
Go all the way! Before the halfway point of 2024, three national first-class actors have passed away! distressed

author:An ordinary citizen

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They have touched the hearts of the people of an era with drama and illuminated the spiritual world of many people with art. In 2024, three national first-class actors with national treasure level will pass away one after another, which has aroused the memory of their artistic achievements in the whole society, and also triggered us to think deeply about inheritance and development.

Go all the way! Before the halfway point of 2024, three national first-class actors have passed away! distressed

A generation of grandmasters, interpreting classics

Mr. Wang, a giant in the drama industry, has spent half a century dedicating his artistic life to outstanding light. In 1950, he entered the theater hall, and for decades he has been persistently pursuing performing arts, daring to think and do, and daring to innovate. The characters he created were full and vivid, and he touched countless audiences.

Pay attention to realistic performances and pay attention to inner emotions; His every look and every movement embodies his love for dramatic art and interprets classic roles. On the stage, he has a master's demeanor, and off the stage, he is humble and enthusiastic, and he spends his life cultivating juniors. He is a national treasure performing artist and a veritable master of theatre.

Go all the way! Before the halfway point of 2024, three national first-class actors have passed away! distressed

Mr. Li, a prodigy of acting on the screen. In the 60s of the 20th century, he rose to prominence and conquered the audience with his own unique performance style. The comedy is sadistic, the drama is touching, and his screen image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Whether it's a little person with tears of joy or a heroic character with a domineering chivalrous backbone, he can control and give the soul. He doesn't want fame and fortune, just for his obsession with art, and uses his acting skills to show all kinds of human nature. When we look at each of his works, we will be impressed by his amazing talent and endless passion.

Go all the way! Before the halfway point of 2024, three national first-class actors have passed away! distressed

Mr. Zhao, a legend of stage art. He became famous in the 70s of the 20th century and reached the peak of his art in the 90s, and he won the applause of countless audiences with his passionate performances. The dramas "Sunrise" and "Thunderstorm" have become his representative works, profoundly interpreting the inner world of the characters and showing the brilliance of human nature.

He is a master on stage, and off the stage he is approachable, infecting younger generations with his artistic attitude of excellence. He showed the world what drama art is, and he is the embodiment of drama art.

Go all the way! Before the halfway point of 2024, three national first-class actors have passed away! distressed

Three actors, three arts, three styles. They have shown what performing arts are in different ways, and they have interpreted what love for art is in their lives. The news of their departure made the audience feel extremely nostalgic and regretful. However, the curtain of legend will always fall, and what we should remember more is the spiritual legacy they left us.

The road of inheritance, looking forward to new life

"When the older generation of actors leaves, our generation will feel very sad and regretful." Li Si, a well-known film and television actor, wrote on social media, "They spend their whole lives to give, use their souls to perform, and light up people's hearts with art...... I hope that our generation can inherit and carry forward their spirit and develop China's performing arts into a better and more prosperous place. ”

Go all the way! Before the halfway point of 2024, three national first-class actors have passed away! distressed

With the passing of the older generation of actors, we can't help but think, how can we commemorate these bright stars? How can these rich artistic spirits be inherited?

Establish authoritative performing arts awards and halls of fame. An annual "Performing Arts Master Award" can be set up to be awarded to artists who have made outstanding contributions in the fields of film, television drama, stage plays, etc.; The "China Performing Arts Hall of Fame" was established to set a benchmark and carry forward the spirit of Chinese performing arts.

Go all the way! Before the halfway point of 2024, three national first-class actors have passed away! distressed

Strengthen the education of performing arts, focusing on cultivation from an early age. Introduce the performing arts curriculum into the music and physical beauty courses of primary and secondary schools, so that children can receive systematic training from an early age. Establish relevant majors in colleges and universities, strengthen theoretical research and practical teaching, and cultivate performing arts talents. And through various ways to improve the aesthetic and appreciative ability of the whole people.

Improve the ecology of performing arts creation. Through multi-channel investment in supporting the creation of original scripts, and encouraging directors to try innovation. Establish and improve the protection of intellectual property rights, so that the rights and interests of performing artists are protected. At the same time, strengthen industry supervision, formulate relevant policies and regulations, and provide institutional guarantees for the healthy development of performing arts.

Go all the way! Before the halfway point of 2024, three national first-class actors have passed away! distressed

Performing arts carry the national spirit and cultural information, we should take history as a mirror and actively act to make the tree of China's performing arts forever vigorous and vigorous, and bloom another lush spring. This is also the best nostalgia and commemoration for the three national first-class actors.

When the bright stars illuminate thousands of households, we know that the seeds of art have been sown and will surely bloom tomorrow. Youth, you are a dazzling melody that echoes in our memories for a long time. The old stars have extinguished their light, but the notes they left behind still echo in our hearts. Let's listen to the moving melody and continue to write the legend together.

The whole network has been opened to protect rights, and plagiarism is not allowed, and offenders will be prosecuted. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

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