
In addition to sexual impurity, these conditions can also increase the rate of HPV infection!

author:Xiangyang No. 5 Hospital

Cervical cancer is in women other than breast cancer

The second most common malignancy

Nowadays with publicity and popularity

More and more people are starting to pay attention to it

There are also more and more people who understand

Cervical cancer is associated with HPV (human papillomavirus).

In addition to sexual impurity, these conditions can also increase the rate of HPV infection!

However, many girls still know that it will be transmitted through sexual contact, and subconsciously think that only women who have sex will be infected with HPV, and even more one-sidedly feel that women infected with HPV virus have problems in their private lives.


What is cervical cancer?

In addition to sexual impurity, these conditions can also increase the rate of HPV infection!

Cervical cancer is one of the common malignant tumors in gynecology, and it is mainly an invasive cancer of the cervix. Its occurrence is closely related to HPV infection.

Human papillomavirus is referred to as HPV, and nearly 200 HPV subtypes have been discovered, among which there are high-risk HPV types with high carcinogenic toxicity, and some low-risk HPV generally do not cause malignant tumors, but may cause genital warts.

○ Low-risk HPV infection

If there is no vulvovaginal genital warts to the naked eye, you can listen to the doctor's advice according to your own situation and continue to prepare for pregnancy;

Patients with other infections (including bacterial vaginosis, gonorrhoea and Chlamydia trachomatis infection, etc.) are advised to try to conceive after treatment;

If warts can be visually visible to the naked eye, or if cytology reveals low-grade intraepithelial lesions in the cervix, it is recommended to cure the warts before pregnancy because of the high hormone levels during pregnancy and the abundant blood supply to the pelvic genital system.

○ High-risk HPV infection

Colposcopy evaluation is no lesion, and pregnancy can be prepared under normal circumstances;

colposcopic evaluation reveals suspicious lesions, and cervical biopsy is given:

If the cervix has a low-grade intraepithelial lesion, you can usually continue to try to conceive;

If the lesion is high-grade, it is recommended to wait until the cervical lesion has healed before considering childbearing.


In whom is HPV infection more likely to occur?

Most patients are sexually infected with high-risk HPV viruses.

But to be clear, HPV-positive ≠ cervical cancer. Long-term, persistent, high-risk HPV infection increases the risk of precancerous changes in the cervix.

In addition to sexual impurity, these conditions can also increase the rate of HPV infection!

In addition, if you have the following 5 types of conditions, you should be extra vigilant for cervical cancer:

○ Early sexual intercourse, multiple sexual partners;

○ Premature menarche, multiple pregnancies, early childbirth;

○ Poor hygiene habits, unclean sexual life;

○ Infection of other genital tract viruses, such as herpes simplex virus, mycoplasma, chlamydia infection;

○ Women who have been in contact with high-risk men (penile cancer, prostate cancer, or their ex-wife's history of cervical cancer) are more likely to develop cervical cancer.


How can I prevent HPV infection?


Strictly control the number of sexual partners and use condoms throughout

Women should not have sex too early and should use hygiene products that have been strictly disinfected and of good quality. HPV infection does not need to abstain from sex forever, you can have sex together, but you must do your best to protect yourself and protect yourself.

In addition to sexual impurity, these conditions can also increase the rate of HPV infection!


Pay attention to personal hygiene

Avoid cross-infection, do not share toiletries and underwear with others and clean them regularly, choose squatting instead of toilets in public toilets, and choose showers instead of sitz baths in public baths, so as to avoid spreading infection through indirect contact with objects.


Regular screenings

Women who have been sexually active for more than three years should be tested for cervical HPV virus, even if they have a regular sexual partner; Only early detection and early treatment can improve the cure rate. Women should have a gynecological examination at least once a year to detect cancerous symptoms early and buy time for treatment.

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