
Strengthen the spleen, cool off, and protect the eyes, these 6 kinds of "health beans" are better than eating meat


6 kinds of "healthy beans", the right thing to eat in summer is better than meat.

Dog days, summer heat and humidification, many people eat nothing fragrant, abdominal distension after meals, weakness of limbs, at this time to strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, these 6 kinds of beans have different effects, it is recommended to collect, easy to find in the future.

First, mung bean, cold, has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling, detoxification, can quench thirst, relieve dry throat, dry mouth, reduce summer heat and other symptoms of fire. When you feel cold and cough in summer, you can use lily and mung beans to cook porridge and eat, which can clear away heat and detoxify, calm the heart and relieve trouble, moisten the lungs and relieve cough.

Strengthen the spleen, cool off, and protect the eyes, these 6 kinds of "health beans" are better than eating meat

Second, peas, flat in nature and sweet in taste. It has the functions of tonifying and invigorating qi, facilitating urination, reducing swelling and relieving pain. It is also rich in vitamin A, which has the effects of eye protection, relieving dry eyes, and improving immunity.

Third, edamame, flat in nature, sweet in taste, has a certain effect of invigorating blood and relieving pain, clearing heat and detoxifying, and invigorating blood and removing stasis. Its protein content is higher than that of vitamin C and vitamin B1, and friends who lack such vitamins can eat it.

Strengthen the spleen, cool off, and protect the eyes, these 6 kinds of "health beans" are better than eating meat

Fourth, lentils are sweet and slightly cold. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is called white lentils, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and dissipating dampness, and dissipating heatstroke, and its dietary fiber content is high, so patients with constipation can try it.

Fifth, broad beans are flat and sweet, beneficial to qi and spleen, dampness and swelling, nourishing the liver and eyes, tonifying the kidneys and strengthening tendons, and can also increase the elasticity of blood vessels and delay arteriosclerosis, but people with weak spleen and stomach and indigestion should eat less.

Strengthen the spleen, cool off, and protect the eyes, these 6 kinds of "health beans" are better than eating meat

Sixth, red beans are relatively flat in nature and sweet and sour in taste. Returning to the heart, spleen and small intestine meridians, it has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling, dissolving dampness and replenishing the spleen, etc., which is more suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach. Its relative, red adzuki beans, has a better dampness removal effect, and can be boiled with mung beans to cool off the heat and dispel dampness. Have you learned? Give it a try.

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