
It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

author:Sad little coconut

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The CBA finals have once again become a "national carnival", and the popularity of the scene is not inferior to that of the KTV private room.

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

The game was very popular at the beginning, especially the "PK drama" between Wu Guanxi and Han Dejun, which is simply a "basketball version of the ancient dragon series", and everyone is waiting to see who can "kill the Quartet".

In the second game of the CBA finals, foreign coaches are here to disrupt the situation again!

It was a big deal this time, with Indonesian referee Halja Galadr in the refereeing position, while Duan Ju and Park Kyung-jin (South Korea) were honorably appointed as first and second vice-referees respectively.

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

Listening to this lineup, it feels like a big drama is about to be staged, with some expectations and worries!

However, the good expectations are "eye-catching and low-handed" in the referee's performance!

In this game, the referee's performance was like losing a parasol in a storm, which was comparable to a big "overturn" in the history of foreign referees!

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

In the game, the statistics of free throws seem to show the impartiality of the referees, but do you think this is really the case? This is a bit like the melon-eating crowd watching the excitement on the side, shouting while being frightened: "Referee, you are good!" ”

The story is always so thrilling.

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

Han Dejun acted recklessly under the basket alone, like "a knife in the night", while Wu Guanxi was "a wild horse on the grassland", desperate to attack!

As a result, the referee blew for Edison Wu's fifth foul, and the whole scene was like being ignited with a barrel of dynamite and exploded in an instant!

In the fourth quarter of the game, the atmosphere on the court gradually heated up, and the competition became more and more intense, and the Xinjiang team went 15-3 in a wave and directly completed the overtake.

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

However, not long after the start of this quarter, a shocking upset broke out: Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun, but was blown for a shooting foul!

It's like if you play a game and press the "jump" button, but the game shows that you are "wielding a weapon", which is a complete change in painting style!

This scene is simply "suspenseful", and all the players on the field followed in, like "ants moving", and instantly formed a circle.

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

Everyone seems to be watching the "Spring Festival Gala", their eyes are shining, just waiting to see "who wants to be in charge!" ”

Wu Guanxi was aggrieved like a "puppy", with an innocent face: "I didn't foul!" ”

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

Qiu Biao on the sidelines was in a "volcanic eruption" mood, directly "arguing with the referee", and as a result, he "received a missile" and a technical foul!

On the other side, Li Huyi was also caught in the "whirlpool" of punishment, like "drowning in a bath".

The contradiction between him and Yu Dehao became a "hot topic of discussion" that night, like a "Huangliang dream", which was unpredictable.

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

Referee impartiality? This question has become a "mysterious treasure" for netizens, everyone is "investigating the case", but it seems to be "watching a ghost story", and the more you think about it, the more "creepy" it becomes.

Li Huyi's interference action was not blown, and Wiggington was fouled many times and was not blown, which makes people ask: What are the CBA referees thinking? It's like watching a "referee show", but the result is still confusing, as if you're "fooling around".

Qiu Biao's guidance of this tone is really inflated to the extreme!

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

Seeing the situation on the court, he couldn't stand it, his emotions exploded, and he scolded the referee directly!

As a result, the South Korean referee was really unkind and gave him a technical foul, which directly made him suffer a dumb loss.

The biggest dissatisfaction of the Qiu Biao brothers is the so-called "delay whistle", thinking that the referee should have turned off the horn before Wu Guanxi fouled, don't wait until Han Dejun shoots to react, it's like you wait for the train station, but the train has already left, and you are sure that you are unhappy.

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

But even more puzzling than this is the elbow strike incident of Fogg.

He broke through all the way, only to have an elbow hit Yu Dehao's mouth, and the latter's lips were bleeding.

At that time, Yang Ming motioned to Yu Dehao to get up quickly, suggesting that he was pretending to be asleep.

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

However, the referee chose to ignore this elbow incident, which made people feel surprised.

It's like playing a game, you obviously press the "attack" button, but the game shows that you "do nothing", how can you be helpless.

The editor will give you an interpretation of the "narrow road" of this CBA finals.

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

First of all, the "gunpowder smell" of Edison Wu and Han Dejun is too strong.

It's like two street fighting riffraff, you are "passionate" with every word, and the referee is about to become a "broom star", scratching his heart and liver.

Edison Wu's movements look completely normal, where is the shadow of a foul? Did the referee wear "dog glasses"? And Qiu Biao, the coach, was forced to be anxious, and the sidelines directly became a "quarrel scene", which was simply "wanting to beat people after drinking cold water".

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

This game is not only a contest of ball skills, but also a battle of "referee judgment", after all, the fairness of the referee is the "Porsche" of the game, and even the slightest bias will "sit alone" ending.

The confrontation between Edison Wu and Han Dejun became the focus of the audience, and the fierce collision between the two not only demonstrated the high-level basketball skills, but also ignited the enthusiasm of the audience.

However, the tension of the match was sharply heated up by several key decisions from the referee.

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

Wu Guanxi's fifth foul in the game became the focus of controversy throughout the game, and the referee's decision directly affected the direction of the game and the team's tactical arrangement.

This not only made Edison Wu feel aggrieved, but also caused fans to question the fairness of the referee.

In addition, the international line-up of referees was supposed to add authority and impartiality to the game, but it backfired.

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

Indonesian referees Halja Galadri, as well as Duan Zhu and Park Kyung-jin, failed to meet expectations and were criticised for several glaring misjudgments and missed sentences.

For example, Edison Wu's whistled shooting foul while defending Han Dejun, and the referee's inaction in the case of Fogg's elbow to Yu Dehao, have raised doubts about the referee's decision-making standards.

Such a penalty not only affects the fairness of the game, but also destroys the spectacle and coherence of the game.

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

The strong reaction of coaches and players to the referee's decision underscores the seriousness of the problem.

Coach Qiu Biao got into an argument with the referee because he was dissatisfied with the referee's "late whistle" and was punished for a technical foul.

Such a scene not only affected the morale of the team, but also destroyed the order and atmosphere of the game to a certain extent.

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

The emotional turmoil of the players during the game and the fierce reaction of the coach reflect the important impact of the referee's decision on the game.

It is the lack of consistency and impartiality in the referee's decisions that triggers these negative reactions.

I hope that the referees will be able to "listen to each other" in the future, listen to the voices of the fans, and be a law enforcer of the "golden mean".

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

After all, the power of justice is stronger than Spider-Man!

This game is not only a competition for the players, but also a test for the referees.

We hope that in future competitions, the referees will be able to enforce the referees fairly and objectively, and maintain the fairness and normal order of the game.

It's so dark! Wu Guanxi defended Han Dejun and received the fifth foul, and Qiu Biao was unconvinced and ate 1T

In this way, the competition on the court can be more exciting and exciting, like a good show, so that the fans can enjoy watching it, and the players can also work hard with peace of mind, bringing more wonderful basketball performances to everyone!

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