
The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 1:3! 3 ridiculous facts exposed

author:Sanzhiqua said sports

The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 1:3: three mysteries to be solved, where is the women's volleyball team?

On May 18, in the Women's Volleyball World League, the Chinese team unexpectedly lost 1-3 to Canada and missed three consecutive wins, which surprised fans. This defeat not only made us re-examine the strength of the Chinese women's volleyball team, but also caused a series of puzzling mysteries. Today, let's explore these mysteries together and see what happened to the Chinese women's volleyball team?

The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 1:3! 3 ridiculous facts exposed

1. The "double standard" of the Canadian women's volleyball team: why do they behave so differently against Japan and China?

Not long ago, the Canadian women's volleyball team lost 0:3 in the match with the Japanese team, but when facing the Chinese women's volleyball team, they showed a completely different competitive state. This can't help but make people wonder: is it the Canadian women's volleyball team that is working harder against us, or is the Japanese women's volleyball team really much stronger than us?

The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 1:3! 3 ridiculous facts exposed

Judging from the process of the game, the Canadian women's volleyball team was obviously more active against China, and both offense and defense seemed more disciplined. And when we face such an opponent, we seem to be a little powerless and unable to play to our strengths. The reasons for this are worth pondering.

2. Slow heating has become the norm, what is the adjustment ability of the women's volleyball team?

Looking back on the game, it is not difficult to find a worrying phenomenon: the Chinese women's volleyball team always seems to fall into a cycle of slow heating. Whether it was against the USA the day before or against Canada last night, we were behind in the first game and didn't gradually regain our form until the second game. This slow pace not only affected our pace of play, but also gave our opponents a chance to take advantage of it.

The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 1:3! 3 ridiculous facts exposed

As a world-class team, the Chinese women's volleyball team should have the ability to quickly adapt to the rhythm of the game and the characteristics of the opponent. However, looking at recent games, we haven't been as good as we could have done in this regard. This begs the question: where is our ability to adjust?

3. It is difficult for veterans to pick the lead, when will the newcomers rise?

In this game, the performance of two veterans, Zhang Changning and Ding Xia, also attracted much attention. As the core players of the team, they are expected to be high. However, judging by the course of the competition, it seems that they did not bring out their best performance.

The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 1:3! 3 ridiculous facts exposed

Zhang Changning's performance on the offensive end was slightly weaker, while Ding Xia also appeared to be inadequate in terms of organization and scheduling. This can't help but make people think: as the veterans are getting older, when will our newcomers be able to rise up and take over the baton from the seniors?

The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 1:3! 3 ridiculous facts exposed

Originally, I was full of enthusiasm and hoped to use the rich experience of our senior players to lead and inspire those young and promising players, so that they can grow faster, better integrate into the team, and fight for victory together. However, the reality is often far from what it should be.

The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 1:3! 3 ridiculous facts exposed

Take Zhang Changning, for example, as an important member of our team, she should have stepped up at a critical moment and used her experience and skills to stabilize the situation. But in fact, at the crucial end of the game, she is often responsible for the relatively minor task of serving. I can't help but be a little disappointed, after all, her strength and experience should have allowed her to play a greater role in more critical aspects.

And Ding Xia's performance surprised me even more. As another experienced player, her performance was too mediocre, and even somewhat unsatisfactory. In contrast, although Zheng Yixin is young, her performance on the court is even better, both in terms of technique and mentality, showing good potential.

The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 1:3! 3 ridiculous facts exposed

This reality made me feel frustrated and made me reflect on the way we build our team and develop our players. Perhaps, we should pay more attention to the training and training of young players, so that they can continue to grow and improve in practice; At the same time, we should also encourage the senior players to give full play to their potential and contribute more to the team. Only in this way can we build a truly strong, united, and combat-ready team.

Of course, we can't completely deny the strength and potential of the Chinese women's volleyball team just by losing one game. But this defeat is undoubtedly a wake-up call for us to face up to our own problems and shortcomings.

The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 1:3! 3 ridiculous facts exposed

In the face of these mysteries and challenges, what is the future of the Chinese women's volleyball team? Perhaps, we need to start from many aspects to strengthen the construction and training of the team. On the one hand, we must strengthen the training and run-in of techniques and tactics to improve the overall strength of the team; On the other hand, we should also pay attention to the development and selection of young players to inject new vitality and blood into the team.

At the same time, we must also remain calm and rational, and do not lose confidence because of a momentary defeat. After all, the Chinese women's volleyball team is a strong team with a glorious history and glorious traditions, and we believe that with the joint efforts of all players and coaches, we will be able to get out of the trough and return to the top.

The Chinese women's volleyball team lost to Canada 1:3! 3 ridiculous facts exposed

We look forward to the Chinese women's volleyball team being able to show more outstanding performance in future competitions and win glory for the country and the people! At the same time, we also hope that the fans can continue to support our women's volleyball girls, cheer for them, and witness their growth and progress together!

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