
Na Ying forgot the words! Intense cast spell or high-energy burst? "Singer 2024" is revealed on the spot

author:Funny breeze pY

Na Ying forgot the words: a wonderful performance in a tense state

On the evening of May 17, the second live broadcast of "Singer 2024" attracted a large number of viewers, among which Na Ying's performance became the focus. Na Ying forgot the words when singing the song "Break Free", which sparked heated discussions among netizens. Despite her nervousness during her singing and her constant reliance on a teleprompter, her singing is still loved by the audience.

Na Ying forgot the words! Intense cast spell or high-energy burst? "Singer 2024" is revealed on the spot

Na Ying's live performance made people feel her many years of singing skills and rich stage experience. Although she was a little nervous in the first half and the treble wasn't fully opened, in the second half she gradually relaxed and her condition improved significantly, showing her professionalism. Netizens ridiculed: "Yingzi, are you casting a spell and chanting a spell?" But nervousness is nervousness, and everyone still spoke highly of her singing. In particular, her ability to maintain a high level of singing in tense situations is even more admirable.

Na Ying forgot the words! Intense cast spell or high-energy burst? "Singer 2024" is revealed on the spot

The audience also noticed that Na Ying seemed very stable when she was in the prelude, which was obviously her domain. Although her performance this time was not her best, her voice was still powerful and able to move the audience. Many netizens said that they fell in love with the singer who was nearly sixty years old again, and felt her craftsman attitude of sharpening a sword for decades and her passion for singing in the burning years. Some netizens even said that they could imagine that Na Ying was still singing vigorously at the age of eighty or ninety, and this kind of imagination made people's blood boil.

Na Ying forgot the words! Intense cast spell or high-energy burst? "Singer 2024" is revealed on the spot

Discussion in the Chinese music scene: the controversy over Na Ying's second place

Na Ying won the second place in this live broadcast, which also caused some controversy. Some people questioned that she could get such a high ranking even when she forgot her words, but many viewers thought that the audience might be out of respect for Na Ying and hoped that she could hold the position in the Chinese music scene. A netizen bluntly said: "Yingzi, thank you for saving my ears, but why are you nervous and forgetting your words?" Such comments are both an affirmation of her performance and a concern about her form.

Na Ying forgot the words! Intense cast spell or high-energy burst? "Singer 2024" is revealed on the spot

In addition to Na Ying, the performance of other participating singers also sparked discussions. Rainie Yang was criticized for being out of tune, and Wang Sulong's singing was evaluated as "ugly", which made many netizens question the current situation of the Chinese music scene. A netizen humorously summarized: "Yingzi forgot the words, Rainie Yang is out of tune, and Wang Sulong is ugly...... What's wrong with the Chinese music scene? Such ridicule not only reflects the helplessness of the audience, but also expresses their expectations for the singers.

Na Ying forgot the words! Intense cast spell or high-energy burst? "Singer 2024" is revealed on the spot

Ear Emperor's evaluation: A wonderful adaptation that does not hide Yu

The well-known music critic Er Di spoke highly of Na Ying's performance in the second issue of "Singer 2024". He thinks Na Ying's voice is very good, and the song "Break Free" is also very suitable for her style. Er Di pointed out that although Na Ying forgot the words during the singing, her final adaptation atmosphere was very good, and the rough vitality in her voice was fully amplified. This makes the cover of the whole song very valuable and a successful rendition.

Na Ying forgot the words! Intense cast spell or high-energy burst? "Singer 2024" is revealed on the spot

Erdi's evaluation sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some people believe that it is precisely because of Na Ying's years of accumulation that she can still play well in tense situations. Some people also said that even if there are flaws, Na Ying's singing is still full of strength and emotion, which is what really touches people's hearts. A netizen joked: "When the old man looks at the teleprompter, it's the same as casting spells and chanting spells, but she still sings so well, it's magical!" ”

Na Ying forgot the words! Intense cast spell or high-energy burst? "Singer 2024" is revealed on the spot

A singer in his sixties: Na Ying's persistence and charm

As a singer in her sixties, Na Ying is still active on the stage, and her persistence and charm are moving. Her singing is not only a skill, but also an emotional expression precipitated over the years. Although there was a mistake in forgetting the words in "Break Free" this time, she was still able to complete a high-level singing in a tense state, showing her professionalism and professionalism. The audience was not only fascinated by her voice, but also moved by her persistence.

Na Ying forgot the words! Intense cast spell or high-energy burst? "Singer 2024" is revealed on the spot

Many netizens said that they fell in love with Na Ying again because of her love and dedication to music for decades. She burns years on stage and touches people's hearts with her singing, which is admirable. A netizen said: "I never thought that I would be able to fall in love with a singer who is nearly sixty years old again, in addition to her craftsman attitude of sharpening a sword for decades, there is also a kind of moving that she sings in the burning years." This kind of comment is not only an affirmation of Na Ying, but also a kind of admiration for the spirit of music.

Na Ying forgot the words! Intense cast spell or high-energy burst? "Singer 2024" is revealed on the spot

Singer Live: A musical feast worth looking forward to

The live broadcast of "Singer 2024" is not only a competition, but also a feast of music. Each of the singers showed their talent and strength on stage. Despite the mistakes and controversies, it was these real performances that made the audience feel the charm of the music and the excitement of the stage. Na Ying's nervousness and forgetting words not only did not affect her performance, but made people see her truth and hard work.

Na Ying forgot the words! Intense cast spell or high-energy burst? "Singer 2024" is revealed on the spot

Many viewers expressed their opinions when watching the live broadcast, thinking that this live broadcast was full of surprises and highlights. Someone said: "I'm really a stupid b and a waste of time when I click on the singer's live broadcast on Friday night." But many more said that such a show was exactly the kind of musical feast they were looking forward to, full of challenges and surprises.

The expectations of the audience and the future of the Chinese music scene

For a show like "Singer 2024", the audience has high expectations. They hope to see more excellent performances and wonderful arrangements, and they also hope that the singers can show their best selves on stage. Although Na Ying's performance was flawed, her voice and singing still touched many audiences. This also makes people look forward to the future of the Chinese music scene.

Na Ying forgot the words! Intense cast spell or high-energy burst? "Singer 2024" is revealed on the spot

Netizens expressed their opinions in the comment area, some ridiculed, some praised, and some put forward constructive suggestions. This kind of interaction makes the show not only stay on the stage, but also become a feast of cultural exchange and discussion. Someone said: "Na Ying sings so well, even if she forgets the words, she can't hide her flaws." Some people also said: "I hope to see more wonderful performances like this in the future, the Chinese music scene needs such programs to improve." ”

Na Ying forgot the words! Intense cast spell or high-energy burst? "Singer 2024" is revealed on the spot

Controversy and discussion: the charm of music programming

The incident of Na Ying forgetting words in the second live broadcast of "Singer 2024" has sparked extensive discussions among the audience. This kind of controversy and discussion is the charm of music programs. Through such a program, the audience can not only enjoy the wonderful performance, but also participate in the discussion of music and performance. This kind of interaction and participation makes the program more colorful, and also allows the audience's love for music to be fully expressed.

Na Ying forgot the words! Intense cast spell or high-energy burst? "Singer 2024" is revealed on the spot

Although Na Ying's performance has made mistakes, her professionalism and hard work are still admirable. During the discussion, the audience not only expressed their love for her, but also raised their expectations for the show and other singers. This variety of sounds is where the value of the music program lies. Through such programs, the audience can learn more about music and performance, and they can also love this fascinating art form even more.

Na Ying forgot the words! Intense cast spell or high-energy burst? "Singer 2024" is revealed on the spot

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