
That year, my comrades-in-arms and I went on a business trip by train, but we starved all the way and it took 10 days to return to the camp

author:Zero Seven Story Meeting

This article is a novel story, some of the plots are fictional, if there are similarities are purely coincidental, the picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted.

Text | Zero Seven Story Meeting

Edit | Zero Seven Story Meeting

This is the most precious and unforgettable period of my life. In 1982, at the age of 18, I left my hometown and came to this arms transfer station stationed in Hunan Province with infinite longing for my military career.

That year, my comrades-in-arms and I went on a business trip by train, but we starved all the way and it took 10 days to return to the camp

The picture comes from the Internet

Based on my fanatical love for weapons since childhood, I was assigned to the seemingly ordinary but responsible position of arms escort. As a professional arms convoy, our mission is to safely transport munitions from military factories across the country to the front-line troops.

This is a dangerous task that requires being fully armed and ready to respond to unexpected situations. To make matters more difficult, we also had to learn professional escort skills such as jumping and climbing at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour.

Although the process was arduous, I was willing to do it for the sake of the security of the country and the people. That year, I was running around the railroad with a few comrades who fought side by side.

The living conditions were very bad, except for some dry food and compressed biscuits, there was almost nothing on the road. For washing water and eating, you can only take advantage of the temporary stop of the train to go to the nearby construction site to get hot water, or go to the village and town to buy some coarse tea and light rice and cook it yourself.

But even so, I have no regrets. Because I know that we are making our own contribution to the security of the motherland and the people. With this pride and sense of mission, we just carried the gun on our shoulders.

During those years of military service, my comrades-in-arms and I often had to endure incomparable hardships and dangers. The long-distance escort again and again was like a heavy blow, but we never flinched.

The most memorable was a winter in '84. At that time, we had to complete a 10-day escort mission, escorting from South China to the front line in North China. Although we brought some dry food with us before departure, we were quickly running out of food.

On a cold winter day, we can only rely on the thin cotton jacket on our bodies to keep out the cold. The night was even more chilly, and we fell asleep in the steam-filled carriage, fully armed. Even so, there are still eyes that are regularly glued to the dark for fear of any slip-ups.

That year, my comrades-in-arms and I went on a business trip by train, but we starved all the way and it took 10 days to return to the camp

The picture comes from the Internet

When the dry food bottomed out, we had to go back and forth to the small villages along the route to beg for food. Sometimes, when we finally get hungry at a small restaurant, we will happily buy a few fritters and bread and share what is called a "big meal".

It's a pity that the conditions in those days were so bad that even such simple food was a luxury for us. Gradually, our bodies are rapidly emaciated due to malnutrition.

The most uncomfortable thing for me was my lips, which were cracked, bleeding and painful due to the long-term lack of vitamins. But even so, we gritted our teeth and persevered, and delivered the arms all the way to their destination safely.

The days of the return trip were better. If we pass through a big city, we can stay there for a few days to refuel and relax. I remember one time, we stayed in Changsha for 3 days, playing and shopping during the day, and eating some home-cooked food in a small restaurant at night, which is still unforgettable.

Around the 8th day, we had not eaten for several days. The physical and psychological torture made me feel tired and hopeless like never before. The wound on the lip has scabbed, but it still oozes blood from time to time due to dryness.

At this time, I can't help but feel homesick, the bowl of white rice and white noodles made by my mother, and the smell of spring tide after the rain in the village.

But at least we were still on the train, and we barely had a shelter from the wind and rain. When I thought of my destitute comrades-in-arms in the poor countryside along the route, my pain suddenly became insignificant.

To make matters worse, one night we were suddenly attacked by bandits. They are so vicious that they try to snatch the arms from us and shoot at our positions. We confronted them in the night, and you came and went, and the smoke of gunfire was everywhere.

At that moment, the threat of death hanging by a thread completely crushed me. As I was about to be exhausted, losing to hunger and despair, I suddenly remembered my comrades in front of me.

That year, my comrades-in-arms and I went on a business trip by train, but we starved all the way and it took 10 days to return to the camp

The picture comes from the Internet

I know that they are waiting for our arms with their thumbs on their hands. Once we are lost, they are in danger of being devoured by a heavily armed enemy.

Yes, as long as we can't safely deliver the arms to them, then all the efforts we have made in the past few years will be in vain.

In order not to let years of hard work go to waste, in order not to let my comrades-in-arms lose their magic weapon and fall into a desperate situation, I decided to fight hard and fight for my last breath!

I immediately stepped forward and opened fire with my gun at the unreasonable bandits. Fierce flames flickered in the darkness, and the earth trembled with the deafening sound of gunfire.

Soon, a group of bandits fell in response, and the rest fled in a panic. After this battle, we were all exhausted and almost no longer human.

But just as I thought I was going to die, there was a dull sound of a horn in the distance. I barely opened my eyes, and through the heavy fog, I saw the figures of my comrades-in-arms holding flowers and lining up to welcome them.

Finally, we used our last strength to complete this difficult task and handed over the arms to our comrades-in-arms one by one. Seeing their ecstatic appearance, I smiled with relief.

In this way, I was discharged from the army and demobilized, and since then I have ended my career as an arms escort. Looking back on those years, my youth was indeed devastating.

That year, my comrades-in-arms and I went on a business trip by train, but we starved all the way and it took 10 days to return to the camp

The picture comes from the Internet

Long-term malnutrition and hardships left my body weak for a while. After retiring, I had to stay in bed for a long time to regain some strength. What's even more terrifying is that I have a permanent scar on my lips, and I am afraid that I will never be able to kiss my beloved again.

However, whenever I see the shallow gunshot scar on my arm, I feel a sense of pride. I am proud of the fact that I have fulfilled the heavy responsibility of escorting arms for the people of my country and in the most dangerous environment.

Once, I stumbled upon the instructor with whom I had some relationship. After many years, he now lives a comfortable and prosperous life, but I don't envy it at all. On the contrary, when he saw me, he showed a look of envy.

Yes, did he ever fight alone to protect the safety of the motherland and the people in that youth, like me? Has he, like me, ever tried a desperate situation where his life was in danger?

Although the price is covered in bruises, I am proud of it, proud of it. Because this is the ironclad proof of my dedication to the motherland and the defense of the country when I was young!

Therefore, the hardships and tiredness of the past have now turned into the most valuable wealth in life. This is a unique youthful memory that belongs to those of us who once transported arms, and it is a life experience that no one else can match.

How did I know all this? But now that I look back, my heart suddenly brightened.

That year, my comrades-in-arms and I went on a business trip by train, but we starved all the way and it took 10 days to return to the camp

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