
Woman, your clothing, exposes your layers

Woman, your clothing, exposes your layers

The word "hierarchy" is common in life, and many people will think of it as a prejudice. But in fact, the "level" is not a prejudice given by nature, but an acquired distinction between high and low.

A woman's style of dress is not only related to her personality, but also to the different layers of her identity. Different occasions require different outfits, so it's important to choose the right outfit.

The "hierarchy" refers to the level of thought of the wearer, not his or her social class.

The owner's personality and taste are closely related, just as those who focus on success will choose bright colors to attract attention, while those who are indifferent to fame and fortune are more inclined to light tones to keep a low profile. After all, clothing is the embodiment of a state of mind, and personal temperament is immutable.

Women's dress style reflects their taste and level of sophistication. Women who are poorly dressed will appear to be of a low level.


Women of excellent ability often wear simple and smart clothing, showing their professional image and taste.

Although a woman has more attention than a man, once she decides on a certain direction, she pursues it wholeheartedly and no longer cares about other things.

Woman, your clothing, exposes your layers

In our company, the one I admire the most is Sister Lin, the manager of the general medicine department. Despite her slender stature, she is full of great energy. Her performances are always admirable.

Truth be told, it is not an easy task for a woman to gain respect in a male collective. However, Sister Lin was not only able to stand firm, but also was able to make many men willingly accept her leadership. It's a rare talent, and it's amazing.

In fact, even if you don't know much about Sister Lin, you can see from her style of dress that she pays attention to efficiency and acts decisively.

Every time I saw her, she always wore a smart suit or long skirt with a trench coat, and always wore high heels on her feet. This makes people can't help but be attracted and impressed by the elite aura that emanates from her.

The most important thing in sales is interpersonal relationships, as well as the grasp and analysis of market changes. Sister Lin often works late into the night to ensure that these aspects are given adequate attention.

She always carefully handles the weekly problem analysis and monthly sales progress, and communicates with her subordinates to identify the problems and guide them. Her dedication and way of leading the team has been consistently recognized.

She also finds time to improve her skills, proactively learns more effective sales skills, and passes on what she learns to her subordinates. This gesture shows both the importance she places on her own growth and her positive leadership of the team.

In the sales analysis of each quarter, the general medicine department, led by Sister Lin, is always the best performing department.

Woman, your clothing, exposes your layers

She believes that the dress code should be based on the convenience of work, not too flashy, simple and generous.

As you can see, these women are more focused on their own strength than on flashy or extravagant clothing.


Women who prefer to dress up tend to be more elaborate and pay attention to their appearance.

In stark contrast to Sister Lin, it is Sister Xu from the procurement and supply department. Due to the difference in job responsibilities, Sister Xu did not spend more time improving her abilities, but paid attention to her dress. She pays attention to her appearance in order to make a good impression. In contrast, this is more different from Sister Lin's style, but Sister Xu's professionalism is also reflected.

She is very conscious of her image, so shopping is one of her favorite things to do. In addition, she never wears clothes more than three times, and she cherishes her clothes very much.

I remember the last time I met such a woman was when I was in junior high school, and she was my art teacher. She always impresses with fresh, non-repetitive clothes.

In addition, Sister Xu has very strict requirements for clothing, and she almost never wears regular commuting clothes to work.

She believes that ordinary clothing will make her lose her personality and be eclipsed by the crowd. Every time she appears, it's a sight to behold.

Woman, your clothing, exposes your layers

The clothes she chooses are all finely made, slim in design, with youthful and beautiful tones, making people feel that she is a rich lady who experiences life.

Indeed, her job is much easier. Her job only involves confirming that the company's goods and payments match each other, without too much tedious operation.

To be honest, such women are often the biggest envy of female friends around them. They have a relaxed and happy job, an ample income, and a good look. Any woman wants to have such a life.

Such a dress can easily be misinterpreted as focusing only on appearance. Focusing too much on dressing up means less time and effort on other things. We should maintain balance and give ourselves enough time to focus on other aspects of our lives.


There is also a kind of clothing that is not so smart and does not seek to be gorgeous, but it exudes a sense of unpretentiousness.

My leader, Sister Zheng, is a respectable editor-in-chief, and she has always paid attention to the quality of data and the innovation of copywriting, which is the most important thing in her work.

Now that she is retiring, her expectations for clothing are not so high.

She doesn't need to use clothes to highlight her professionalism, nor does she need to rely on clothes to show her beauty, and it is very appropriate to describe Ms. Zheng with indifferent fame and fortune.

Woman, your clothing, exposes your layers

For her, the most important thing now is to improve the quality of life. The requirements for clothes are not high, as long as they are comfortable to wear, and they don't have to be too particular.

She no longer lives by the evaluation of others, but only focuses on her own feelings, and comfort and happiness are more important than any evaluation.

Such women have achieved considerable success in their families and careers, so they are no longer obsessed with their ability and appearance, and are more inclined to enjoy life naturally. They are focused on their current lives and appreciate the beauty in them more.

In my opinion, this type of woman is the most comfortable and relaxed. Regardless of their class, they are able to maintain a sense of peace.

As the saying goes, words and deeds can show a person's character, and dress can also reflect a person's quality. Women from different walks of life also have very different tastes in dressing, unless you deliberately try to shape your image.

Know that the image you present to others depends on what you dress in addition to your character. So pay attention to your clothes and make a good impression.

Sometimes, the image that comes to people's eyes can be more powerful than what you say verbally. If you want others to see you the way you preconceive, you need to put some effort into what you dress. After all, the message conveyed by a garment can make a lasting impression in an instant.