anyone, because their eyes go far beyond the moment.

They have a long-term perspective, and they think about the future of the country, not the immediate moment.

So, when we talk about "sober wise men", don't think of them as too mysterious, too distant.

China needs a group of sober-minded people, not people who preach the praises of merit every day.

They are all there for us, it could be your neighbors, co-workers, or even yourself.

As long as you have the heart to think and observe, you can also become the "sober wise man" with a unique discernment.


Therefore, we must awaken these "sober wise men" and let them contribute their strength to our motherland.

Only in this way can we jointly build a better and stronger China!

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