
CBA Finals G1: Han Dejun is furious, Wu Guanxi is aggrieved! Why did the referee change the decision? Fans questioned

author:Xiao Nan said sports

CBA Finals G1: The referee changed the verdict, and Zhao Jiwei's "innocent" acting skills sparked heated discussions

Dear readers, I'm Xiao Nan, a writing blogger who is passionate about sports event analysis. Today, I'm going to talk to you about the controversial referee change incident in the CBA Finals G1. In this contest between the Xinjiang men's basketball team and the Liaoning men's basketball team, several key penalties from the referee not only affected the trend of the game, but also aroused heated discussions among fans.

It is said that on May 15, the home of the Liaoning men's basketball team ushered in the challenge of the Xinjiang men's basketball team. As soon as the Liaoning men's basketball team came up, it was like a rainbow, Zhang Zhenlin's three-point shot hit like a torrential rain, and Zhao Jiwei's organization and scheduling were even more comfortable. At the end of the first quarter, the Liaoning men's basketball team held a 16-point lead, which undoubtedly brought huge pressure to the Xinjiang men's basketball team. However, the turning point of the game came in the third quarter, when the Xinjiang men's basketball team struggled to catch up and narrow the gap to nine points, a series of controversial penalties came one after another.

CBA Finals G1: Han Dejun is furious, Wu Guanxi is aggrieved! Why did the referee change the decision? Fans questioned

First of all, the breakthrough of Xinjiang men's basketball foreign aid Wikington was beaten, and this obvious foul action was ignored under the nose of the referee. Although Wiggington protested, the referee gave him a technical foul, which undoubtedly hit the momentum of the Xinjiang men's basketball team. And the next scene surprised the fans.

Han Dejun was cut when he hit the basket, and initially, the referee awarded the ball to the Xinjiang men's basketball team. However, Han Dejun's furious mood unexpectedly changed the referee's decision. After he spoke to the referee, the referee actually changed the judgment and blew for a foul on Edison Wu, and Han Dejun also walked to the free throw line. This scene made fans talk a lot, what was the reason for the referee's reversal?

CBA Finals G1: Han Dejun is furious, Wu Guanxi is aggrieved! Why did the referee change the decision? Fans questioned

Xiao Nan believes that the answer to all this may be found in a "small action" of Zhao Jiwei. When Edison Wu grabbed the second rebound and was about to attack, Zhao Jiwei suddenly rushed up from behind and hit Edison Wu's hand firmly, causing the ball to go out of bounds. This obvious foul was misjudged by the referee as Edison Wu's out-of-bounds ball. What's even more puzzling is that Zhao Jiwei still looked "innocent" after committing a foul, and raised his hand to signal to the referee that it was Edison Wu who made the ball. This kind of "acting" is really laughable.

Of course, we can't ignore the important role of referees in the game. They need to keep an eye on the pitch and make fair decisions. However, in this game, several key decisions from the referee have raised questions among fans. Judging by the number of fouls and free throws made by both teams, there are indeed some irrationalities. This also makes fans wonder: was the referee affected by the home whistle?

CBA Finals G1: Han Dejun is furious, Wu Guanxi is aggrieved! Why did the referee change the decision? Fans questioned

In fact, in the CBA league, the problem of the home whistle has always existed. Some fans believe that the referee will favour the home team in favour of the home team in home games, giving the home team more of a penalty advantage. However, this bias not only affects the fairness of the game, but also damages the reputation of the league. Therefore, the CBA league should strengthen the training and supervision of referees to ensure the fairness and fairness of the game.

Of course, we can't put all the blame on the referee. As players and coaches, they also have a responsibility to respect the referee's decision. When a player or coach expresses dissatisfaction with a referee's decision, they should appeal through legitimate channels, rather than expressing their emotions through violence or provocation. At the same time, the players should also pay attention to their words and deeds and establish good sportsmanship.

In this CBA Finals G1, although the referee's change of decision caused controversy, it also showed us the love and dedication of the players to the game. Whether it is Han Dejun's anger or Zhao Jiwei's "innocent" acting skills, they are a true portrayal of their devotion to the game. Of course, we also hope that the CBA league can learn from this experience, strengthen the training and supervision of referees, and ensure the fairness and fairness of the game. At the same time, we also look forward to the players showing more exciting performances in the next games and bringing more unforgettable basketball feasts to the fans!

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