
"Sino-Russian Ili Treaty": Tsarist Russia ceded 70,000 pieces of land, why Zeng Jize can still be praised

author:jokes about a hundred years of elegance

In the middle of the 19th century, the Qing Dynasty was in a critical period of decline in national strength, and internal and external troubles emerged one after another. Between 1856 and 1860, the Qing Dynasty had to distract itself from civil strife and the invasion of the British and French forces. In this far northern frontier, Tsarist Russia, with its great military power and colonial expansion ambitions, began to covet the vast northeastern and northwestern frontiers of China. From 1858 onwards, Tsarist Russia signed a series of unequal treaties with the Qing Dynasty, and large tracts of land were forcibly ceded. This period of history was called "the shame of the homeland" by later generations, and it was also the epitome of the diplomatic humiliation of the Qing Dynasty.

"Sino-Russian Ili Treaty": Tsarist Russia ceded 70,000 pieces of land, why Zeng Jize can still be praised

In the spring of 1858, Heilongjiang General Yishan received a notice of a visit from Muravyov, the Russian governor of Eastern Siberia. Muravyov led two well-armed warships directly to the city of Aihui. At this time, the Qing court was busy with the Taiping Rebellion in the south and the threat of the British and French forces, and the security of the northeastern border was particularly fragile.

"General, the ships of Tsarist Russia have arrived at the riverside, and their intention is clearly not only a friendly visit." Yishan's adjutant reported anxiously.

The threat of Tsarist Russia soon became a reality. Muravyov, after a night of shelling, forced Yishan to accept negotiations. "General, we in Tsarist Russia are not willing to be enemies of the Qing Empire, but we must also ensure our safety. The land north of the Heilongjiang River should be assigned to our management. Muravyov coldly put forward conditions.

"Sino-Russian Ili Treaty": Tsarist Russia ceded 70,000 pieces of land, why Zeng Jize can still be praised

In the face of such tough demands, Yishan felt unprecedented pressure. "You are blatant aggression! We, the Qing Dynasty, will never succumb to your threat. Despite his anxiety, Yishan tried to remain diplomatically firm.

However, in the following days, Muravyov's warships continued to threaten the city, and Yishan finally signed the Treaty of Aihui with great reluctance, ceding a large area of land.

In Ili in 1871, the situation was more complicated. Taking advantage of the internal turmoil in the Qing Dynasty, Tsarist Russia sent troops to occupy the Ili region of Xinjiang. At this time, the Qing court sent officials who did not have sufficient diplomatic experience to negotiate with Chonghou.

"Sino-Russian Ili Treaty": Tsarist Russia ceded 70,000 pieces of land, why Zeng Jize can still be praised

In St. Petersburg, Chonghou was confronted with a series of coercion and inducements from Tsarist Russian diplomats. "Chongda, we understand the plight of the Qing Dynasty. As long as you agree to our terms, Ili can return it. "The representatives of Tsarist Russia persecuted Chonghou with seductive promises and vague threats.

In the face of Tsarist Russia's high-pressure strategy, Chonghou signed the "Sino-Russian Treaty of Settlement of Ili" without clear instructions from the imperial court, ceding a large amount of valuable territorial resources. This move caused strong resentment in the imperial court, but it also reflected the weakness of Qing diplomacy and the chaos at home at that time.

"Sino-Russian Ili Treaty": Tsarist Russia ceded 70,000 pieces of land, why Zeng Jize can still be praised

These humiliating treaties, especially the Treaty of Aihui and the Sino-Russian Treaty of Settlement of Ili, were resisted or even recognized by the Qing court at the time, but their cession became irreversible history. Tsarist Russia skillfully took advantage of the Qing Dynasty's internal and external troubles, and gradually eroded China's territory through threats and negotiations. These treaties are not only a loss of territory, but also a great loss of national sovereignty and dignity. The humiliating treaty became part of the late Qing Dynasty history and profoundly influenced the trajectory of China's modern history.

"Sino-Russian Ili Treaty": Tsarist Russia ceded 70,000 pieces of land, why Zeng Jize can still be praised

The signing of the Treaty of Aihui and the Sino-Russian Treaty of Ili was not only a symbol of the Qing Dynasty's diplomatic failure, but also a country's helpless choice to survive in the crisis. These historical events remind us that a country's strength is not only based on the success of internal governance, but also needs to have enough voice and strength to defend its interests in the international arena.