
Looking at Zhang Zhenlin's posture, which point can be seen that he is blaming himself, and the media also helped him

author:Sanzhiqua said sports

Zhang Zhenlin's "self-blame" show: the true temperament behind the violent temper

On the basketball court, the mood of the players is always up and down with the rhythm of the game. But sometimes, some actions that seem to be "self-blame" may hide deeper meanings. Recently, Zhang Zhenlin's scene in the game has attracted widespread attention. After he made a mistake in passing, he walked off the field angrily, threw his clothes and spread his hands, this series of actions seemed to be self-blame, but after careful analysis, it seemed that this was not the case.

Looking at Zhang Zhenlin's posture, which point can be seen that he is blaming himself, and the media also helped him

1. The "self-blame" show on the court

At a critical moment in the game, a passing error by Zhang Zhenlin made the team fall into passivity. It stands to reason that players should stay calm at this point and look for opportunities to make amends. But Zhang Zhenlin chose another way to express his emotions. He walked off the field in a rage, slamming his clothes on the ground, as if to vent all his frustrations.

Looking at Zhang Zhenlin's posture, which point can be seen that he is blaming himself, and the media also helped him

When Big Brother Li Xiaoxu saw this scene, he hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him to put on his clothes. But Zhang Zhenlin didn't seem to appreciate it, he spread his hands, looking helpless, as if he was blaming his teammates on the field for running wrong. Such a move makes people wonder if he is really blaming himself.

2. The true temperament behind the temper tantrums

Zhang Zhenlin's temper tantrum is well-known in basketball circles. He has a straightforward personality and is easily emotionally agitated, which has affected his performance on the field to a certain extent. But it is this true temperament that has won him the love of many fans.

Looking at Zhang Zhenlin's posture, which point can be seen that he is blaming himself, and the media also helped him

In this "self-blame" incident, although Zhang Zhenlin's actions were a bit excessive, they also reflected his serious attitude towards the game and his desire to win. He wasn't evading his responsibilities, but he was expressing his displeasure with the result in his own way.

3. "Self-blame" in the eyes of the media

When the media reported on this matter, most of them chose the angle of "rounding" for Zhang Zhenlin. They emphasised Zhang's sense of responsibility and team spirit, believing that he had just made some radical moves when he was emotional. Although such reports protect Zhang Zhenlin's image to a certain extent, they also ignore his shortcomings in emotional management.

Looking at Zhang Zhenlin's posture, which point can be seen that he is blaming himself, and the media also helped him

Fourth, the importance of players' emotional management

Emotional management is a very important skill for professional footballers. In the heat of the game, staying calm and sane is the key to victory. Although Zhang Zhenlin's temper temper makes him appear more combative on the court, it is also easy for him to lose control at critical moments and affect the team's overall performance.

Therefore, for Zhang Zhenlin, learning to better control his emotions will be an important topic for him to face in his future career.

Although Zhang Zhenlin's "self-blame" show has caused some controversy, it also allows us to see his true temperament. As a young player, the fighting spirit and passion he showed in the game is to be recognized. But at the same time, he also needs to learn to better manage his emotions and make himself more mature and stable on the court.

Looking at Zhang Zhenlin's posture, which point can be seen that he is blaming himself, and the media also helped him

We look forward to Zhang Zhenlin's continuous growth and improvement in future competitions, and repay the fans' support and expectations with even better performances. At the same time, we also hope that the media can be more objective and comprehensive when reporting on the players, and not exaggerate or cover up the real situation of the players.

Dear readers, what do you think of Zhang Zhenlin's "self-blame" show in the competition? Do you feel that he has a true temperament and dares to express himself, or does he feel that he needs to control his emotions better? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section to share your views, and let's explore this interesting topic together!

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