
Can a woman still live as a couple after having her uterus removed? The doctor's answer was more pertinent

author:Dr. Jia Health Center
Can a woman still live as a couple after having her uterus removed? The doctor's answer was more pertinent

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Zhou Ying held the medical record book, and her mother, He Mingzhu's haggard face, kept flashing in her mind.

As a promising female entrepreneur, she never expected fate to play such a trick on people.

Just two months ago, my mother had a "hysteroscopy", which resulted in a severe "uterine fibroid".

The doctor persuaded that it was better to remove the hysterus, otherwise the fibroids would develop and the consequences would be unimaginable.

Can a woman still live as a couple after having her uterus removed? The doctor's answer was more pertinent

The mother hesitated, but decided to follow the doctor's advice. After all, the most important thing is to save life.

However, after the operation, she was often depressed and always stared out the window.

Zhou Ying knew her mother's deep worries - she was worried about whether she would be able to live as husband and wife with her father after the uterus was removed. This made the mother, who had already entered middle age, feel ashamed.

But under the guidance of family doctor Lu Weidong, the mother gradually relieved.

Can a woman still live as a couple after having her uterus removed? The doctor's answer was more pertinent

According to Dr. Luk's explanation, the removal of the uterus does not have much impact on the couple's life.

First of all, sexual life is mainly regulated by estrogen secretion, and even if the uterus is removed, the estrogen supply is normal as long as the ovaries are intact.

Secondly, the uterus is only an auxiliary organ of sexual life, and its main role is to receive sperm and conceive embryos.

Once removed, sexual pleasure is not affected. Ref. [1] also states that removal of the uterus does not reduce sexual desire and quality of sexual life.

Can a woman still live as a couple after having her uterus removed? The doctor's answer was more pertinent

In addition to the marital concerns, the mother has other worries after the removal of the uterus.

Dr. Lu went on to explain that because the uterus loses the passage through menstruation, it often causes "hysterectomy syndrome".

Even if you have prepared for estrogen implantation in your body before surgery, you may experience symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, and vaginal dryness.

However, these problems can usually be alleviated as long as you return to the hospital regularly for follow-up check-ups and take appropriate hormone replacement therapy under the guidance of your doctor [2].

Can a woman still live as a couple after having her uterus removed? The doctor's answer was more pertinent

Many references also mention that uterine removal has a certain impact on women's physical and mental health, and should not be taken lightly. [3] reminds that women are likely to have negative emotions such as anxiety and depression before and after surgery.

Therefore, family members and doctors need to be more loving and patient. Fortunately, her mother has a considerate husband and a sensible daughter, Zhou Ying, who is always by her side, making her feel the warmth of home.

Can a woman still live as a couple after having her uterus removed? The doctor's answer was more pertinent

Now, three months have passed since the operation. The mother's body gradually recovered, and she slowly accepted the new life of "no uterus".

One day, Zhou Ying witnessed a warm family scene: her mother was talking to her father Zheng Hai affectionately, and her mother's eyes were full of brilliance again.

It seems that their married life has not been seriously affected. As a daughter, seeing her mother happy and healthy, Zhou Ying was sincerely relieved for her.

Can a woman still live as a couple after having her uterus removed? The doctor's answer was more pertinent

In conclusion, although a hysterectomy can cause some physical and mental distress to women, it does not mean that life is over.

As long as you face it positively, accept the professional guidance of doctors, and receive the love and support of family and friends, you will definitely be able to get out of the haze and embrace a new and beautiful life.


[1] Chen Shizhen, Wu Junde, Zhang Jimian, Zhu Fangqi, Huang Guojin. Analysis of Factors Related to Quality of Life, Sexual Behavior and Sexual Satisfaction of Menopausal Women[J]. Chinese Medical Journal,2002,65(1):48-56.

[2] Tian Yimin. Pre- and post-hysterectomy care[J]. Journal of Yanbian College of Health Professions,2007(4):38-39.

[3] Sun Mingzhu. Health education intervention for post-hysterectomy care[J]. Current Medicine,2014,20(6):164-165.]

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