
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Measuring the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of China, he wants to destroy Chinese youth with a pacifier plan

author:Sweet Path

In July 2022, Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Safari announced in an interview that Iran had submitted a formal application to join the BRICS in order to seek stronger and stronger economic support to counter U.S. sanctions.

The move reverberated in the United States, because in 1997 Zbigniew Brzezinski, a key figure behind the US president, predicted that an alliance between China, Russia and Iran would pose a major threat to US hegemony.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Measuring the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of China, he wants to destroy Chinese youth with a pacifier plan

First, he was resolutely opposed to the Soviet Union.

Zbigniew Brzezinski predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union early on, and even after the collapse, he still saw Russia as one of the major challenges facing the United States in Eurasia.

He once said: "I am sad about the future of Europe, because Russia will play a more prominent role in Europe. ”

Brzezinski's anti-Russian sentiments were formed long in the early days. His father, Tadeusz, was a career diplomat in Poland who was posted to the Soviet Union in 1938 for diplomatic service. During this period, Tadeush made a bad impression of the Soviet Union. With the demarcation of the Polish border at the Yalta Conference, his dislike of the Soviet Union deepened.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Measuring the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of China, he wants to destroy Chinese youth with a pacifier plan

Brzezinski's father buried anti-Soviet and anti-communist sentiments in his heart, and this concept was quietly passed on to Brzezinski, making him regard the study of the Soviet Union as his life's work.

After entering the political arena, he turned his anti-Soviet and anti-communist stance into his own diplomatic proposition. In his attitude toward the Soviet Union, he always advocated "toughness" rather than "détente."

In 1961, Brzezinski was hired by Kennedy as a foreign policy adviser. In that year, he argued that the Soviet Union had fallen into a period of political and economic stagnation, predicting that the Soviet Union would be divided along the basis of nationality.

Over the years, he not only adhered to this prophecy, but also promoted the collapse of the Soviet Union through practical actions. He advocated a strategy of "peaceful engagement" and advocated the internal disintegration of the Soviet Union. Suggested to President Carter that support the Afghan anti-Soviet faction be used to induce the Soviet Union to send troops to Afghanistan.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Measuring the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of China, he wants to destroy Chinese youth with a pacifier plan

The Soviet Union really fell into the trap set by Brzezinski and sent troops to Afghanistan, causing the whole country to be mired in war.

Brzezinski's hatred of the Soviet Union stemmed not only from his intrinsic anti-Soviet sentiments, but also because he believed that the protection of American national interests must ensure control of Eurasia. The Soviet Union's influence in Eurasia would encroach on the interests of the United States, so he sought to cooperate with another country to contain the Soviet Union's development and protect American interests, and that cooperation was with China.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Measuring the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of China, he wants to destroy Chinese youth with a pacifier plan

II. In Order to Safeguard US National Interests, He Chose to Carry Out Close Cooperation with China Although Brzezinski has always been known for his hard-line "anti-communist" stance, when it comes to the China issue, he has unexpectedly actively advocated the establishment of close cooperative relations with China.

Early on, Brzezinski believed that China was more dangerous than the Soviet Union. However, it was not until the 60s that he became convinced that China did not intend to replace the Soviet Union's leadership in the communist world, and that China's overall strength was relatively weak at that time and could not make an impact on the international standing of the United States.

Thus, Brzezinski's attitude towards China has changed significantly. He stressed the importance of China's strategic position in Eurasia and China's role as a counterweight in the triangular relationship between China, the United States and the Soviet Union.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Measuring the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of China, he wants to destroy Chinese youth with a pacifier plan

On March 8, 1977, Zbigniew Brzezinski submitted to President Carter a memorandum on U.S.-China relations, in which he mentioned the need for the United States to actively engage in dialogue with China and listed the benefits of establishing diplomatic relations with China.

President Carter accepted Brzezinski's proposal and strengthened economic and trade ties with China during his tenure.

On May 20, 1978, Zbigniew Brzezinski visited China, restarting normalization talks between the two countries and promoting exchanges in science and technology, military and other fields.

After the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, Brzezinski continued to expand and deepen bilateral relations. The ties he made with China became a source of pride during his tenure.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Measuring the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of China, he wants to destroy Chinese youth with a pacifier plan

After Carter stepped down, Zbigniew Brzezinski retired from politics and joined the university faculty position, but he still maintained his interest in American politics.

