
Pig's trotters are the "killer" of kidney failure? The elderly don't want their kidneys to "strike" and eat more of these 4 things

author:Dr. Zhang Yu, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner

In my many years of TCM practice, there is such an old gentleman who impresses me deeply.

He was over seventy years old, his face was dull, and his gait was faltering, and it turned out that he had been addicted to pig's trotters, which he thought were good for nourishment.

However, it was this "nourishment" that overwhelmed his kidneys, and his kidney function gradually declined.

Pig's trotters are the "killer" of kidney failure? The elderly don't want their kidneys to "strike" and eat more of these 4 things

This case deeply saddened me and reminded me;

For the elderly, the right diet is essential to protect the kidneys.

The "double face" of pig's trotters: the hidden dangers behind the deliciousness

This thing, soft and glutinous, fragrant and smooth, a mouthful of collagen is very beneficial to our skin;

Who doesn't like a bounce and slippery face that can make our faces bounce and slippery like when we were young?

Pig's trotters are the "killer" of kidney failure? The elderly don't want their kidneys to "strike" and eat more of these 4 things

But, old folks, let's be sober, the pig's trotters are not simple;

Its thick layer of fat is like a hidden assassin hidden behind the food.

We're older, and our kidneys are like that old machine, not as flexible as they were when we were younger.

At this time, if you add such a large amount of fat to the kidneys to deal with;

Isn't that just putting pressure on the old machine, and in the long run, where can the kidneys stand it?

Pig's trotters are the "killer" of kidney failure? The elderly don't want their kidneys to "strike" and eat more of these 4 things

Add a bunch of fat to stir up, and the kidney has to work overtime, and after a long time, it has to lie down tired.

When the time comes, let alone beauty, if you can't even maintain basic physical health, then the gains will outweigh the losses.

So old guys, we have to be smart, although the pig's trotters are good, we can't be greedy.

Try it once in a while to satisfy your cravings, and don't use it as a daily tonic.

Pig's trotters are the "killer" of kidney failure? The elderly don't want their kidneys to "strike" and eat more of these 4 things

We have to learn to balance the needs of our skin and the health of our kidneys.

Kidney-healthy food choices:

1. Fruits rich in vitamin C

Like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits.

Not only are these fruits delicious, but they also contain a lot of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is very important for kidney health because it helps us maintain the acid-base balance of our urine;

Pig's trotters are the "killer" of kidney failure? The elderly don't want their kidneys to "strike" and eat more of these 4 things

This is very important for the prevention of diseases such as kidney stones.

Moreover, these fruits also contain other vitamins and minerals, which are also very helpful in improving immunity and protecting our body.

2. Fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids

Such as salmon, mackerel and sardines.

These fish are very beneficial for kidney health because Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation in the kidneys and protect kidney function.

Pig's trotters are the "killer" of kidney failure? The elderly don't want their kidneys to "strike" and eat more of these 4 things

And these fish are also a good source of high-quality protein, which is also very helpful for the repair and growth of our body.

3. Whole grain foods

Such as brown rice, oats, and whole-wheat bread.

These foods are rich in dietary fiber and trace elements, which are very beneficial for kidney health.

Pig's trotters are the "killer" of kidney failure? The elderly don't want their kidneys to "strike" and eat more of these 4 things

Dietary fiber can help us maintain intestinal health, while trace elements are indispensable nutrients for our body.

It is very important for maintaining the proper functioning of the kidneys.

4. Nuts and seeds

Such as almonds, walnuts and flaxseeds.

These foods contain healthy fats and trace elements that are very beneficial for kidney health.

Healthy fats can help us maintain a healthy heart;

Pig's trotters are the "killer" of kidney failure? The elderly don't want their kidneys to "strike" and eat more of these 4 things

Trace elements, on the other hand, help us maintain our body's electrolyte balance, which is important for kidney health.

What are some good habits in your daily routine to prevent kidney failure?

Maintain proper water intake:

Drinking enough water can help the kidneys eliminate waste and toxins while preventing urinary tract infections and kidney stones.

Control blood pressure:

High blood pressure is one of the main causes of kidney disease.

Pig's trotters are the "killer" of kidney failure? The elderly don't want their kidneys to "strike" and eat more of these 4 things

It is crucial to maintain blood pressure within the normal range through a healthy lifestyle and necessary medications.

Blood sugar control:

For people with diabetes, maintaining stable blood sugar levels is key to preventing kidney damage.

Avoid smoking and alcohol:

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are harmful to the kidneys. They can accelerate the decline of kidney function, so it's best to quit smoking and limit alcohol.

Regular medical check-ups:

Pig's trotters are the "killer" of kidney failure? The elderly don't want their kidneys to "strike" and eat more of these 4 things

Regular physical check-ups, especially urinalysis and kidney function tests, can help detect kidney problems early and treat them promptly.

Moderate Exercise:

regular physical activity, such as walking, running, swimming, or cycling;

Helps maintain a healthy weight and blood pressure, which are extremely important for kidney health.

Avoid substance abuse:

Long-term overdose on certain medications can damage the kidneys. Follow your doctor's instructions and don't take medication indiscriminately.

Pig's trotters are the "killer" of kidney failure? The elderly don't want their kidneys to "strike" and eat more of these 4 things

Learn to cope with stress:

Long-term stress can affect your blood pressure and blood sugar levels, which in turn can damage your kidneys.

Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to reduce stress.