
has a koi physique, why is Wang Zijian's peak in the entertainment industry only five years?

author:Easter Literary Collection

Now Wang Zijian: A new beginning after the trough of life

Wang Zijian, who used to be a popular talk show star, is now away from the flash and lives an ordinary life. His appearance has also changed, his face that was once full of confidence has a slightly more tired look, and his body is much thinner than before.

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Recalling the reasons that caused him to fall from the peak, Wang Zijian couldn't help but feel deeply. Perhaps it was the fame and fortune that made him begin to become unpopular and arrogant, and this proud and conceited character finally broke the foundation of his career.

However, after going through those difficult years, Wang Zijian is no longer as flamboyant as before. Shrouded in the haze of depression, he spent a long and painful two years, isolated from the outside world, and had to reflect on himself.

It was during that time that Wang Zijian realized his past mistakes and deeply understood the importance of humility. After too many setbacks and grinds, he has become humble and polite, and the sharpness that he once had has almost disappeared.

In order to reopen a new chapter in his life, Wang Zijian resolutely made a difficult decision - to give up hosting a talk show and completely change his career to an actor.

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Although he can only barely survive by playing some small roles in his new career path, Wang Zijian still has firm confidence in the future. He firmly believes that as long as he works hard enough and learns modestly, he will be able to shine again on the road of being an actor.

Wang Zijian's glorious period

To trace Wang Zijian's glorious past, we have to trace it back to the amazing talent he showed in his youth. In high school, Wang Zijian became famous for his unforgettable skills and game skills.

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He has not only won many awards in many competitions, won numerous awards and accolades, but even wrote advertorials for well-known game companies, earning as much as four or five thousand yuan a month.

After graduating, Wang Zijian once worked in a game magazine, where he worked diligently and competently, winning unanimous praise from all colleagues. But soon, he once again showed his rebellious personality, and he gave up his stable editing career and resolutely founded his own cross talk studio.

With his distinctive performance style, Wang Zijian soon emerged in the cross talk industry and was nicknamed "Han Han in the cross talk world". Shanghai TV took a fancy to his potential and invited him to a talk show, thus achieving the highest peak of Wang Zijian's career.

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As soon as he came up, Wang Zijian won the love of a large number of audiences with his sharp language style and bold style. As a host, he not only dared to challenge authority and commented on his peers bluntly, but also devoted himself to discovering and cultivating a group of young stars, such as Li Dan and Wang Jianguo, who later became famous.

Interestingly, it is precisely because of this ruthless style that Wang Zijian was once completely banned by the Central Television Spring Festival Gala. But he didn't care, and always insisted on his own style and bottom line, until he finally conquered everyone with his persistence.

The shadow of family life

has a koi physique, why is Wang Zijian's peak in the entertainment industry only five years?

Just when Wang Zijian's career was rising and the light was shining on him, a family turmoil quietly came, casting a shadow on the popular star.

Everything stems from the contradictions in the emotional life between Wang Zijian and his wife. His wife publicly complained that she had suffered from Wang Zijian's domestic violence for a long time, and the marriage between the two had long existed in name only.

This is undoubtedly a devastating blow to Wang Zijian's positive personality.

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What's even more shocking is that under the angry revenge of his wife, the high-profile talk show hosted by Wang Zijian was ordered to be suspended, and the shares of the company he worked hard to manage were also sold overnight.

This series of sudden changes ruthlessly knocked this peak entertainment star to the bottom of his life.

During these difficult days, Wang Zijian once fell into the haze of depression. His spiritual world was shrouded in a thick fog, almost cut off from the outside world for two years.

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Occasionally, when he was alone, he would regret his arrogance, and if he had sensed the crisis earlier, he might not have fallen into such a situation.

Once upon a time, Wang Zijian was so beautiful, in charge of the house, calling back and forth. And now, he can only wander in the trough of life, unable to move an inch, and extremely miserable.

This Waterloo-like contrast was undoubtedly a heavy blow to his heart.

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The grinding of the low point of life

In this way, Wang Zijian spent two long years helplessly. During this time, he often regretted his conceit and arrogance. If we had sensed the crisis earlier, we might not have been in such a predicament.

But soon, Wang Zijian realized that regret alone is far from enough, and it is more important to learn lessons from the depths of his heart and re-examine himself, so as to truly get out of the haze of life.

has a koi physique, why is Wang Zijian's peak in the entertainment industry only five years?

After this heavy blow, Wang Zijian began to reflect that the reason why he fell into such a situation was not only due to external factors such as family conflicts, but also because of his excessive conceit.

In the past, he was arrogant to the point of irony, empty-minded, arrogant, and lacked even basic respect for his intimate lover.

It is this arrogant style that does not know how to restrain itself that finally broke the important foundation of his life. After a long period of reflection, Wang Zijian finally realized the importance of humility to the path of life, and made up his mind to get rid of his former arrogance and indulgence.

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This process of change is long and painful, like carving marble little by little with a sharp weapon, slowly polishing a hard and cold stone into a work of art with rich connotations.

But for Wang Zijian, this kind of tempering is the only way to go, and only by letting go of pride and arrogance and re-examining life with a humble attitude can we find the direction again.

Growing up in hardship and awakening in struggle, Wang Zijian finally comprehended the truth. As a star who once had infinite scenery, he used his own experience to interpret what it means to "not judge heroes by success or failure".

has a koi physique, why is Wang Zijian's peak in the entertainment industry only five years?

Hope for a fresh start

After a long period of life reflection and inner awakening, Wang Zijian finally made up his mind to say goodbye to the old way of hosting talk shows, and instead devoted himself to a new career as an actor.

It was a difficult decision for him, who was already in his prime. The glory and status of the past are long gone, and now we can only start from the bottom and start all over again.

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But Wang Zijian did not flinch back, he firmly believed that as long as he worked hard enough and studied modestly, he would be able to shine again on the new stage.

As a result, we saw that this once beautiful star began to play small roles with ordinary personalities on the screen. He is no longer as flamboyant as before, but treats every staff member with humility and courtesy.

The crew recalled that the new Wang Zijian had become more humble and friendly. As long as he has free time, he will take the initiative to ask about the needs of others and do his best to meet everyone's needs.

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Once, a young rookie actor forgot his lines because he was nervous, and Wang Zijian at that time enthusiastically taught some of his acting skills to the other party without reservation, which was very moving.

Driven by Wang Zijian, the atmosphere of the entire crew has become harmonious and loving. Everyone sincerely admired that the once arrogant star has passed, and what has returned to everyone is a calm, humble, amiable and good person.

Although Wang Zijian can only make a few cameo appearances to survive, he still has firm confidence in the future. He knows that as long as he maintains a humble and studious attitude, he will be able to climb the peak again on a new road like his original talk show career.

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