He proposed a global strategy to maintain the geopolitical advantage of the United States in Eurasia by promoting European integration and deepening the US-European alliance. Brzezinski saw Europe as the geostrategic bridgehead of the United States on the continent.

On the other hand, he stressed the absolute need to prevent China, Russia and Iran from forming an alliance. In his view, these three countries are located in a key global geopolitical position, can make up for each other, and once united, they will pose a serious threat to US hegemony. To prevent an alliance from forming, the United States needs to choose carefully to act between China, Russia, and Iran, so as not to prompt them to form an alliance.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Measuring the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of China, he wants to destroy Chinese youth with a pacifier plan

Considering China's rise, Brzezinski stressed that the United States should not ignore China, but should actively seek an alliance with China.

In December 2016, after the U.S. presidential election, Zbigniew Brzezinski once again reiterated his view that the United States can no longer dominate a multipolar world on its own, and that active cooperation with China is a way to expand U.S. international influence and conform to U.S. interests.

However, since 2018, the United States has unilaterally provoked China-US economic and trade frictions, and China-US relations have been tested again. At a time of confrontation between the United States and Russia, relations between the United States and Iran are also deteriorating. With Iran applying to join the BRICS, the situation that Brzezinski had feared began to emerge.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Measuring the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of China, he wants to destroy Chinese youth with a pacifier plan

In fact, regardless of the country's policy, Brzezinski has always been guided by the national interests of the United States. While he advocates cooperation with China, he shares all Americans' concerns about China's rise.

Therefore, the "pacifier plan" he proposed became an effective means for the United States to prevent China's development.

III. The "Pacifier Plan" In order to contain China's development and growth, the United States not only widely propagated the "China threat theory," but also applied to China the strategy of peaceful evolution that was once used by the Soviet Union.

In 1995, San Francisco hosted a conference of 500 world-class elites focused on how to maintain their elite status. These elites believe that with globalization, the gap between rich and poor will become a major problem in society.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Measuring the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of China, he wants to destroy Chinese youth with a pacifier plan

In the future, they predict that 20% of the population will control 80% of the resources of society, and 80% will be marginalized, which will cause great discontent. In response, the scheming Brzezinski proposed the much-praised "pacifier plan".

According to Brzezinski, the marginalized 80% of the population is like a crying baby, and in order to soothe and calm them, no real milk is needed, just a pacifier is provided. Through warm, anesthetic, low-cost, semi-satisfying entertainment, these people are distracted while gradually accepting the reality of being abandoned by the elite world.

As these 80% of marginalized people become addicted to entertainment, the gap with the elite gradually widens, and even if they want to resist, they become powerless.

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Measuring the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of China, he wants to destroy Chinese youth with a pacifier plan

According to Brzezinski, the most effective forms of entertainment to realize this concept include popular audiovisual programs, such as idols, variety shows, and reality shows, as well as entertainment that can be vented, such as gambling, tobacco, alcohol, and pornography. For those who are unable to improve themselves, this sense of emptiness and powerlessness in life can be temporarily relieved by this "nipple" and make them feel short-term happiness.

This plan was quickly introduced to China. In 1996, Time magazine put Gong Li on the cover, and then more and more stars began to appear on Time Magazine. With the rapid development of the entertainment industry, Western countries have become more proficient in the application of China's "nipple strategy".

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Measuring the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of China, he wants to destroy Chinese youth with a pacifier plan

In order to erode and distort the mainstream values of Chinese society and weaken the value judgment ability of the younger generation, Western countries have implemented a series of strategies. First of all, by setting up entertainment stars for young people in a timely manner, that is, "nipples". Then, the high income and wealth of entertainment stars led young people to transition from money worship to star worship. Finally, promote entertainment stars to get involved in the capital market, and manipulate the words and deeds of the younger generation by controlling self-media tools.

To this end, the relevant departments of the mainland have taken strict measures to crack down on the illegal acts of celebrities, curb the unhealthy atmosphere in the entertainment industry, and maintain the dominant position of the core socialist values.

The West's "nipple plan" is not only targeted at marginalized groups, but also has a series of policies for the elite. For example, bribing elites through monetary gains, brainwashing with American values and ideology, supporting the opposition and cultivating pro-American regimes.

When faced with a powerful blow, people often need to react quickly and take a counterattack. However, many people are unable to effectively fight back against the frog-like anesthetic attack of a boiled frog in warm water. This reminds us once again that we must maintain sober and independent thinking at all times and truly defend our national spirit.

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