
The first bean white lentils to dispel dampness, eat it to nourish the spleen and stomach, improve immunity, and tonify the kidney and lower blood sugar

author:Xiao Xu's life notes

Hello everyone, I'm Xiao Xu, and today I want to talk to you about a special topic: white lentils. Did you know that white lentils are a good thing, and are known as "the first bean to dispel dampness" by traditional Chinese medicine?

It can not only help us get rid of dampness in the body, but also have multiple effects such as tonifying the spleen and stomach, improving immunity, tonifying the kidney and lowering blood sugar. Next, I will give you a detailed introduction to this magical little bean, and attach some delicious recipes and how to choose them.

Let's first talk about the nutritional health theory of white lentils. In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, dampness is the source of all diseases, it quietly invades our body, causing all kinds of discomfort. The white lentils, which are slightly warm in nature and sweet in taste, enter the spleen and stomach meridians, and are good medicinal materials for blindly dispelling dampness. Li Shizhen recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that white lentils can "replenish the five internal organs, adjust the middle, and help the twelve meridians". To put it simply, it can reconcile the spleen and stomach, help the body to transport dampness, so as to achieve the effect of dispelling dampness.

The first bean white lentils to dispel dampness, eat it to nourish the spleen and stomach, improve immunity, and tonify the kidney and lower blood sugar

In the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it was recorded: "White lentils, their temperament is mild, neutralized, and the valley of the spleen is also." Entering the Taiyin Qi Division, Tongli Sanjiao, can clear and reduce turbidity, so it specializes in treating the disease of the middle palace, dissipating heat and dehumidifying and detoxifying. It can be seen that white lentils are a good medicine for harmonizing the spleen and stomach, dispelling dampness and detoxifying.

Modern medicine has also found that white lentils are rich in protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, which have a positive effect on maintaining the normal physiological functions of the human body, improving immunity, and lowering blood sugar. Especially for some people with diabetes, weak spleen and stomach, low immunity, etc., white lentils are a good food therapy.

With all that said, how do we eat white lentils? Don't worry, I'm going to introduce you to a few simple and delicious recipes.

1. Honey-made white lentils

Ingredients: white bean beans, sugar sugar, white sugar, honey, water.

Production steps: Cook the white lentils, add rock sugar, white sugar and an appropriate amount of water to boil together, until the lentils are soft and the sugar water is thick, add honey to taste.

2. White lentil dampness soup

Ingredients: winter melon, white lentils, salt, large bones, ginger.

Steps: Wash and blanch the bones, put them in a pot with white lentils and ginger, add enough water and simmer. After the soup is thick and white, add the winter melon pieces and continue to simmer until the winter melon is fully cooked, and finally add salt to taste.

3. White lentil multigrain porridge

Ingredients: white lentils, yams, lotus seeds, coix seeds, red adzuki beans, japonica rice.

Steps: Foam the white lentils and grains in advance, and cut the yam into small pieces. First, put the boilable white lentils, coix seeds, red adzuki beans and lotus seeds into a pot with warm water and bring to a boil over low heat. After the beans and rice bloom, add the japonica rice and boil slowly. When the soup is a little thicker, add the yam segments, cook until thick, then turn off the heat, and simmer for a while before serving.

Fourth, white lentil and red date soup

Ingredients: fresh white lentils, red dates, rock sugar, osmanthus.

Steps: Wash the white lentils and red dates and put them in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water and simmer. After the lentils are fully cooked, add rock sugar and osmanthus to taste.

The first bean white lentils to dispel dampness, eat it to nourish the spleen and stomach, improve immunity, and tonify the kidney and lower blood sugar

Of course, choosing white lentils is also a science. When buying, you should choose white lentils with full grains, bright color and no moths. If you find moldy or moth-eaten beans, never buy them. In addition, it is best to soak white lentils in water for a few hours before cooking, so that the cooked beans are softer and more delicious.

Speaking of which, I would like to remind you that while white lentils have so many benefits, they are not suitable for everyone. For example, for some people with a weak spleen and stomach, excessive consumption of white lentils may cause diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms. Therefore, when you eat white lentils, you must eat them in moderation according to your physical condition.

Of course, you also need to pay attention to the appropriate amount when eating white lentils, as excessive consumption may cause uncomfortable symptoms such as indigestion. In addition, special groups such as pregnant and lactating women should consult a doctor before consuming it.

The first bean white lentils to dispel dampness, eat it to nourish the spleen and stomach, improve immunity, and tonify the kidney and lower blood sugar

Although white lentils are just an ordinary ingredient, as long as we use them well, they can exert their great health value. I hope everyone can eat more white lentils in their daily life to make our bodies healthier and more energetic!

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