
Shame on you and throw it abroad! Well-known foreign musicians fight fake "Singer", who can't afford to play it?

author:Amber said entertainment

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Recently, the second episode of the high-profile program "" is about to be broadcast, and its topic continues to be hot, which has aroused widespread attention and discussion. However, with the advancement of the program, many controversies and problems have gradually surfaced, which makes people have to think deeply about the current situation of the Chinese music scene.

Shame on you and throw it abroad! Well-known foreign musicians fight fake "Singer", who can't afford to play it?

Unceremoniously sharply criticized the Chinese music scene, he bluntly pointed out that the Chinese music scene is showing a self-enclosed situation, and its influence on the world is extremely weak. This view is like a bombshell, blowing up the long-standing potential problems of the Chinese music scene. And Ding Taisheng's evaluation of Hailai Amu has caused great controversy, he thinks that the style is too outdated and lacks innovation and breakthroughs. This undoubtedly sounded a wake-up call to the Chinese music scene, and the simplification and lag of style seem to have become a crux that is difficult to ignore.

Shame on you and throw it abroad! Well-known foreign musicians fight fake "Singer", who can't afford to play it?

In the first episode, the performance of Chinese singers was generally poor, and compared with international singers, this gap is even more embarrassing. When we look at the international stage, we will find that the status of the Chinese music scene in the world music forest is really worrying.

To make matters worse, some of the events that arose in the show quickly spread abroad, attracting widespread attention from the international music industry. International musician Rozette commented on the seven singers who participated in the show, and she spoke highly of foreign singers, while her attitude towards domestic singers was clearly reserved. This kind of feedback from the international community has undoubtedly made us see more clearly the huge gap between the Chinese music scene and the international level.

Shame on you and throw it abroad! Well-known foreign musicians fight fake "Singer", who can't afford to play it?

At the same time, the show was also questioned about technical issues such as audio source replacement and sound repair, which undoubtedly triggered a crisis of confidence. Netizens found that there were differences in the audio sources in different versions of the video, which made people doubt the authenticity of the show. 's articulation problem and Hailai Amu's style have once again been pushed to the forefront, and these details have further highlighted the lack of professionalism in the Chinese music scene.

Shame on you and throw it abroad! Well-known foreign musicians fight fake "Singer", who can't afford to play it?

In the subsequent development, he withdrew from the competition due to physical reasons, which undoubtedly brought certain variables to the show. And with the hope of joining, this may add new vitality and highlights to the show. But what we should pay more attention to is whether the Chinese music scene can truly realize its own problems through this experience, so as to improve its own level and reduce its over-reliance on sound fixing and fan support.

Shame on you and throw it abroad! Well-known foreign musicians fight fake "Singer", who can't afford to play it?

In the long run, only truly powerful artists will be able to survive in the music industry. This is an indisputable fact, and it is also the core problem that the Chinese music scene must face and solve. In today's competitive music environment, it's not enough to rely on momentary popularity and fan following. The Chinese music scene needs singers who can constantly innovate, show their unique artistic charm and profound musical skills. They should dare to break through the shackles of tradition and actively explore new musical styles and forms of expression to adapt to the development of the times and the increasingly diverse needs of audiences.

Shame on you and throw it abroad! Well-known foreign musicians fight fake "Singer", who can't afford to play it?

As a whole, it is also necessary to establish a more healthy and just development mechanism. We can't just be guided by commercial interests and ignore the quality and value of the music itself. It is necessary to give more opportunities and resources to those musicians who are truly talented and have potential, so that they can give full play to their talents and contribute to the prosperity of the Chinese music scene.

At the same time, music education is crucial. We need to cultivate more professional and innovative musicians, and improve the overall level of the Chinese music scene from the roots. Strengthen the popularization and depth of music education, let more people understand and love music, and inject a steady stream of fresh blood into the Chinese music scene.

Shame on you and throw it abroad! Well-known foreign musicians fight fake "Singer", who can't afford to play it?

In addition, the Chinese music scene should also strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the international music industry. Through interaction and learning with outstanding international musicians, they can absorb advanced music concepts and techniques, and broaden their horizons and ideas. Only by constantly learning and improving can we occupy a place on the global music stage.

Shame on you and throw it abroad! Well-known foreign musicians fight fake "Singer", who can't afford to play it?

In the face of the current problems and challenges, we must not be discouraged, let alone evade. Everyone who loves music should take action and work together for the future of the Chinese music scene. Whether it is a singer, producer, music educator or ordinary listener, they can all play a role in their own position and promote the development of the Chinese music scene in a better direction.

The development of the Chinese music scene is indeed full of challenges, but as long as we have a firm belief and continue to make unremitting efforts, we will be able to help it overcome many difficulties and move towards a new glorious stage. This is not only a beautiful expectation, but also the direction of our joint efforts.

Shame on you and throw it abroad! Well-known foreign musicians fight fake "Singer", who can't afford to play it?

We should be well aware that the difficulties faced by the Chinese music scene cannot be solved overnight, which requires us to think deeply and take positive actions from multiple levels. In terms of creation, more musicians are encouraged to break through the routine and tap into their innermost emotions and inspirations to create works with more depth and connotation. These works should not just be in line with the fashion trends of the moment, but should have the power to transcend time and space, and can truly touch people's hearts and resonate.

Shame on you and throw it abroad! Well-known foreign musicians fight fake "Singer", who can't afford to play it?

At the same time, we should pay attention to cultivating the all-round quality of musical talents. Not only singing skills, but also a deep understanding, the fusion and innovation of different musical styles, and a unique perception of art. Through a professional education and training system, we will provide a steady stream of high-quality talents for the Chinese music scene, and they will become the backbone of promoting the development of the Chinese music scene.

In terms of operation, we need to establish a more complete and fair mechanism. Protect the rights and interests of musicians, so that they can create with peace of mind without worrying about the improper use of their works or the infringement of their own interests. At the same time, it promotes healthy competition in the music market, avoids vulgar and inferior music, and creates a healthy and positive music environment.

Shame on you and throw it abroad! Well-known foreign musicians fight fake "Singer", who can't afford to play it?

International exchange and cooperation are also crucial. Through interaction and cooperation with outstanding musicians from all over the world, we are able to absorb advanced music concepts and technologies, combine them with the characteristics of Chinese music, and create musical works with unique charm. Let Chinese music truly go to the world stage, show our cultural heritage and artistic style to the world, and let the whole world appreciate the unique charm and powerful power of Chinese music.

Shame on you and throw it abroad! Well-known foreign musicians fight fake "Singer", who can't afford to play it?

Every one of us who loves music should take responsibility, start from ourselves, support genuine music, pay attention to excellent musicians and works, actively participate in various music activities, and contribute to the development of the Chinese music scene. Whether it's giving sincere feedback and encouragement as listeners, or striving to improve ourselves as creators, we're all working towards the same goal.

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