
A trick to get a woman's heart: frequent crossings

A trick to get a woman's heart: frequent crossings

Love can always make people timid, even for men. When faced with the person you like, although you want to be close to them, you are afraid that excessive recklessness will make the other person retreat.

As it happened, I could only spin in circles, silently crushing on my beloved until he was snatched away by someone else.

In fact, getting a woman is not as difficult as you think. After all, women are just ordinary people, and their emotional needs are similar to those of men.

If you want to win the favor of beautiful women, you can't hesitate, and you can't stagnate due to lack of self-confidence.

Experienced people tell us that the trick to courting a woman is to surprise her frequently.


Only frequent communication will leave a deep impression on women.

Expressing liking is necessary. If you bury your feelings deep in your heart, you will never be able to get your lover's attention. It's a common phenomenon, so don't be afraid to express your feelings, especially in love.

A trick to get a woman's heart: frequent crossings

The story of "The Splendid Stars and the Moon Rises in the Sea" has come to an end, but Ling Budo's long road of chasing his wife has taught us the tricks to get a woman.

Like everyone else, Ling Budo noticed Cheng Shaoshang, but Cheng Shaoshang avoided it. This was the first time the two met.

Ling Budo is a man who does not flinch, and he likes to be challenged. Even though he knew that Shaoshang didn't like him very much, he still made a deep impression through frequent contact.

This woman is already stronger than many men. After all, in addition to the hesitant Yuan Shanjian, there are also people who admire her in the play.

In fact, the abilities of these two lovers are similar, one has a unique skill, and the other has excellent literary talents, both of whom are suitable candidates for stepping into the rivers and lakes in the young business.

In the end, Shaoshang decided to choose Ling Budo because he was braver than Yuan Shanjian. Ling Budo appeared in front of Shaoshang again and again, which left a deep impression on Shaoshang and could not be easily forgotten.

In love, the order of appearance is very crucial. Sometimes, whether or not you can make the other person remember you and have a crush on you in the first place will directly determine your success or failure.

A trick to get a woman's heart: frequent crossings

If you want to pursue a woman, you can't sit idly by. You need to take the initiative to come into her life and show your strengths so that she knows and accepts you. Only in this way can we gradually win her heart.


To be recognized by a woman, you need to try new areas often and be challenged. In this way, the woman can get to know you better.

Truth be told, the chronological order in a relationship is important, but equally important is distance. Once a woman decides, it is difficult to change her mind.

When Shaoshang began to understand the meaning of love, Ling Budo was always by her side, teaching her how to accept being loved and love others.

Although Shaoshang had not yet fully accepted Ling Budo's love, he was no longer so resistant.

On the contrary, Yuan Shanjian only silently waited for the person he loved, instead of actively fighting for it, even though he knew that she was being approached by his rival. This act regrettably shows Yuan's withdrawal and introversion, away from the opportunity to build a good relationship with his beloved.

Although this behavior is common, if your beloved woman doesn't know what you're giving for her, no amount of anything you can do will help. It is very important for her to know that you are giving in.

A trick to get a woman's heart: frequent crossings

As Ling Budo got closer, most of Shaoshang's prejudice against him had disappeared, replaced by more understanding and support. Even if an outsider slanders Ling Budo, Shaoshang will firmly refute it.

Cheng Shaoshang has fully accepted and recognized Ling Budo, and no longer has fear and disgust.

It can be seen that the fear of being close to a woman will cause dissatisfaction is actually too much to worry about. As long as the other person doesn't explicitly say that they don't like you approaching, then frequent crossing of the line may be a trick for you to successfully pursue the goddess.

After all, in women's minds, not expressing opposition means acceptable. And if people don't have frequent contact with each other, how can they be sure that they are a match?

Ximei often said that if you want to get a woman, you need to let each other fall in love for a long time. Frequent crossings of the line are a great way to achieve this, as you are already familiar with each other and slowly building up a relationship. Through your relationship, you naturally develop affection.


Transcending the norm is not an end in itself, but a masterful skill to win a woman's heart.

Of course, there are always consequences for crossing the line. If we constantly try to go beyond our comfort zone but fail to improve our relationships with friends, then this crossing of boundaries loses its meaning. Relationships between friends need to be constantly nurtured and strengthened, and crossing the line is just one of the ways.

A trick to get a woman's heart: frequent crossings

Ling Budo has always been very clear that his actions have crossed the line in order to achieve his goal, and what he wants is far more than Shaoshang's love for him, but also to make her his beloved woman.

When he discovers that Shaoshang has a good impression of him, he is ready to take advantage of the situation to pursue and successfully win Shaoshang's heart.

Continuous hard work will always pay off, and every failure only makes me fall in love with it more and move towards success with confidence.

Even if he temporarily left Shaoshang for some reason, even if Shaoshang had Yuan Shanjian by his side during the 5 years he left, even if everyone persuaded him to let go, he still loved that place deeply.

But Shaoshang's heart was already full of past experiences and emotions with Ling Budo, and he no longer tolerated other men. When Ling Budo returned five years later, he would be able to firmly attract Shaoshang to his side again.

We should avoid crossing the line between men and women, and we should use other tricks to win women's hearts.

Considering Ling Budo's frequent cross-border behavior, if he hadn't captured Shaoshang's heart, how could she be willing to sit there and wait.

A trick to get a woman's heart: frequent crossings

With care, it is not difficult to deal with women. It's easy for a woman to fall in love with you after a long relationship.

The human heart is sensual, especially the female heart is softer. If you are sincere in your efforts for her, how can she turn a blind eye to it?

In fact, it is not difficult to win a woman's heart, what is difficult is to take that step bravely. Only if you dare to face your feelings directly, a woman will be attracted to you. Be brave in your treatment of love and face it so that a woman can be willingly conquered by you.

We might as well be brave and not be bothered by our vanity and not be attracted to women.

It is important to understand that crossing the line does not lead to a deterioration in your relationship. If you get rejected, it's just a little bit of a bad situation. However, if all goes well, it will help to enhance the bond between you.